What are the four types of network security?

Cybercrime is one of the fastest-growing forms of theft worldwide. The global cost of damage caused by cybercrimes in 2021 was an estimated $6 trillion, doubling from 2015. This is a staggering amount that is still expected to rise in the future, especially with advancements in technology. So, how do you make sure that your business stays protected? One of the most important steps you can take to protect your data and revenue from devious hackers is to build and maintain an effective line of network security services as your defense. 

What Is Network Security?

Network security services are any tools designed to secure a network and all of its data. This includes software, hardware, and cloud solutions. Effective network security tools stop a wide range of cyberattacks and prevent anything from spreading throughout the network if a data breach does occur. Securing a network requires a complex combination of hardware devices, like routers, firewalls, and anti-malware software applications. In today’s online space, every business needs to implement network security processes and solutions to maintain the credibility and security of its online resources. 

Types Of Network Security Protection

There are a lot of different types of network security available when looking for different services. The list below is by no means all of the services or tools available, but we’ll go over the most popular network security services available today.

Antivirus And Anti-Malware

Malware is a common form of cyberattack that comes in many forms. Some malware works quickly to delete files or corrupt data, while others lie dormant in your system for long periods of time to quietly allow hackers a back door into your whole network. The best network security protection will monitor network traffic in real-time for malware, scan activity log files for signs of suspicious behavior or long-term patterns and offer threat solutions and prevention.

Access Control

Access control refers to the ability to control which users have access to your network overall or specific sections of the network. With access control, you can restrict network access to only recognized users and devices or grant limited access to unrecognized devices or guest users.

Behavioral Analytics

 In order to identify unusual network behavior, security support needs to establish a baseline of what constitutes general behavior for each individual user. Behavioral analytics software is designed to help identify common warning signs of unusual behavior, which can often be a sign that a security breach has or is about to occur. In order to ensure a secure network connection, you need to have a good idea of each user’s baseline. This way, you can quickly spot problems and isolate threats.


Firewalls control incoming and outgoing traffic on all networks, with predetermined security rules for each one. Firewalls keep out unfriendly traffic and are a necessary part of any network security protection plan. In fact, network security services rely heavily on firewalls, especially those which focus on blocking malware and cyber attacks. 

Cloud Network Security

Applications are no longer exclusively hosted on-site in a local data center. Protecting any modern data center requires greater flexibility and innovation than ever before to keep pace with the migration of applications to the cloud. 

Network Segmentation

Network segmentation defines the boundaries between network segments where assets have a common function, risk, or role within an organization. For instance, the perimeter gateway segments a business network from the online world. This way, potential threats outside of your network are prevented, ensuring that your company’s sensitive data remains secure. Businesses can go even further by defining additional internal boundaries within their network, which can provide improved security and control.

Data Loss Prevention

Data loss prevention technology prevents an organization’s employees from sharing valuable company information or sensitive data—whether it’s unwittingly or with ill intent—outside of the network. Data loss prevention technologies can prevent actions or slip-ups that could potentially expose data to those outside the networking environment, such as uploading and downloading files or printing information.

ByteIT Can Help

If your business is looking for robust IT support that specializes in network administration and network security services, then ByteIT is the perfect choice for you. If you want to learn more, visit ByteIT – Managed IT Support Services today!

Security is a very, very, very important thing for your network to have. The number of hackers are increasingly exponentially. In fact, global cyber crime costs may reach $2.1 trillion by 2019. If that doesn’t scream danger, there are plenty more stats out there that are even scarier than this one…

One of the most important types of security you should have is network security. This security will work to protect the usability and integrity of your network and data. Network security works by identifying and targeting a variety of threats, then stops them from entering your network. It’s like your own personal, protection wall.

There are various types of network security, such as:

Network Access Control [NAC]

This is when you control who can and can’t access your network. You do this by identifying which devices and users are allowed into your network. From there, you can enforce various security policies such as blocking certain devices and controlling what someone can do within your network. You can also utilize behavioral analytic tools to identify what normal and abnormal behavior is. Once you do that, you can set it up where you’ll get notifications whenever something is acting abnormally.

Similarly, you can implement firewalls, which is when you put a barrier between your internal network and untrusted outside networks, such as the internet. This way, you can also control your staff’s web use and block any threats or dangerous websites.

Application Security

Application security is exactly how it sounds – security that protects your applications. This type of security is important to have because no app is created perfectly… they can have a lot of holes or weaknesses where a hacker can enter. A lot of your business operations and devices may run on applications, so this type of security is a must-have.

Antivirus and Antimalware Software

This software is used to protect against malware, which includes anything from viruses, Trojans, ransomware, or spyware. Besides the obvious reasons, malware can be very dangerous because sometimes, it can will stay calm within your network for days and weeks, just sitting there ready to spring up and attack. Antivirus and antimalware software deal with this threat by scanning for malware entry and tracking files afterward to find any that may have slipped in and are laying low.

Email Security

Here’s a big one. Your email is pretty important for your business, and considering that email gateways are the number one threat for a security breach, email security is an absolute vital one to have. Attackers can use your personal information to do all kinds of damage, such as blackmail or emailing on your behalf to deceive your clients and send them to sites full of malware. An email security application can help block these attacks and control what is sent out.

Wireless Security

Here’s another big one. The mobile office movement is gaining momentum, and with that comes wireless networks and access points. However, wireless networks are not as secure as wired ones, allowing more room for hacker entry, so the power of wireless security needs to be strong.

Since there are many parts to your infrastructure, there are many types of security out there to protect it. There are a lot more that we didn’t mention in this blog, but we know all about them here at Alliance Technology Partners. We’d love you talk, so contact us to get more information on how to get started on your own, custom secure system!

What are the 4 principles of security?

The Principles of Security can be classified as follows:.
Confidentiality: The degree of confidentiality determines the secrecy of the information. ... .
Authentication: Authentication is the mechanism to identify the user or system or the entity. ... .
Integrity: ... .
Non-Repudiation: ... .
Access control: ... .

How many types of network security are there?

There are three components of network security: hardware, software, and cloud services.

What are the 5 types of security?

Cybersecurity can be categorized into five distinct types:.
Critical infrastructure security..
Application security..
Network security..
Cloud security..
Internet of Things [IoT] security..

What are the three 3 basic network security measures?

This includes within a corporate or home network and outside of those networks such as across the internet or on a service provider's network..
Secure Socket Layer [SSL]/Transport Layer Security [TLS].
Secure Shell [SSH].
Internet Protocol Security [IPsec].

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