Hướng dẫn how to create weighted graph in python - cách tạo biểu đồ có trọng số trong python

Graph Data Structure

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  1. Vertex
    A vertex is the most basic part of a graph and it is also called a node. Throughout we'll call it note. A vertex may also have additional information and we'll call it as payload.
  2. Edge
    An edge is another basic part of a graph, and it connects two vertices/ Edges may be one-way or two-way. If the edges in a graph are all one-way, the graph is a directed graph, or a digraph. The picture shown above is not a digraph.
  3. Weight
    Edges may be weighted to show that there is a cost to go from one vertex to another. For example in a graph of roads that connect one city to another, the weight on the edge might represent the distance between the two cities or traffic status.
  4. Graph
    A graph can be represented by $G$ where $G=[V,E]$. $V$ is a set of vertices and $E$ is a set of edges. Each edge is a tuple $[v,w]$ where $w,v \in V$. We can add a third component to the edge tuple to represent a weight. A subgraph $s$ is a set of edges $e$ and vertices $v$ such that $e \in E$ and $v \in V$.

    The picture above shows a simple weighted graph and we can represent this graph as the set of six vertices

    $$V = \{a, b, c, d, e, f\}$$

    and the set of nine edges:

    $$E = \{[a,b,7],[a,c,9],[a,f,14],[b,d,15],[b,c,10],[c,d,11],[c,f,2],[d,e,6],[e,f,9]\}$$
  5. Path
    A path in a graph is a sequence of vertices that are connected by edges. We usually define a path as $w_1, w_2,..., w_n$ such that $[w_i, w_{i+1}] \in E$ for all $1 \le i \le n-1$. The unweighted path length is the number of edges in the path $[n-1]$. The weighted path length is the sum of the weights of all the edges in the path. For example in the picture above, the path from $a$ to $e$ is the sequence of vertices $[a, c, d, e]$. The edges are $\{[a, c, 9], [c, d, 11], [d, e, 6]\}$.
  6. Cycle
    A cycle in a directed graph is a path that starts and ends at the same vertex. A graph with no cycles is called an acyclic graph. A directed graph with no cycles is called a directed acyclic graph or a DAG.


In the code, we create two classes: Graph, which holds the master list of vertices, and Vertex, which represents each vertex in the graph:

class Vertex:
    def __init__[self, node]:
        self.id = node
        self.adjacent = {}

    def __str__[self]:
        return str[self.id] + ' adjacent: ' + str[[x.id for x in self.adjacent]]

    def add_neighbor[self, neighbor, weight=0]:
        self.adjacent[neighbor] = weight

    def get_connections[self]:
        return self.adjacent.keys[]  

    def get_id[self]:
        return self.id

    def get_weight[self, neighbor]:
        return self.adjacent[neighbor]

class Graph:
    def __init__[self]:
        self.vert_dict = {}
        self.num_vertices = 0

    def __iter__[self]:
        return iter[self.vert_dict.values[]]

    def add_vertex[self, node]:
        self.num_vertices = self.num_vertices + 1
        new_vertex = Vertex[node]
        self.vert_dict[node] = new_vertex
        return new_vertex

    def get_vertex[self, n]:
        if n in self.vert_dict:
            return self.vert_dict[n]
            return None

    def add_edge[self, frm, to, cost = 0]:
        if frm not in self.vert_dict:
        if to not in self.vert_dict:

        self.vert_dict[frm].add_neighbor[self.vert_dict[to], cost]
        self.vert_dict[to].add_neighbor[self.vert_dict[frm], cost]

    def get_vertices[self]:
        return self.vert_dict.keys[]

if __name__ == '__main__':

    g = Graph[]


    g.add_edge['a', 'b', 7]  
    g.add_edge['a', 'c', 9]
    g.add_edge['a', 'f', 14]
    g.add_edge['b', 'c', 10]
    g.add_edge['b', 'd', 15]
    g.add_edge['c', 'd', 11]
    g.add_edge['c', 'f', 2]
    g.add_edge['d', 'e', 6]
    g.add_edge['e', 'f', 9]

    for v in g:
        for w in v.get_connections[]:
            vid = v.get_id[]
            wid = w.get_id[]
            print '[ %s , %s, %3d]'  % [ vid, wid, v.get_weight[w]]

    for v in g:
        print 'g.vert_dict[%s]=%s' %[v.get_id[], g.vert_dict[v.get_id[]]]

The Vertex class uses a dictionary [adjacent] to keep track of the vertices to which it is connected, and the weight of each edge. The Vertex constructor initializes the id, which is usually a string, and the adjacent dictionary. The add_neighbor[] method is used add a connection from this vertex to another. The get_connections[] method returns all of the vertices in the adjacency list. The get_weight[] method returns the weight of the edge from this vertex to the vertex passed as a parameter.

The Graph class contains a dictionary[vert-dict] that maps vertex names to vertex objects, and we can see the output by the __str__[] method of Vertex class:

g.vert_dict[a]=a adjacent: ['f', 'c', 'b']

Graph also provides methods for adding vertices to a graph and connecting one vertex to another. The get_vertices[] method returns the names of all of the vertices in the graph. Also, we have the __iter__[] method to make it easy to iterate over all the vertex objects in a particular graph. Together, the two methods allow us to iterate over the vertices in a graph by name, or by the objects themselves.

In main[], we created six vertices laebled 'a' through 'f'. Then we displayed the vertex dictionary. Notice that for each key 'a' through 'f' we have created an instance of a Vertex. Next, we add the edges that connect the vertices together. Finally, a nested loop verifies that each edge in the graph is properly stored.


[ a , f,  14]
[ a , c,   9]
[ a , b,   7]
[ c , f,   2]
[ c , a,   9]
[ c , b,  10]
[ c , d,  11]
[ b , a,   7]
[ b , c,  10]
[ b , d,  15]
[ e , f,   9]
[ e , d,   6]
[ d , c,  11]
[ d , e,   6]
[ d , b,  15]
[ f , a,  14]
[ f , c,   2]
[ f , e,   9]
g.vert_dict[a]=a adjacent: ['f', 'c', 'b']
g.vert_dict[c]=c adjacent: ['f', 'a', 'b', 'd']
g.vert_dict[b]=b adjacent: ['a', 'c', 'd']
g.vert_dict[e]=e adjacent: ['f', 'd']
g.vert_dict[d]=d adjacent: ['c', 'e', 'b']
g.vert_dict[f]=f adjacent: ['a', 'c', 'e']

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