Cambridge 5 listening test 1 answer key

Section 1: Questions 1-4
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.


Holiday name: Whale watch experienceHoliday length: 2 days

Type of transportation: [1] ___________________

Maximum group size: [2] ___________________
Next tour date: [3] ___________________
Hotel name: [4] The ___________________

Questions 5 and 6
Choose TWO letters A-E.

Which TWO things are included in the price of the tour?

 A fishing trip
 B guided bushwalk
 C reptile park entry
 D table tennis
 E tennis

Questions 7-10
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

7. The tour costs $___________________
8. Bookings must be made no later than ___________________ days in advance.
9. A ___________________ deposit is required.
10. The customer’s reference number is ___________________

Section 2: Questions 11-19
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

[11] ___________________                [12] ___________________
[13] ___________________                [14] ___________________
[15] ___________________                [16] ___________________
[17] ___________________                [18] ___________________
[19] ___________________

Question 20
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for the answer.• Metal should not be rusted or bent

• Edges of cot should not be [20] ___________________

Section 3: Questions 21-23
Choose the correct letter A, B and C.

21. Andrew has worked at the hospital for

A two years
B three years
C five years

22. During the course Andrew’s employers will pay

A his fees
B his living costs
C his salary

23. The part-time course lasts for

A one whole year
B 18 months
C two years

Questions 24 and 25
Choose TWO letters A—E.

What TWO types of coursework are required each month on the part-time course?

A a case study
B an essay
C a survey
D a short report
E a study diary

Questions 26-30
Complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Modular Courses
Students study [26] ________________ during each module. A module takes [27] ________________ and the work is very [28] ________________ To get a Diploma each student has to study [29] ________________ and then work on [30] ________________ in depth.

Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 1 – Section 4

Section 4: Questions 31-35
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

North American women’s attitude to money and savings

31. According to George Bernard Shaw, men are supposed to understand ________________ economics and finance.
32. However, women are more prepared to ________________ about them.
33. Women tend to save for ________________ and a house.
34. Men tend to save for ________________ and for retirement.
35. Women who are left alone may have to pay for ________________ when they are old.

Questions 36-40
Complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Saving for the future
Research indicates that many women only think about their financial future when a [36] ________________ occurs. This is the worst time to make decisions. It is best for women to start thinking about pensions when they are in their [37] ________________ A good way for women to develop their [38] ________________ in dealing with financial affairs would be to attend classes in [39] ________________ When investing in stocks and shares, it is suggested that women should put a high proportion of their savings in [40] ________________ In such ways, women can have a comfortable, independent retirement.

1. by minibus
2. 15
3. april 18
4. palisades
5. B
6. D
7. 280
8. 14
9. 20%
10. 39745T
11. move around
12. brakes
13. fingers
14. satisfactory
15. put together
16. too wide
17. dangerous
18. wheels
19. best buy
20. sharp

21. B
22. A
23. C
24. B
25. D
26. full-time
27. one term
28. intensive
29. two modules
30. one topic
31. politics
32. learn
33. children’s education
34. a car
35. nursing care
36. crisis
37. early twenties
38. confidence
39. money management
40. low-risk investments

Also Check: IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 5 with Answers

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