sugar daddy là gì - Nghĩa của từ sugar daddy

sugar daddy có nghĩa là

Like a genie - he may be a little old, but if a girl rubs his lamp, he'll grant her wishes.


She uses her sugar daddy for his money, but he sure gets some service in return!

sugar daddy có nghĩa là

A man who provides money or other favors in exchange for sexual relations.


"All that bitch wants is a sugar daddy."

sugar daddy có nghĩa là

Older males are in their money making prime And young women are in their money needing prime and beauty prime. These three primes often converge creating the secret underground "older man being financially generous to beautiful younger woman" situation.

The idea that all sugar daddies are rich is a stereotype and cliche. That's like saying "all johns are rich". Fact is, sometimes all a poor or needy female wants is for you to help her provide food and basic things for her children she can't afford or maybe help her afford cable television or an education or... just a place to live while she gets on her feet. It's not how rich YOU are that matters, its how POOR she is. Poor females are very open to sugardaddies of all income brackets (well, except maybe poor).

Sugar daddying young women is generally seen as "immoral behavior" but most believe that the origins of that taboo has more to do with society's hatred for "older men/young women" couples than money itself (a hatred likely invented by older women and indoctrinated into us via the mothering process).

Because of the somewhat taboo nature of sugar daddying or having a sugar daddy, most of these types of relationships are top secret and hush hush. You won't usually know that that 22 year old woman has a secret 51 year old sugar daddy who earns $60,000-$1,000,000 annually and provides for her as if she were his wife.

A young woman will usually not admit she has a sugar daddy since she knows she will be called a "whore/prostitute" and men will not admit he is a young woman's sugardaddy because he knows he will be called a "dirty old man" for dating a young woman (even if he was once a boy toy. No male is immune to that smearing).

The fact is, a young woman with an older man is the ONLY human in society who will NOT call him a "dirty old man" for admiring her beauty (older women most definately will call him that, some men might, young males most definately will, and maybe some young women will. but she won't). This makes her the only person even REMOTELY deserving to share in men's successes to begin with. Young women who don't call older men "perverts, dirty old men, letches" DESERVE the generosity of older men. Not the label tossers of society.

My sister calls sugar daddy's "buytoys" for young women.


"What older men lack in beauty they gain in generosity. I would love to move in with a sugar daddy buytoy right now. I'm tired of paying rent."-Leesa

"Every boytoy's BIGGEST dream is to grow into a young adult woman's sugar daddy's buytoy. Hopefully no older women will call him a predator or pervert. That back stabbing sucks"-Boytoy turned sugardaddy

sugar daddy có nghĩa là

A man (usually older and well-off) who financially supports a younger woman (or man) in exchange for sex and companionship.


"That car she's driving has 'Sugar Daddy' written all over it"

sugar daddy có nghĩa là

a middle/old age man that supports a significant young woman in their life. Possibly sexual favors can be a reward for the sugar daddy's help or it can be done voluntarily.


My sugar daddy really takes care of me...and I take care of him too.

sugar daddy có nghĩa là

A rich, older man who “dates” a younger girl and buys her shiny things in exchange for sex.


Ugh! I want those louboutins. Better go get my sugar daddy!

sugar daddy có nghĩa là

An older man (over 40 years of age) who goes after younger women (18 to 35 years of age) and pursues a relationship with them (can be romantic/sexual or just for non-sexual company) in exchange for money or other material goods. The woman is often in the relationship for a short period of time until she gets what she wants (financial stability or other possessions) and is referred to as a "sugar daughter", "sugar baby" or "gold-digger". Most young women are not interested in this type of relationship and would rather date a man closer to their own age or a man they actually love. Sometimes a younger woman actually does fall in love with a respectable older man so she is not a gold-digger, however this is rare and most young women are attracted to men their own age and don't like being "hit on" by old men. Most people think this type of relationship is wrong or embarrassing (some may refer to a "sugar daddy" as a "cradle snatcher" - a slang term). Opinions on the term "sugar daddy" vary. Old men who are interested in younger women may not be offended by this type of relationship, while younger men may find it weird and most women find it degrading.


Hugh Hefner is an example of a very old "sugar daddy." "Sugar dady" is the opposite of a "sugar mama" or "cougar" - which refer to an older woman who pursues a relationship with a much younger man.

sugar daddy có nghĩa là

A lonely, desparate, usually but not always older man who has nothing else going for him except money, so he uses money and expensive gifts to attract women, who are usually but not alway younger and have little going for themselves with the exception of their appearance, and with little skills or ambition, often don't have many other options besides minimum wage, exotic dancing, or outright prostitution. It's essentially a legal and somehow more socially accepted version of prostitution, since the woman would have nothing to do with the man if he didn't have money to buy the expensive gifts and forgo any type of true love based on attraction or personality or dignity to do so. Also see his usual companion.


Do you think that overweight sugar daddy in his fifties would have any chance with that girl if he didn't buy her a BMW and pay her rent?

sugar daddy có nghĩa là

(proper noun) a delicious, yet somehow cumbersome, morsel of chocolate goodness on a stick with a brownish hue. invented by some perv of unknown origins.


Dang! My sugar daddy sho is sweet!

sugar daddy có nghĩa là

You suck his dick and money mysteriously ends up in your bank account.


My sugar daddy's dick is small.