al gores là gì - Nghĩa của từ al gores

al gores có nghĩa là

Vice President under Clinton. Ran for President in 2000, he won the popular vote, but lost by 500 votes in Florida because the election was fixed by Jeb Bush and Catherine Harris.


If Al Gore was president in 2001, 9/11 would not have happened.

al gores có nghĩa là

A decent hardworking guy who would've been a good president. Given the CIA warnings in August 2001, he would have worked his tail off trying to prevent 9/11. I think he might have succeeded.


Would Al Gore have prevented 9/11? Seems possible!

al gores có nghĩa là

Al Gore NEVER said he "invented" the internet, this was pinned on him by the conservative media after he said he "helped to create the internet". Senator Al Gore was instrumental in getting congress to fund ARPANET, the pre-curser to the internet. He was only doing what all politicians do, taking credit for a pet project that he believed in and worked hard to fund.

It's exactly like saying Bush attacked Iraq, he didn't actually do it, but he was the main government figure that made it happen.


In his own words, Al Gore "helped to create the internet", which is true.

al gores có nghĩa là

Former Vice President [45th Vice President], Global Warming/Environmental Activist, Author, Businessman, Academy Award Winner, Prime Time Emmy Award Winner, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, and winner of other various awards including a Grammy. Won the 2000 Presidential race but was forced to concede to incompetent, racist, homophobic, gold digging shit for brains Bush due to unfair and idiotic Supreme Court decision. He has his own website and more respect and admiration than Bush will ever get.


It's a shame that Al Gore wasn't allowed to be the President of the United States, instead we got stuck with that retarded shit for brains bible thumping cowboy Bush.

al gores có nghĩa là

Vice President under Clinton. He Ran for President in 2000 and won the popular vote, but lost by 500 votes in Florida because the election was fixed by Jeb Bush and Catherine Harris.


If Al Gore would have fought harder in 2004, the American Taliban wouldn't have been able to steel the election again in 2004.

al gores có nghĩa là

Almost president. Damn near president... *sigh*


I remember the 2000 US presidential election... that damn Dubya. Damn Floridians; die, Jeb Bush!
Al Gore, you could have been the US prez instead of this moron Bush.

al gores có nghĩa là

A republican punching bag that was elected President of the United States by the popular vote, but, lost in the electoral college. The reason republicans beat on him is. well. because they know Bush was not the right choice. They are just in denial. Even though, Al Gore admitted his words were misconstrued.... oh wait that's too big of a word to use around republicans.... twisted, when he said he invented the internet. Al Gore in 2016, let's face it, Joe Biden will be way too old! ;-]


Al Gore was voted to be the 43 President of the United States. He conceded to George W. Bush.

al gores có nghĩa là

If he was single, he'd be the most eligible bachelor in the history of the world.


Al Gore: Hi, I've won an Oscar, a Nobel Prize, and I invented the Internet. Nice to meet you.
Woman: My place, NOW.

al gores có nghĩa là

Al Gore, a one-time vice-president serving under Bill Clinton, best known as a staunch environmentalist and the self-described “inventor of the internet” – a claim Gore later repeated only in self-mockery.

The Vice President backtracked significantly on environmental issues as he pandered to middle-of-the-road voters in the run-up to the 2000 U.S. election. Ultimately Gore won the most votes overall, but lost to the Self-Proclaimed President, George Bush [see electoral college] in the aftermath of the strangest and most public vote-recount in history, in the State of Florida.

The issue was resolved by the unprecedented intervention of the greatest three-ring circus on earth, the U.S. Supreme Court. The court then held their own election for president, finding for Bush in a party-line split decision – essentially invalidating the votes of several million U.S. citizens.

Numerous investigations had contrary findings about who actually won in Florida, but no one argues the fact that Al Gore won the popular vote. Gore later repeated this fact so many times that even many of his supporters were glad to see him go.

Afterwards, Gore faded to near-invisibility, which he attempted to overcome by declining to shave, and by making the odd televised appeal to Americans about things that no one remembers anymore.

In the long run, he may be best-remembered for his slide-show [and later film] about the threat of global warming, “An Inconvenient Truth”. But then, if his predictions are correct and everything is burned to a crisp, maybe not.


Al Gore saying #1: “You win some, you lose some—and then there’s that little-known third category.”

al gores có nghĩa là

1. a superlative term describing a person who is accomplished or exceptionally noteworthy in a specific field or area of work, sometimes though not always within the environmental or green sector. 2. to call someone the Al Gore of an area or field describes a person who had once experienced a tragic loss or hardship, but then later went on to accomplish great things. Gore's presidential bid in 2000 was considered tragic because he had won the popular vote but lost the electoral college to George W. Bush due to highly suspicious voting irregularities in a state governed by the winner's brother.


1. My geography professor is the Al Gore of water. Every year, he travels to developing countries to help bring about improvements to irrigation for populations without safe sources of drinking water. 2. Dave Grohl is like the Al Gore of rock & roll. He experienced the sudden, tragic loss of Kurt Cobain and Nirvana, yet went on to front the biggest rock band in the world with the long-running Foofighters.

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