Lỗi c3863 array type int 3 is not assignable năm 2024

The left side is an array of ints, the right side is one int. Perhaps you want to put the number into a particular slot in your array?

  • 11-17-2008
    Registered User ---
    Originally Posted by tabstop

The left side is an array of ints, the right side is one int. Perhaps you want to put the number into a particular slot in your array?

how is the right side one int? in my understanding, [apparently a wrong one] doublearray[10][10] is an array of double pointers, so doublearray[1] is pointing to a location in memory that is the start of a 10*sizeof[int] block. so is onearray[10], which onearray is pointing to the same sort of structure.

what is wrong from my understanding? Last edited by armen; 11-17-2008 at 02:43 AM.

  • 11-17-2008

    and the Hat of Guessing


    We don't have any doublearray or onearray anywhere here. I didn't quote your original, but now what you have is an array and an array. However, arrays are not assignable [in C or C++]. If you want each element of the first array to have the corresponding value in the second array, you'll need to use a for-loop to make it happen.

  • 11-17-2008



    Originally Posted by Adak io.h certainly IS included in some modern compilers. It is no longer part of the standard for C, but it is nevertheless, included in the very latest Pelles C versions.
    Originally Posted by Salem You mean it's included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much.

    type FormValues = { products: {

    title: String;  
    sub_title: String;  
    slug: String;  
    short_description: String;  
    long_description: String;  
    dimensions: String;  
    weight: String;  
    stock: String;  
    imageUrl: String;  
    }; variations: {
    option_name: String;  
    option_sku: String;  
    option_qty: String;  
    }[]; }; const Admin = [] => { const [files, setFiles] = useState[[]]; const {
    formState: { errors },  
    } = useForm[]; const { fields, append, remove } = useFieldArray[{
    name: "variations",  

    Could you provide the source code for class Entry? Specifically the source code for Entry::GetTitle and Entry::GetAuthor. GetTitle and GetAuthor in class Entry

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    const char* Entry::GetTitle[] const / returns the title stored /


    return title;  
    } const char* Entry::GetAuthor[] const { return author; }

    I guess my main problem is how to add the new entry without having access to the private members of class Entry which are the title, author, category , and size

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