How to escape single quote in javascript parameters

I need to escape single quotes in JavaScript function parameters to avoid this:

 title="Javascript:INSERT_PRODUCT['188267','WILL AND GRACE','32311','L'ANNIVERSARIO DINOZZE ','20101113|04|18|','13/11/2010 0.00.00','CANALE 5  ',this];"

But I need to escape them inside a function call since I do not know the values that will be passed [db variables I can't escape from the database].

Is there a function that allows me to do something like the following?

 title="Javascript:function[escape[param1], escape[param2], escape[param3]];"

asked Jan 5, 2012 at 14:41


 JSON.stringify[plainTextStr].replace[/&/, "&"].replace[/"/g, """]

will produce a string you can safely embed in a quoted attribute and which will have the same meaning when seen by the JavaScript interpreter.

The only caveat is that some Unicode newlines [U+2028 and U+2029] need to be escaped before being embedded in JavaScript string literals, but JSON only requires that \r and \n be escaped.

answered Jan 5, 2012 at 14:52

Mike SamuelMike Samuel

115k30 gold badges212 silver badges241 bronze badges

Escape the apostrophe with a backslash:

 title="INSERT_PRODUCT['188267','WILL AND GRACE ','32311','L\'ANNIVERSARIO DI NOZZE ','20101113|04|18|','13/11/2010 0.00.00','CANALE 5 ',this];"

answered Jan 5, 2012 at 14:46


It's maybe not totally clear from the question, but assuming that all you want is to send this to a PHP script for storing in a database, you of course would ideally utilize PHP's various methods such as stripslashes[] -- but if you're really not trying to get too fancy, simply adding 1 slash in front of any single quote is enough to send a SQL query right into PHP from the client-side. It's not safe, but maybe not necessary either.

str.replace[/'/g, "\\'"]; // escaping \ with \, so used 2x

does the trick., like for example in something like this:

var body = $['#body'].val[].replace[/'/g, "\\'"];
myCustomSQLqueryFunction["UPDATE mytable SET `content`='"+ body +"';" ];

MySQL will now store your body like you see it in the form field.

answered Feb 7, 2013 at 1:20


3,6954 gold badges34 silver badges38 bronze badges


This function worked for me [it removes and restores the quote again]: Guessing that the data to be sent is the value of an input element,

var Url = encodeURIComponent[$['#userInput'].val[].replace["'","\\'"]];

Then get the original text again:

var originalText = decodeURIComponent[Url];

answered Nov 28, 2014 at 17:21


4164 silver badges15 bronze badges

var cmpdetail = cmpdetail.replace[/'/g, "\\'"];

its working for me.

answered Dec 15, 2015 at 5:53


3895 gold badges7 silver badges20 bronze badges

I prefer to use single quote for defining JavaScript strings. Then I escape my embedded double quotes as follows.

This is how I do it, basically str.replace[/[\""]/g, '\\"'].

var display = document.getElementById['output'];
var str = 'class="whatever-foo__input" id="node-key"';
display.innerHTML = str.replace[/[\""]/g, '\\"'];

//will return class=\"whatever-foo__input\" id=\"node-key\"

answered May 31, 2016 at 0:17

Ronnie RoystonRonnie Royston

14.3k6 gold badges72 silver badges84 bronze badges

I encountered a similar issue recently, and solved it by replacing the single quote with the corresponding unicode [']

Initially my code was this, resulting in me getting results that were cut off [e.g. Jane's Coffee became just Jane in the output].

b.innerHTML += "";

When I introduced unicode replacement [shown below], I got the exact output I wanted

b.innerHTML += "

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