Which two of the following would likely benefit from being presented as a list with bullet or numbering in a business report?

Academic articles often include lists, which organize the material and provide the reader with a quick overview of a section. There are different ways to format lists, but some general principles apply to all of them: they should be constructed in a parallel fashion, and they should be consistent. Numbers, letters, and bullet points are not required in all cases. Academic writers who use The Chicago Manual of Style will find various formats there, but four common list formats are presented here.

Types of List Formats

Run-In Lists

A run-in list, as the name suggests, is included as part of the general text. Elements can be separated in different ways, as shown in the examples below.

Separated with a Colon: When a complete sentence is followed by a list of items, separate the sentence from the list with a colon.

E.g. “Do not venture into the wilderness without these items: a knife, a book of matches, a flashlight, and a map.”

Separated with Numbers: When the list is part of the sentence, you can separate the items by numbering them.

E.g. “The Housing Committee passed resolutions on [1] annual salaries, [2] fundraising efforts, and [3] community building.”

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Vertical Lists

A vertical list should be preceded by a complete sentence that gives an overview of the points being listed. The list does not need to have a bullet point format and a punctuation mark is not at the end of the entries. For example:

Your admissions packet should include these items:

The three-page statement of purpose

The financial questionnaire

Your contact information

If the lead-in sentence is a complete one and all entries in the list are complete sentences, a punctuation mark should follow each entry. For example [using bullet points]:

Make perfect banana bread every time by following these easy steps:

  • Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
  • Grease an 8 x 8 baking dish.
  • Combine all the dry ingredients [listed above].
  • Gently fold in the wet ingredients [listed above].
  • Pour the batter into the dish and bake for 45 minutes.

Again, note that because each entry in the list is a complete sentence, a final period is used.

Vertical Lists Punctuated as a Sentence

When a list is too long or convoluted to be presented as one sentence, you can use a vertical list that is punctuated like a sentence. This format is especially useful when the phrases include internal punctuations or the reader might find it difficult to follow the meaning. An example follows below.

Biology instructors have made significant changes to their curricula and classrooms, and today it is common to find

  1. innovative research techniques, especially those requiring knowledge of anatomy, in labs;
  2. greater focus on teamwork;
  3. in-class lectures customized for learning styles; and
  4. bilingual lesson plans.

Vertical Lists with Subdivided Items

A complex vertical list may be formatted in a way that resembles an outline, using numbers and letters to provide a logical structure. The lead-in [introductory] line should be a complete sentence, as seen in the example below.

Students should be prepared to discuss the following topics:

  1. Regional History
  2. Geography and landmarks
  3. Erosion in mountainous areas
  4. Notable Figures
  5. The first tribal chieftains
  6. The emergence of political divisions and leaders
  7. The role of women
  8. Cultural Developments
  9. The spread of language
  10. Music used to bind communities


The next time you read a research paper, look for lists and examine how they were constructed. Do the entries use a consistent format? Are the numbers and/or letters correctly placed and in the proper order? Is the lead-in line a complete sentence? If you find that these steps are all present, chances are that the author took the time to research the structure of lists and present them accurately. Now you can do the same.


  • Get It Write. Handling Vertical Lists. Retrieved from //www.getitwriteonline.com/archive/101406VerticalLists.htm


Business reports are invaluable, no matter the type or size of your business or enterprise. The information they provide can help you see what is working in your company and what isn’t, so that you can make adjustments and improvements.


Oct 30, 2019 8 min read

Table of Contents

  • What Are Business Reports?
  • How to Write a Business Report?
  • What Are The Types of Business Reports?
    • Informational Reports
    • Analytical Report
    • Research Report
    • Explanatory Report
    • Progress Report
    • To Sum Up

What Are Business Reports?

Business reports are actual documents that inform by summarizing and analyzing a particular situation, issue, or facts and then make recommendations to the group or person asking for the report. The goal of these reports is usually one of the following:

  • To examine potential and available solutions to an issue, situation, or problem
  • To apply business and management theories to produce different suggestions for improvement
  • To show your evaluation, reasoning, and analytical skills in recognizing and considering possible solutions and outcomes
  • To make conclusions about an issue or problem
  • To produce a range of suggestions for future action
  • To present clear and concise communication skills

Keep in mind that with business reports, you’ll get several possible solutions instead of just one. Your job would be to identify and weigh-up the cost and benefits of each solution for the organization in the form of a business report. 

How to Write a Business Report?

A business report uses headings and subheadings, as well as tables, diagrams, and bullet points, if needed, to make the data easy for the reader to understand. The main function of the report is to communicate relevant information and facts clearly, quickly, and efficiently. Don’t forget the target audience while writing the report – is it aimed only for the CEO or the entire staff? This will help you adopt the right level of formality, objectivity, fairness, and sensitivity.

A business report can include some of the following sections:


What Are The Types of Business Reports?

There are many different types of business reports, depending on the business’ needs and situation. Here are some of the most common:

Informational Reports

You ask for this report when you want objective information on something. It presents non-biased facts without explaining the reasons and the possible outcomes of a situation. It is the ideal business report for learning things such as the number of employees, the role each of them plays in the company, or the departments the employees work in. 

Analytical Report

This type of business report is usually required when a company is trying to make an important decision. An analytical report analyzes the company’s situation, presenting relevant information, explanations, and conclusions. It helps the company to make good decisions going forward. 

Research Report

This is the most comprehensive type of business reports required when a company considers trying something new, such as going into a new geographical area or offering a new product. A team of specialists or researchers are given a topic and asked to find all the relevant statistics and details obtained from an informational report, followed by a detailed analysis of the data found in the analytical report. The conclusion of the research report will be based on the available data obtained from the analytical and informational reports. 

Explanatory Report

This report is required when you want to explain a topic or situation so that everyone can understand it. For example, you can write it to explain the research you’ve conducted. Along with the table showing the results, you should include the reason for the research, sample sizes, methodology, etc. After explaining the results, you should briefly summarize the findings.

Progress Report

You want this report to show how things are going at the moment. A progress report isn’t based on analysis or tons of research. Instead, they are an update for the person who needs it. One example of this could be a weekly report disclossing the progress made throughout the week and what tasks you're looking to work on in the upcoming week.

To Sum Up

Every business or enterprise needs business annual reports to see how things are working right now, and what adjustments can be done to improve the situation. They provide a summary or analysis of a particular situation or issue and give specific recommendations for further improvement. As per Stacy [research analyst at Best Reviews List], You should know how to write a business report to ensure the best results, as well as choose the right type of report you need for every situation. 

For Which two of the following situations would a chart be an effective way to present information?

For which two of the following situations would a chart be an effective way to present information? -catching the attention of viewers and readers and drawing them into your message.

Which of the following should be provided throughout your business report to indicate any information taken from other sources quizlet?

-have confidence that the data was collected in a methodical way. Which of the following should be provided throughout your business report to indicate any information taken from other sources? -document all facts.

What is the probable effect of using too many bullet points in a report quizlet?

What is the probable effect of using too many bullet points in a report? It makes the report seem like it lacks direction.

Which of the following are often included in the appendices of a business report?

Appendices commonly include questionnaires and cover letters, sample forms, computer printouts, statistical formulas, financial statements and spreadsheets, copies of important documents, and so on. Appendices can accommodate a wide variety of materials.

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