Python sql escape special characters

Welcome to the world of string encoding formats!

tl;dr - The preferred method for handling quotes and escape characters when storing data in MySQL columns is to use parameterized queries and let the MySQLDatabase driver handle it. Alternatively, you can escape quotes and slashes by doubling them up prior to insertion.

Full example at bottom of link

standard SQL update

# as_json must have escape slashes and quotes doubled
query = """\
        UPDATE json_sandbox
        SET data = '{}'
        WHERE id = 1;

with DBConn[*client.conn_args] as c:

parameterized SQL update

# SQL Driver will do the escaping for you
query = """\
        UPDATE json_sandbox
        SET data = %s
        WHERE id = %s;

with DBConn[*client.conn_args] as c:
    c.cursor.execute[query, [as_json, 1]]

Invalid JSON SQL

  "abc": 123,
  "quotes": "ain't it great",
  "multiLine1": "hello\nworld",
  "multiLine3": "hello\r\nuniverse\r\n"


  "abc": 123,
  "quotes": "ain''t it great",
  "multiLine1": "hello\\nworld",
  "multiLine3": "hello\\r\\nuniverse\\r\\n"

Python transform:

# must escape the escape characters, so each slash is doubled
# Some MySQL Python libraries also have an escape[] or escape_string[] method.
as_json = json.dumps[payload] \
    .replace["'", "''"] \
    .replace['\\', '\\\\']

Full example

import json
import yaml

from DataAccessLayer.mysql_va import get_sql_client, DBConn

client = get_sql_client[]

def encode_and_store[payload]:
    as_json = json.dumps[payload] \
        .replace["'", "''"] \
        .replace['\\', '\\\\']

    query = """\
            UPDATE json_sandbox
            SET data = '{}'
            WHERE id = 1;

    with DBConn[*client.conn_args] as c:


def encode_and_store_2[payload]:
    as_json = json.dumps[payload]

    query = """\
            UPDATE json_sandbox
            SET data = %s
            WHERE id = %s;

    with DBConn[*client.conn_args] as c:
        c.cursor.execute[query, [as_json, 1]]


def retrieve_and_decode[]:
    query = """
        SELECT * FROM json_sandbox
        WHERE id = 1

    with DBConn[*client.conn_args] as cnx:
        cursor = cnx.dict_cursor

        rows = cursor.fetchall[]

    as_json = rows[0].get['data']

    payload = yaml.safe_load[as_json]
    return payload

if __name__ == '__main__':

    payload = {
        "abc": 123,
        "quotes": "ain't it great",
        "multiLine1": "hello\nworld",
        "multiLine2": """
        "multiLine3": "hello\r\nuniverse\r\n"

    output_a = retrieve_and_decode[]

    output_b = retrieve_and_decode[]

    print["original: {}".format[payload]]
    print["method_a: {}".format[output_a]]
    print["method_b: {}".format[output_b]]



    print['\nAll Equal?: {}'.format[payload == output_a == output_b]]

Escape Characters

To insert characters that are illegal in a string, use an escape character.

An escape character is a backslash \ followed by the character you want to insert.

An example of an illegal character is a double quote inside a string that is surrounded by double quotes:


You will get an error if you use double quotes inside a string that is surrounded by double quotes:

txt = "We are the so-called "Vikings" from the north."

Try it Yourself »

To fix this problem, use the escape character \":


The escape character allows you to use double quotes when you normally would not be allowed:

txt = "We are the so-called \"Vikings\" from the north."

Try it Yourself »

Other escape characters used in Python:

CodeResultTry it
\' Single Quote Try it »
\\ Backslash Try it »
\n New Line Try it »
\r Carriage Return Try it »
\t Tab Try it »
\b Backspace Try it »
\f Form Feed
\ooo Octal value Try it »
\xhh Hex value Try it »

How do you escape special characters in Python?

Escape sequences allow you to include special characters in strings. To do this, simply add a backslash [ \ ] before the character you want to escape.

How do I pass special characters in SQL query?

MySQL - How to include special characters in a query.
\0 - An ASCII NUL [0x00] character..
\' - A single quote [ ' ] character..
\" - A double quote [ " ] character..
\b - A backspace character..
\n - A newline [linefeed] character..
\r - A carriage return character..
\t - A tab character..
\Z - ASCII 26 [Control-Z]..

Does Python have escape characters?

In Python strings, the backslash "\" is a special character, also called the "escape" character. It is used in representing certain whitespace characters: "\t" is a tab, "\n" is a newline, and "\r" is a carriage return.

What are the 5 escape sequences in Python?

n Escape Sequence in Python. ... .
Backslash Escape Sequence in Python. ... .
Python escape sequence for Space. ... .
Backspace Escape Sequence in Python. ... .
Python escape sequence for Hexa value. ... .
Python escape sequence for Octal value. ... .
Remove all escape sequence from a list. ... .
Python escape sequence ignore..

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