Khắc phục lỗi media offline trong adobe premiere pro năm 2024

Anytime you move, rename, or delete a video file that’s referenced in your Premiere Pro video project, you will get the Media Offline error code. This error code can easily be fixed by simply linking to the original file. The following step-by-step tutorial will show you how to ‘relink’ your files and get rid of this classic red screen error code.

Step 1: Locate Missing Clip in the Project

Anytime Premiere Pro can’t find a media asset on your computer, you will see a red Media Offline screen. The first thing you need to do is find which clips are offline in your project. To do this, simply navigate to the project panel or hit Shift + 1 on your keyboard. You’ll see in the project panel that your missing clips have a small question mark icon on them. Select all of the missing clips, right click, and select Link Media.

Step 2: Locate the Original File

Premiere Pro will pop up a box called a media browser. The media browser works very similarly to a regular media browser [like Explorer on PC or Finder on Mac]. Simply select the file you wish to link to and select Locate. Find the clip that went missing and click OK. If you received the Media Offline error because you moved a folder to a new location, your other missing clips might automatically get linked as well — it all depends on the original folder structure. Continue this process for all of your missing files.

Step 3: Verify the Files

There shouldn’t be any issues at all with your newly linked footage. Just to be sure, go back and see if everything looks good in your project. If you accidentally connected to a proxy file [or simply the wrong footage], you can replace the incorrect file by right clicking on the incorrect clip in your project panel and selecting Replace Media. You can then simply repeat Step 2.

Adobe Premiere là một ứng dụng chỉnh sửa video tuy nhiên khi sử dụng mắc 1 số lỗi Media báo đỏ, lạc đường dẫn trong Adobe Premiere… Trong 1 ngày đẹp trời nào đó khi bạn mở 1 file adobe premiere thì thấy xuất hiện trên màng hình 1 thông báo.

Cách sửa lỗi Media báo đỏ, lạc đường dẫn trong Adobe Premiere

Nhiều người sẽ thấy bối rối vì họ ko biết xử lý như thế nào ,còn đối vói những người mới tập tành premiere thì nó là 1 vấn dề lớn. Tuy nhiên đối với những ai thành thạo ròi thì nó không khó khăn j cả.

Làm sao chúng ta gặp phải lỗi này .Đây là chính là premiere nó đang thông báo là chung ta biết là media nó dang offline. media offline xét theo ý nghĩa của nó là các dữ liệu đang có ,đang sử dụng trên project vì lí do nào đó nó lạc mất đường dẫn nó không hiểu được là các dữ liệu nó đang dùng nằm ở đâu trên ổ cứng .Chính vì thế nó sẽ xuất hiện bản màu đỏ media offline.

Để khắc phục lỗi này chúng ta có 2 cách:

Cách 1: Ta nhấn tổ hợp phím ” shift +” để hiển thị những nơi bị lỗi media offline

Các bạn chọn hết tất cả dữ liệu nhấp chuột phải chọn link media

Các bạn tích váo ô “use media browser to locate files” rồi nhấn vào “locate”

Nó sẽ hiện ra 1 giao diện và bạn chọn lại dữ liệu .

Cách 2: Dành cho những bạn newbie .Ta cũng làm như cách 1 nhưng bạn ko tích vào ô “use media browser to locate files” và bấm “locate” nó sẽ xuất hiện 1 giao diện khác quen thuộc hơn

Ta tích vào ô “Display only exact name matches” > chọn dữ liệu > “Select”

Cách sửa lỗi adobe premiere pro tự động khai báo lại cho chúng ta…Chúc các bạn thành công!!!

Cảm ơn đã xem bài viết!


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In this article provided by MiniTool video editing software, we will discuss Adobe Premiere Pro media offline error, including what this error means, causes, and how to fix it.

On This Page :

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional and powerful video editing application that is the first choice of many video creators. When editing clips in Premiere Pro, some users are experiencing a “Media offline” error. What does it mean?

The Premiere Pro media offline error means that the connection between your media clips and the Premiere application itself has been lost. In other words, Premiere Pro can’t locate the source file that was previously used and fails to read your clip because the file path has been changed.

Why does Premiere Pro say media offline? This is because you changed the location of the media, or deleted, renamed, or moved it to another folder on your computer. In these cases, your clip will become an offline clip, it will be marked as an “Offline Item” in the project panel, and a “Media offline” error will appear in the timeline sequence.

How to fix media offline in Premiere Pro? Media offline error is different from other errors in Premiere Pro, such as error retrieving frame and export error code 3, because this error is only related to the source media file’s location and name, not the application or system. Therefore, you can easily fix it by restoring the connection to your clips.

When you open a project that contains missing media files, a Link Media window pops up in Premiere Pro. Don’t close it and click Locate in the bottom right corner. If you close it, you can select the offline clip in the timeline, and click Clip > Link Media.

Then, the Locate File dialog appears immediately, and do one of the following to fix the media offline error.

1. If you know the current location of your file, just navigate to the clip in your file system, and click OK to re-link the clip.

2. If the media offline error is caused by you changing the file name, you can select the Display Only Exact Name Matches, or type the new name of the file and click Search to locate it. Once you locate the file, click OK.

3. If you still remember the thumbnail of the offline media, you can switch from a list view to a thumbnail view to find the specific media file.

4. If you deleted the media file from your system, you should get it back and import or replace the offline media with another clip.

An Easy Alternative to Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is not easy to use for people who are just starting to learn video editing. Therefore, you can use an easy alternative to Premiere Pro, and MiniTool MovieMaker is one of the best options.

MiniTool MovieMakerClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

MiniTool MovieMaker is an easy-to-use and feature-rich video editor that allows you to cop, trim split, reverse, and rotate videos, adjust the video playback speed, add transitions, add stickers, and more. After editing, it lets you export the video up to 1080p for free and without watermarks.


Media offline is a common error in Premiere Pro that can be easily resolved by restoring the clip’s connection. Hopefully, this guide can help you fix the Premiere Pro media offline error so you can continue editing.

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