Excel báo lỗi not enough available memory or disk space năm 2024

Để xử lý, rất đơn giản hãy bấm chuột phải vào file excel cần mở, sau đó chọn Properties và check vào phần ô vuông Unblock sau đó ApplyOK. Sau đó thực hiện mở lại.

Chúc các bạn thành công.

Hôm qua mình có tải về 1 file trên mạng và gặp phải 1 lỗi hết sức ngớ ngẫn như hình dưới đây, nó hiển thị thông báo

“Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space. . To make more memory available, close workbooks or programs you no longer need. . To free disk space, delete files you no longer need from the disk you are saving to.”

Lỗi “Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space” này quá trình mình tìm hiểu thì có 2 nguyên nhân

  • Do máy tính của bạn có bộ nhớ trong hoặc ổ cứng chứa file Excel này còn trống quá ít
  • Do cài đặt mặc định của Microsoft Excel gây nên lỗi này.

Bạn kiểm tra xem ổ cứng của bạn có bị full hoặc RAM máy tính có bị full hay không? Nếu có hãy tắt bớt các chương trình không cần thiết hoặc xóa bớt dữ liệu để ổ cứng trống ra sẽ fix được lỗi số 1.

Còn nếu bộ nhớ còn trống quá nhiều mà nó báo lỗi như trên thì hãy là theo cách đơn giản đó là tắt tính năng Protected View của Microsoft Office

1. Bạn vào File > Options

Sửa lỗi Microsoft Excel Cannot Open Or Save Any More Documents Because There Is Not Enough Available

2. Tiếp theo bạn hãy click vào Trust Center và click tiếp vào Trust Center Settings.

3. Tiếp theo bạn click vào tab Protected View và bỏ chọn các mục

  • Enable Protected View for files originating from the Internet.
  • Enable Protected View for files located in potentially unsafe locations.
  • Enable Protected View for Outlook attachments.

4. Cuối cùng nhấn OK để lưu lại cài đặt.

Giờ bạn có thể tắt excel rồi mở lại file bị lỗi “cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available” để test nhé.

Nếu có bất cứ khó khăn gì trong thao tác ở bài hướng dẫn này vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi để được hỗ trợ qua TeamViewer hoặc Ultraview miễn phí.

Have you ever tried to open a Microsoft Excel document received in Outlook and encountered the error message below?

“Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space.

To make more memory available, close workbooks or programs you no longer need.

To free disk space, delete files you no longer need from the disk you are saving to.”

Screen Capture:

![Excel Microsoft excel cannot open or more document' because there i:' not enough available merr" or 05k • to more memory close workbooks or you no longer need. • ro tree disk space. delete no longer need from the disk you are 'hing to. ][//i0.wp.com/kmartins.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/image-27.png?resize=698%2C145&ssl=1]

When you receive this error like I have, you probably tried a few of these fixes below but were left without a solution:

  • You most likely opened Task Manager to view your current system resources only to find plenty of memory available, plenty of CPU available, and plenty of disk space available. And when I say plenty, I mean at least 60% of these resources are available.
  • You may have done a Repair under the Windows 10/Settings/Apps area on the Office 365 installation. The repair may take 15 minutes or longer for the system to complete. However, this does not correct the issue.
  • The actions above are normal research and corrective actions to take, but in this case we are no closer to a solution.

I have encountered into this issue a few times and finally figured out a solution. To start, the error message does not align to the actual issue. The issue is really a security related prompt with a relatively easy fix. I say relatively easy fix because as the instructions below will indicate, it is a security related check box that needs disabled. However, you must understand the implications of this action.

Below are steps to correct this issue followed by a section about understanding the security related concerns of following them.

Solution Steps:

The solution is to uncheck a security setting from within Microsoft Excel that is enabled by default to protect your system from malicious files received through Outlook.

Note: Remember to re-enable this setting once you have successfully opened your file.

  1. In Microsoft Excel, click on File ![Home X cut Paste Insert Format Painter Clipboard ][//i0.wp.com/kmartins.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/image-23.png?resize=169%2C141&ssl=1]

2. In the left index area of Excel, at the bottom of the screen is an option called Options. Click on it.

![Open Gö 工 。 ][//i0.wp.com/kmartins.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/image-24.png?resize=134%2C168&ssl=1]

3. In the Excel Options screen that appears, click Trust Options on the lower left of the screen.

![Excel Options General Formulas Proofing Language Ease of Access Advanced Customize Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar Add-ins Trust Center Experiment Help keep your documents safe and your computer secure and healthy. Security & more Visit Office.com to learn more about protecting your privacy and security. Microsoft Trust Center Microsoft Excel T rust Center The Trust Center contains security and privacy settings. These settings help keep your computer secure. We recommend that you do not change these settings. Irust Center Settings... ][//i0.wp.com/kmartins.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/image-28.png?resize=777%2C383&ssl=1]

4. Then click Trust Center Settings…

![Microsoft Excel T rust Center The Trust Center contains security and privacy settings. These settings help keep your computer secure. We recommend that you do not change these settings. Irust Center Settings... ][//i0.wp.com/kmartins.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/image-26.png?resize=659%2C80&ssl=1]

5. In the Trust Center settings, click Protected View on the left.

![Trust Center Trusted Publishers Trusted Locations Trusted Documents Trusted Add-in Catalogs Add- ins ActiveX Settings Macro Settings Protected View Message Bar External Content File Block Settings Privacy Options Form- based Sign- in P rotected View Protected View opens potentially dangerous files, without any security prompts, in a restricted mode to help minimize harm to your computer. By disabling Protected View you could be exposing your computer to possible security threats. Enable Protected View for files originating from the Internet Enable Protected View for files located in potentially unsafe locations Enable Protected View for Outlook attachments@ Security settings for opening Text-Based files [.csv, .dif and sylk] from an untrusted source

  1. Always open untrusted lext-8ased files [.csv, .dif and .sylk] in protected view Security settings for opening Database files [.dbf] from an untrusted source
  2. Always open untrusted Qatabase files [.dbf] in protected view ][//i0.wp.com/kmartins.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/image-30.png?resize=777%2C373&ssl=1]

6. By default, all three areas are selected. To correct the issue, de-select the option “Enable Protected View for Outlook Attachments.”

![P rotected View Protected View opens potentially dangerous files, without any security prompts, in a restricted mode to help minimize harm to your computer. By disabling Protected View you could be exposing your computer to possible security threats. Enable Protected View for files originating from the Internet Enable Protected View for files located in potentially unsafe locations Enable Protected View for Outlook attachments@ ][//i0.wp.com/kmartins.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/image-29.png?resize=640%2C165&ssl=1]

7. Select OK several times to save the settings.

8. Attempt to open the document again and you will now be prompted to verify you want to open this document and that you trust the sender. The document should now open correctly.

9. Important: Once your file is opened, make sure you then re-enable this setting as it is key to help protect your system!

Understanding Important Security Concerns

It is important to understand that this setting is in place by default to protect you as the user from opening a file that may be malicious. Even if you know who the sender of the file is, there is no way to tell if that person’s email or system has been infected. Prior to opening this file please consider taking the following steps to protect yourself.

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