manc là gì - Nghĩa của từ manc

manc có nghĩa là

Inhabitant of the city of Manchester.


Any houmourless twat with a dodgy weave and inabilty to say words such as; paper, tenner or anything ending with ER.

manc có nghĩa là

Most certainty one of the most hated parts of the United Kingdom. If anyone wonders were all the drug abusers etc… come from then look no further than Manchester [usually the moss side area]. Most of them are usually racist and don’t have jobs but continue to give other parts of the UK negative comments.


Theirs the manc bastard, fucking kill him now before he gets away with my car. Oh shit them kappa tracky bottoms are hurting my eyes and he got away

manc có nghĩa là

A person who lives in manchester!

[the only reason why there are so many scally's and arse raping idiots living in manchester is cos of ppl like u lot that say there are - thats why they all come and live here!!!!!]


i'm a manc but i do not want to be classed as a person who stabs ppl and take old grannies handbags thank u very much!

manc có nghĩa là

scummy lil fuckers who use words like mint and think there boss most of them have moved out of manchester beacuse of the immigrants moving into manchester


mint man

manc có nghĩa là

An inhabitant of Manchester, a city with a particularly high crime rate due to scousers having stolen everything in their own shithole, [see Liverpool].

Not to be confused with followers of Manchester city, who are known as "bitters", [see Stockport].


Scouser: You're crime rat'es higher than ours you Manc twat
Manc: That's because you go elsewhere on the rob you granny-stabbing doleite

manc có nghĩa là

basically a manc or mancunian whicheva floats ya boat is sum1 from manchesta! dey luv der kappa trakkies n der fat gold loop earrings n der chains n so-called 'bling'. dey luv der greased back hair wit 2 strands hangin in front ov der faces! dey also fink dey have da best fashion senses eva wit der purple leggins and lime green kappa trakky tops! dey are all slags aswell n dey rob all da fit men from liverpool coz dey cant fynd ne wer dey cum from!!!!!! :P o ye n dey fink der all gorgeous!


charlotte is a manc slag! no1 lyks er even her fella dont! she has da greasiest hair yav eva cn n hueva told er 2 go blonde needs shootin!!!!

manc có nghĩa là

the pungeant odur coming from a unwashed groin & ass area


the manc waffting off buddy is making my eyes water.

manc có nghĩa là

People who live in Manchester !! Who are multi cultural, educated and like to shop. Home of the greatest gay village in England, and have two amazing teams in here, who are both in the top 5 of the premiership this year. Home to amazing bands, OASIS! Happy Mondays! The Smiths! Take That and Simply Red. All these bands obviosly make all of Manchester lil chavs coz they are soo rap !!!! Unlike the Liverpool scum who are only good for listening to their accent ON THE RADIO where you cant see there scrotey face and Steven Gerrard


Quality Manc Joke

Q: Define confusion

A: Fathers day in Liverpool

manc có nghĩa là

Mancing is a man dancing by himself. This often occurs at home when no one else is around. Most mancing will involve wearing just underwear and socks but not necessarily limited to just undergarments. It is completely possible for mancing to occur in public and anywhere.


Marc: I love it when Tom Cruise starts mancing in Risky Business.
Zach: That's the only reason to watch that movie!
Joe: You're both gay.

manc có nghĩa là

Inhabitant of a horrid cesspit of post industrial decay in the north west of England.

The Manc is a abbreviation of the word 'Mancunian' and the term is
derived from the people of Liverpool, most outsiders think the Liverpool-Manchester rivalry is football but its roots go back to the beginning of the industrial revolution which made Liverpool and Manchester two of the richest cities in the world.

Scousers and Mancs have a lot in common, both cities populations are Irish Catholic in descent, a love of football, a love of sports/leisure wear, a tendency not to work and claim benefits from the state, the same weedy, malnourished physique, like Scousers, Mancunians have a well developed sense of superficial friendliness, unlike Scousers, Mancunians are funny and can laugh at themselves -many of the nations greatest comedians are from Manchester and the outlying areas.

Mancunians tend to have a black sense of humour and are loath to take themselves seriously - after 3 IRA bombs - the running joke is that the IRA did them a favour because they got a nice new city centre out of it!

The Mancs tend to sneer at the Scousers self pitying persona and laugh at their persecution complexes.

Manchester is the scene of high inner city depravation, crime and
unemployment. It is a city without a role in the world and
is reliant on football for its identity.

Despite this, unlike their Scouse bretheren, Mancunians do not give a monkeys if you hate their city and think it is a shithole. They like it and thats all that matters. Neither do they care if you decided to voice a stereotype about Manchester - Mancunians tend to adopt a smug, self indulgence about their city, they like living in 'the Venice of the north' and if you don't like it - then sod off back to Liverpool you theiving scouse get!

Manchester is a famous socialist city, a city that is historically tolerant to immigrants and newcomers, it also is home to one of the biggest gay communities in Europe.


Yer deeeeeeerty Manc bastid

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