How to enable php-xml extension

So i'm currently installing mybb and went through a very long tutorial on how to do it. The problem is when I get to the requirements check this shows up

How does one go about fixing this? I read that I may need to do

sudo apt-get install php-xml

I have done this and everything went ok but still doesn't change it to installed.

FYI: I have only been using this OS for a few days so please go nice on me :]

asked Aug 5, 2016 at 16:14


You're close

sudo apt-get install php-xml

Then you need to restart apache so it takes effect

sudo service apache2 restart

answered Mar 9, 2017 at 20:33


Had the same problem running PHP 7.2. I had to do the following :

sudo apt-get install php7.2-xml

answered Dec 29, 2017 at 9:23


1,18011 silver badges12 bronze badges


I solved this issue with commands bellow:

$ sudo apt-get install php7.3-intl

$ sudo /etc/init.d/php7.3-fpm restart

These commands works for me in homestead with php7.3

answered Jun 10, 2019 at 0:43


In Centos

 sudo yum install php-xml

and restart apache

sudo service httpd restart

answered Nov 2, 2020 at 12:48


1701 silver badge6 bronze badges

If you are working with php in windows, you can just access to the file "php.ini" located in your php instalation folder and uncomment the ";extension=xmlrpc" line deleting the ";" ["extension=xmlrpc"]

answered Dec 13, 2020 at 17:03

David BrunDavid Brun

911 silver badge4 bronze badges

This extension is enabled by default. It may be disabled by using the following option at compile time: --disable-xml

These functions are enabled by default, using the bundled expat library. You can disable XML support with --disable-xml. If you compile PHP as a module for Apache 1.3.9 or later, PHP will automatically use the bundled expat library from Apache. If you don't want to use the bundled expat library, configure PHP with --with-expat-dir=DIR, where DIR should point to the base installation directory of expat.

The Windows version of PHP has built-in support for this extension. You do not need to load any additional extensions in order to use these functions.

Alex Ivaylov

4 years ago

Ubuntu users, please note that this extension might not enabled for you by default. You may need to install by doing "sudo apt-get install php-xml" followed by web server restart.

Extensible Markup Language [XML] is a markup language similar to HTML, but the difference between HTML and XML is HTML has predefined tags but in XML we can create our own tags. The format of XML is standardized, if we share or transmit the XML over other systems and platform the receiver still will be able to parse the data due to the standardized XML syntax. XHTML, MathML, SVG, XUL, XBL, RSS, RDF, etc are some languages based on XML. The php-xml package is a dependency package and it depends on the default version of PHP in Ubuntu. This package contains different types of modules for PHP like DOM, WDDX, XML, SimpleXML, and XSL modules.

Installation of php-xml in Ubuntu

Step 1: Verify the installation of php-xml on ubuntu. Before installing php-xml in Ubuntu first we check it is already present in the system or not. So open terminal on your ubuntu system and run the following command

dpkg –list | grep php-xml

If you get no result like in the given image, then follow the steps below to install php-xml.

Step 2: To install php-xml in Ubuntu, update your system packages using the following command.

sudo apt-get update -y

Step 3: After updating system packages now we install the php-xml using the following command.

sudo apt-get install -y php-xml

Step 4: Now we again verify the installation using the following command.

dpkg –list | grep php-xml

So this is how we install php-xml in Ubuntu.

How do I enable PHP extensions in Windows?

Here's what you do, from what I understand:.
Put the extension library folder under PHP's install path. On my computer this is C:\xampp\php\ext . Search in your PHP. ini for "extension_dir" to find what yours is..
Edit php. ini to load the extension. Find ; Dynamic Extensions ; . Add line extension=my_lib.dll..

How do I install PHP extensions?

How To Compile And Install PHP Extensions From Source.
Install the PHP development package. On Ubuntu/debian, you can use apt-get, it's a piece of cake. ... .
Download & unzip the PHP5 source code. ... .
Prepare the extension [phpize] ... .
Configure & Make the extension. ... .
Move the extension. ... .
Edit your PHP. ... .
Restart your php..

How do I enable Simplexml extension in PHP INI?

get your php version. php --version..
Instal package for your php version. sudo apt-get install php7.4-xml..
Restart apache. sudo systemctl reload apache2..

How do I enable PHP modules?

You can enable PHP modules by updating your PHP initialization file..
Access your website files using FTP or File Manager..
Open your PHP initialization file..
Add the following line to your PHP initialization file [change module_name to your actual module name]: extension = ... .
Save your changes..

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