The witcher 3 wild hunt đánh giá năm 2024

The conclusion of Geralt’s game saga couldn’t be better. The large open world, great storytelling and dozens of hours of pure fun – this game is an absolute must for every RPG fan. [Issue


The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece, and in many respects simply the best and most exciting game in recent years. It captivates players with artistic vision, a huge world and an epic story. The developers were not looking for cheap applause - game design is uncompromising, consistent, thoughtful and nuanced.

Witcher 3 is a masterpiece in the world of gaming. It is an open-world role-playing game that combines stunning visuals, compelling storytelling, and immersive gameplay to create an unforgettable experience. The game follows the journey of Geralt of Rivia, a skilled monster hunter, as he embarks on a quest to find his adopted daughter and unravel a dark and complex **** of the standout features of Witcher 3 is its breathtakingly beautiful and detailed world. From lush forests to war-torn villages, every location feels alive and realistic. The game's attention to detail is remarkable, with each NPC having their own unique story and the environment reacting dynamically to your **** storytelling in Witcher 3 is exceptional. The game presents players with morally ambiguous choices that have far-reaching consequences, adding depth and complexity to the narrative. The characters are well-developed and memorable, with their own motivations and conflicts. The main storyline is gripping, but it's the numerous side quests and contracts that truly shine, offering diverse and engaging stories that are often as captivating as the main **** terms of gameplay, Witcher 3 offers a satisfying blend of combat, exploration, and role-playing elements. The combat system is challenging but rewarding, requiring strategic thinking and a mastery of Geralt's arsenal of weapons and magic. The vast open world is filled with hidden treasures, monster nests, and intriguing mysteries, encouraging exploration and discovery.Overall, Witcher 3 is an exceptional game that sets a new standard for open-world RPGs. Its captivating story, stunning visuals, and immersive gameplay make it a must-play for any fan of the genre. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to RPGs, Witcher 3 will leave you spellbound with its depth, complexity, and sheer brilliance.

В этой игре почти всё прекрасно, очень хороший сюжет, великолепная музыка, лор игры невероятен и продуман, очень много интересных и что самое главное уникальных побочных квестов. Я считаю это лучшей игрой в своём жанре. Ещё и следует упомянуть длс к игре которые могут конкурировать с многими полноценными играми. Минус только за задание с ведьмачьим чутьём слишком много заданий к которым подводят одинаковым образом.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is almost perfect. There are a few flaws in the way and the game is not as demanding as it's predecessor, but the tsunami of content that keeps you busy is amazing. The world of the Wild Hunt is so much more than just a pretty picture.

The amount of content we find in The Witcher 3 is outstanding, as is its quality. It is true that there are some aspects with some room for improvement, but it delivers such a rich and unique universe that you will soon forget about them.

Geralt is back and better than ever. A huge, beautiful world filled with adventure and improved combat mechanics makes The Witcher 3 a Game of the Year-contender.

If you’ve ever wanted to become fully immersed in a fantastical universe with absolutely everything you could ever hope to have in an in-depth, unbelievably robust role-playing game, it’s right here.

It spends a great deal of its energy trying to impress the audience with unparalleled scope. The result is an experience that succeeds in its mission of being a grand experience, but commonly missteps when it comes to fundamentals such as combat, leveling systems, and user interface design.

Эта игра, пополнила мой список самых любимых игр. Любой косяк, вроде проблем с русскоязычной озвучкой [скоростью], не особо понятным контекстом без прохождения первых частей или чтения книг, перегруженный и непонятный интерфейс. Абсолютно любой минус перекрывается её преимуществами. Сюжет, вариативность, диалоги, графика, боёвка, проработанный открытый мир, второстепенные квесты, всё это лишь малая часть её отточенных до совершенства плюсов. Рекомендую

the game is not worth all the hype about it, the gameplay is terrible, the story is too convoluted to finally reach an interesting part, the pt-br dubbing is horrible, but, graphically speaking, the game is pleasant, the world is alive in some places, and even if the story is convoluted like I said above, it's good.

Visually stunning. Story, fantastic. Combat, atrocious. Are people that give this game a 9 or 10 totally ignoring the elephant in the room which is the actual combat? Character is slow to respond during boss fights. Lining Gerald up to pick up items or to interact with anything is very annoying....dont even get me started on roach. If the controls were improved then Witcher 3 would be a 9 or 10 for sure.

I saw my friend playing a game and tried it for a hour so I found it interesting and bought it myself. But for a few hours I got frustrated. Like someone already said there you feel so heavy in combat except dodging. Moves are like you are glued but suddenly so fast lol Then you can use spell you are dead. Riding a horse and it moves are mess too in similar way. I thought Im that clumsy but compared to another games this is mess. Invetory is labyrinth of the chaos. Ok but thats technical problems in some way. Another thing is NPCs. There are two types-frustrated ones with no hope and macho like I have been everywhere and knows everything with tons of useless dialogues to spread their personality or some not interesting info. Story is fine and deep but with dialogues and NPCs like these not really. World is fine feels living. But in Skyrim and Gothic for example you know you are in one cultural region so know the scenery,people and houses is very similar or same. There are many historical lands but feel very similar. Most annoying thing is when you pull up sword in city and its auto considered as a crime. And in terms of RPG its not really RPG but mainly its there to tell you a story I think. For first look its amazing if you get more into it its hard because of fighting system,boring because dialogues and annoying because of how story feels long. Music is also not that epic for game of this type.

The most overrated game in history. In almost every aspect it is either just bad or worse than any RPG game in history.

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