Free book reviews and summaries

We review manuscripts, published and unpublished books, eBooks, audiobooks, poetry books, comic books, graphic novels, and short stories. Your work must be complete, written in English, and fit into one of our 150+ genre categories. Currently we do not accept erotica books that are mostly sex with no substantial plot. In addition, we cannot accept books that promote racism, bigotry, or illegal acts.

If you receive a review of 4 stars or more and your work is currently available for purchase on Amazon [your book does not need to be on Amazon now to get your review, we just have to wait until it is before we can post your review publicly], we will post your review on our site, KOBO, Google Books, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Your book must currently be on those sites for us to post your review.

When your review is complete we will send you an email with a link to your new review on our site, as well as login information for your Author Area where you can update your Review Page links and options. We are happy to review manuscripts and unpublished books, we only ask that they be complete and preferably proofread when possible. We will send you the completed review which you can use any way and anywhere you wish, but we cannot post the review for an unpublished book on our site until it is available for purchase on Amazon.

You can submit your book to us in the following formats in order of preference: PDF, Kindle [MOBI], Microsoft Word [DOC, DOCX], RTF, and ePUB. If you have a different file format like Open Office or Word Perfect, or you have any trouble attaching your book to our Review Request form, just complete the form without attaching your book and your confirmation email will have instructions on how to easily send us your book file.

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