robbing là gì - Nghĩa của từ robbing

robbing có nghĩa là

A boy named Rob is one that goes out of their way for other people without asking anything in return and exceedingly kind, gentle and cute. He is exceptionally intelligent, but doesn't let anyone know about his grades unless he is asked. He is often shy around girls, especially if he has feelings for her, but is too afraid to ask them out because of messing up. Rob is also a born leader, exceptional at decision making, and is not afraid to take charge of a bad situation should one erupt.


Girl 1: Hey, i cam across Rob today! Girl 2: The super smart and cute guy from last week? Girl 1: Yep that's him! I can tell he likes me, i just wish he would finally ask me out!!

robbing có nghĩa là

When someone or something steals victory or otherwise robs you of your full potential in something.

Examples include:

1] You and another person are the only candidates for a single job opening. You're the more qualified candidate but the other person gets it because they know someone at the company.

2] Playing a racing game and you're about to make record lap time or course time only to get a lousy item which slows you down enough as to prevent setting said record.

3] Having grades just good enough to get into an excellent college. Then when writing an exam, you've done well only for the person grading it to give you a lousy mark [as in far below what you deserved for it] on an essay question. Said low mark lowers your GPA just enough as to disqualify you for the college you wanted.

4] Playing the lottery and missing the jackpot by a single digit.


1] That guy only got the job because his mother is the manager. I was robbed.

2] Dammit, I was about to score record time in this course and then I end up getting an item that slows me down! I was robbed!

3] I would have been able to get into an Ivy League college if it wasen't for the guy that graded my exam giving me such a lousy grade on the essay question in the final exam. I was robbed.

4] The numbers for jackpot were 2, 7, 16, 35 and 48. I had 2, 7, 16, 35 and 47! I was robbed!

robbing có nghĩa là

A mistake made due to negligence or laziness.


"Just rob rob that shit, it don't matter, it's above the ceiling"

robbing có nghĩa là

doing something extremely stupid without checking with others first


Jeff pulled "a rob" by booking a hotel 6 miles from the venue and there aren't any cabs in the area

robbing có nghĩa là

A expression used frequently after losing a game of ability draft.
Being robbed means one of your teammates didn't care about his team. No interest in getting smart picks or helping in the lane. You just get some setup-spell & rush memehammer. Sometimes you even claim mid to do it faster.
Or you go gloves & quelling to jungle after leeching xp for the first minute.


A: Man i just got so robbed.
B: What happend?
A: So he picked astral first, when there was a sick carry pool. Then he claimed mid, killed the enemy mid once & was completely useless after minute 15.
B: That sounds like getting robbed. Did you lose?
A: Yes, he didnt get scepter but octarine & refresher, didnt save anyone of us with his astral & just didnt deal any dmg. The enemies had enough time to farm bkbs and just outcarry us.
B: At least he didnt go jungle.

robbing có nghĩa là

The appraisal and acquisition of goods either by B 'n' E or a Five finger discount.


My eldest is most likely down Lidl’s on the rob. Me and a couple of smackheads were on the rob in Taunton last Wednesday.

robbing có nghĩa là

The act of using the extra foreskin of an uncircumcised penis to hold all of the ejaculate after masturbation until going to the bathroom to avoid clean up. Also known as "Cum Hooding it", "Cum Pouching it", and "Cumveloping it".


Rob was "Robbing It" because his mom threw out his dream catcher and he didn't want to get his new bed sheets dirty. One of my favourite things to do to avoid a mess is to be "Robbing It". That way, it just stays in my cum hood and I don't have to worry getting it everywhere.

robbing có nghĩa là

Any experience that happens to an individual which simulates that feeling you get when you realize that you have just had something stolen from you


Mike had been drinking all night long, and by 2am had lost his cell phone somewhere at one of the 3 bars. He looked frantic, and his friends all agreed that the situation he was in "robbed"

robbing có nghĩa là

Rob is a very cute boy, with a warm heart and nice smile. He’s intelligent, awesome, smart, loved, handsome, funny, caring, kind, gentle, playful, chill, admirable, and cool. He loves CSGO and he always calls his girlfriend mean if she’s right about him. He’s silly, and thoughtful. He is a gentleman, and pretty shy, but once you get into his loved zone he is a sweetie and soft little teddy bear. He will steal your heart in no time, he has an angelic laugh. When he giggles or chuckles, it is literally pleasure and music to the human ears. When he talks, it’s like cloud 9, you’re floating in heaven. People wish he could see himself how they see him through their eyes. Only then, he’d realize how special, and how much more he means to everyone. He isn’t a simp either because that word is stupid, he’s respectful and outstanding. He deserves infinite gold stickers. His girlfriend also loves him more than everything, every atom, every particle, every organism, every piece of dust, the world, the galaxy, the planets, the universe, the whole outer space and multiverses... times infinity and he cannot deny it. He deserves all the love he can get.


Rob’s girlfriend: Rob is such a cutie, I love him!

robbing có nghĩa là

1. Epic ownage 2. All knowing 3. Perfection 4. Satisfying Antonym: Blackend


1. Did you see Bryan get dropped? Dude, that was Robness! 2. Big Bobby really knows how to make chaopiao. I wish I was Robness like that. 3. Tracy's tits are amazing; they're total Robness. 4. Damn that chocolate dipped banana was Robness!

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