Hit home là gì

hit home Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

hit home

become very meaningful, affect you personally, touch you When they see hungry Canadian children on TV, the message about poverty will hit home.

hit home|hit|home

v. phr. To go directly to the mark; strike a vulnerable spot. His remark hit home when he referred to those who do not contribute sufficiently to the college fund drive.

hit home

To be fully understood by or strongly affect or resonate with someone. It wasn't until he was threatened with losing his job that the comments about John's work ethic really hit home. The film has an underlying theme of grief and loss that will hit home with a lot of viewers.Learn more: hit, home

hit home

andstrike homeFig. to really make sense; [for a comment] to make a very good point. Mary's criticism of my clothes hit home, so I changed. The teacher's comment struck home and the student vowed to work harder.Learn more: hit, home

hit home


strike home

COMMON If a situation or what someone says hits home or strikes home, people realize that it is real or true, even though it may be unpleasant. In many cases the reality of war doesn't hit home until people are actually called upon to fight. David's accusation about his motives had hit home more than he cared to admit. The severity of the situation struck home last week when hundreds of troops entered the town.Learn more: hit, home

hit [or strike] home

1 [of a blow or a missile] reach an intended target. 2 [of a person's words] have the intended, often unsettling or painful, effect on their audience. 3 [of the significance or true nature of a situation] become fully realized by someone.Learn more: hit, home

hit/strike ˈhome

1 [of an insult, a remark, criticism, etc.] affect or hurt somebody in the intended way; make somebody really understand something: His criticism of my work struck home. I knew he was right.My remarks last week obviously hit home because he has not been late for work since.
2 [of a punch, a blow, an arrow, a bullet, etc.] hit somebody/something where you intended; hit the target: The punch hit home and Ferguson fell to the floor.Learn more: hit, home, strike
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“Hit home” = chạm vào ngôi nhà -> nghĩa là có ý nghĩa sâu sắc, làm bạn xúc động hoặc bạn đã hiểu được tường tận bản chất của vấn đề/sự việc.

Ví dụ

His comment hit home for me, as both therapist and layperson [người thường].

Morton writes that the seriousness of the situation hit home for Diana at the wedding rehearsal, when she broke down in tears “as soon as the camera lights were switched on.”

I’m not exactly going out on limb [quan điểm khác người] by saying that the Xbox Series X doesn’t have any games but the reality of the situation didn’t really hit home until I had the console sitting there under the TV ready to play and I put on Gears 5 and… it looked like an Xbox One game. Sure it, looked like a really good Xbox One game but having not owned Microsoft’s previous console I hadn’t played it before and was hoping for more.

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