Remote Desktop Connection Manager import CSV format


This version of the wizard has been greatly enhanced to support not only all entries general fields but also sub-fields. This gives you access to all properties, even for types provided by add-ons, therefore unknown by Remote Desktop Manager.


We support native import formats from many popular tools on the market. In case we don't support the native format, or don't support the third party, we have wizards to import from a csv file.

The import feature is only active if the import Permission has been enabled inside the user account.

Adding groups and hosts ^

The current version 2.8 of RDCMan already contains a group called Hyper-V Connections if the hypervisor is activated on a computer. Integration with Hyper-V, however, is limited to the optional starting of VMConnect. Starting or stopping VMs from RDCMan, for example, is not possible; you must query even their ID using Get-VM and copy it into the corresponding field.

In the host settings VMConnect can be configured as the preferred connection type

If you want to add additional groups, you have to create a separate file [*.rdg] for each group.

Hosts can either be added to a group individually via the Edit > Add server menu or imported from a text file. When added manually, RDCMan supports different patterns, such as server[001-15], to create entries for server001 to server015.

Importing from text files ^

When imported from a file, the file must contain one host name per line; no other settings can be passed to the tool in this way.

Importing hosts from a text file into a group

For example, if you want to migrate your server list from the alternative connection manager mRemoteNG to RDCMan, you first export it as a CSV file. You can then use PowerShell to extract the names and write them into a text file using a command like this:

[Import-Csv -Delimiter ";" -Path .\\servers.csv | select hostname].hostname | Out-file -FilePath servers.txt

The display name and any description must then be added or changed manually because this data cannot be imported. Alternatively, you could read the names of hosts from Active Directory since the tool itself is not able to query AD:

[Get-ADComputer -Filter \* | select name].name | Out-File -FilePath .\\servers.txt

In practice, of course, you would use a filter other than '*'.

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