the tea party là gì - Nghĩa của từ the tea party

the tea party có nghĩa là

White trash identity politics, circa 2009-2010. This movement features the isolated and ignorant boldly and proudly acting as vassals for a small group of cynical thieves, like the Koch brothers [whose own younger brother has accused of being criminals].


Every moron in the Tea Party is interested in impoverishing themselves, as long as it keeps the Kochs, Rupert Murdoch, and other criminals rich and keeps minorities poor.

the tea party có nghĩa là

Another bunch of useful idiots who believe that a government is "small" when it wastes squillions of dollars on wars but lets poor citizens croak instead of helping them with medicare. Naive dreamers who think that capitalism is some kind of romantic exchange of goods between the farmer John Wayne and the horse breeder Gary Cooper, and the dominion of monopole corporations and banks is "socialism". Hate-filled hyprocrites who call everyone Hitler!Hitler!Hitler! but when YOU only call them "right wing" they are screaming about "political correctness gone wild" and that they are just "concerned" citizens, looking for freedom. Allegedly they don't want government involved with your everyday life - except when it comes to gay marriage [FORBID IT!] and all the other things that make baby Jesus cry.


Normal Person: Church and state should remain separate! Teabaggers: You want America to become islamic! Normal Person: No, I... Teabagger: Why do you hate America so much? Normal Person? What? I don't hate... Teabagger: And why don't you think of the children!? Think of the children! Normal Person: The children!? Gosh, what's wrong with you guys!? Teabagger: Well, well, Herr Hitler asks what's "wrong" with us! I guess you want to put everyone in a concetration camp who asks the "wrong" questions, hm? Normal Person: Jesus Christ, you're fucking crazy. Teabagger: See! Everyone who asks the "wrong" questions is "crazy" and has to be put in a gulag! Come on, kid, why do you hate freedom so much? Why don't you defend the freedom of speech!? Normal speech: I defend the freedom of speech! I defend my right to call the Tea Party a bunch of lunatic crypto-fascist hypocrites who would deserve to get crippled in one of your stupid, unnecessary wars, to live on the street afterwards and then to work as a loo attendant for 1$ a week at the millionaire's villa of one of your stupid teaparty moms, who claims to defend the little guy against the "liberal elite".

the tea party có nghĩa là

In 1773, a group of rebels in Boston harbor angry at a foreign king for forcing taxes on tea imports that the rebels were forced to buy, so they prentended to be dark-skinned natives and dumped the imports into the sea. Today, a wing of the Republican party dedicated to getting Obama out of office, while conveniently living in denial about the abuses of the Bush years and the Wall Street origins of the Great Recession [2007-present]. For instance, the tea party has no problem w/ the glut of cheap imports flooding Walmarts across the fruited plain or the debasement of wages globally that result from it. The tea party actually opposes living wages and organized labor, while having no problems w/ white collar fraud.


The Boston Tea Party was as American as apple pie. The modern tea party twerps piss me off. Do they even know what the Boston Tea Party was about? It was a foreign country taxing us on imported tea. Who wanted NAFTA and WTO in the 1st place? Who voted for total banking deregulation? Did the Founding Fathers come to America to have the church tell them what to do? I know the desire to tease gays must be irresistable, but THINK!

the tea party có nghĩa là

A political group of noisy ignorant rednecks who actually represent a very small portion of the American population. One of their major goal is to reduce taxes because these guys are poor as hell. Could you please think a little you tea party patriots! If we reduce the taxes, the country will not have enough money to pay for the infrastructures and public services, that are currently in a really bad but really bad state.


Those Tea Party Patriots are ignorant rednecks!!

the tea party có nghĩa là

In order to seize power, the Republican elite, with lies and propaganda, have created the Tea Party, a right-wing political ploy cleverly disguised as a grass-roots organization. This group includes all the racist rednecks in the south [not everyone in the Tea Party is racist - it's just that all of the racists are in the Tea Party]. Some followers of the movement are not stupid, but are unknowing victims of propaganda, and many others are often blindly satisfied by "news" that only presents one political viewpoint [often a deliberate pack of lies designed to anger the viewers into rallying against the supposed wrongdoings of Obama]. Such "news" has the political advantage of providing the viewer with only what he wants to see and with only what he wants to hear.


Deceived Tea Party Member: "Hey, I looked up some of the accusations they were making about Obama on TV. They were playing brief clips of him saying things, accompanied with descriptions of what he really meant. So I looked up all of what he said and it turns out everything was taken TOTALLY out of context." Informed American: "They did that on purpose, dude."

the tea party có nghĩa là

A group that originally supported Ron Paul but was subsequently taken over by Republican Fundietards, Corporatists, and generally uneducated white blue collar rednecks who don't know what's best for them. These people think they are mirroring the Boston Tea Party, but in reality are doing no such thing as the original Boston Tea Party was meant to stand against the corporatism practiced by the East India Company with the passing of the Tea Act of 1773. In short, this act gave the EIC permission to import tea into the colonies TAX FREE. This was done to screw over American tea businesses. Sound familiar? They are also using this as an excuse to push a far-right christian fundietard agenda by gutting social programs, education, regulatory agencies and women's health services. The end goal of their master is a stupid, destitute populace that is subservient to them and ONLY them. These folks also love to project their own failures onto anything they perceive as 'the Left', or 'Liberals', or 'Libtards'. Examples of this include throwing around the words 'Indoctrination', 'Socialism', and 'Communism'. It seems all we can do now is prevent them from becoming another Liberty League.


Person 1: What's with the Tea Party? Don't they realize that the people they put in office want to hurt them, not help them? Person 2: I'm sure people were asking the same thing about the Liberty League during FDR's presidency..sad how history repeats itself.

the tea party có nghĩa là

Verb- to complain about something without offering a feasible solution.


I'm really tired of all your tea partying! If you don't have a solution, stop your whining!

the tea party có nghĩa là

A right wing movement that actually helps democrats more than they help republicans.


Tim: Dude this is awesome the Guy Ted Cruz and the tea party supported won the primary. Republican: Great now all the moderate voters are going to vote democrat because of your extremism.

the tea party có nghĩa là

Having someones balls over your eyes, denying you from seeing truths. Verb:
The act of placing balls on eyes to deny sight of truths


Yo man, Alex was totally tea partying that chick last night. It looked like 1776 up in that shit

the tea party có nghĩa là

A group of white, racist, diabetic, senior citizens dressed in garments from the late 1700s. They want to lower taxes for rich people [for some unknown fucking reason] and cut spending despite being entirely dependent on medicare and social security. This paradox clearly underscores their fundamental lack of LOGIC. Ironically, these idiots were dead silent when President George W. Bush ran up the deficit with tax cuts and two wars. But when President Barack Obama was elected to office, the idea that a black man was spending their money made them sound the alarm.


"Get your hands of my Medicare!!" - Actual quote from a member of the Tea Party at a Town Hall meeting.

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