Toastmasters speech topics for project 2

As a speaker you need to deliver an idea to the audience. The purpose of your speech is to persuade them to do some action. The secret behind gaining an audience reaction is a well-organized speech.

A well-organized speech is easy to understand and remember. It also ensures undivided attention of the audience and their appreciation.

Table of Contents

    • Objectives
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Tips and Techniques
  • What will you benefit?
    • Sample Speech


a] Outline your speech

There is no best way to outline your speech. Although, there are many ways to do it. Depending upon the topic you have selected outline your speech in a manner that will best suit its objective. You need to develop an impactful opening and closing that will fuel the purpose of the speech.

b] Draw clear transitions

You should move smoothly from one topic to another. There should not be a sense of disconnectivity between your introduction, body and conclusion. Use transitions to meet your purpose. Transitions can be words, phrases, statements or questions.

c] Get a control over your nervousness

This speech demands you to get control over your nervousness. You will have to learn to deliver the speech with confidence and conviction. You need to learn to attract the audiences attention and influence their actions.

d] Reduce note dependency

Now that you are a step closer to the speaker you aspire to be, you need to focus on going further. Excessive use of note will make your speech less effective. In this speech, you are expected to reduce the use of note as much as possible.

Evaluation Criteria

a]An effective opening, closing and transition.

Your opening should be strong enough to grab peoples attention. Your conclusion should explain the entire purpose of the speech. You should flow smoothly from one topic to another. The better the introduction, conclusion and the use of transition, the more positively you will be graded for your speech.

b] Organization of the speech

The level of the organization of the speech can be measured by the level of influence you had on the audience. If your audience clearly understands your speech and loses track of time while you talk, then you will have aced this speech my friend!

c] Preparation

Your control over your nervousness will help judge the degree of your preparation. The more confidently you are able to deliver your speech, the more you will be appreciated for it.

d] Speech value

Your speech needs to be interesting and meaningful to the audience. An absurd topic will not be appreciated.

Tips and Techniques

a] Select a topic of your interest

It may be possible to count the number of stars in an evening sky, but choosing a topic from the numerous available is merely impossible. Select a topic you know of or is of your interest. If it is hard to figure out, jot down the things that interest you, your hobby or your skill. You will find it much easier to speak on topics that interest you than the ones that dont.

b] Select a narrow topic

Once you have selected a topic, narrow it down. Dont go for a broad topic. Remember that you have only six minutes to deliver the speech. Example, if you like reading, talk about a book that inspired you or of your favorite book.

c] To develop an opening

Avoid weak openings. You can start by a famous quote or a challenging question. You can also use objects, pictures, sound or mimic a character to get the peoples attention. Ensure that the chosen opening is completely relevant to the topic you will be speaking on.

d] To design the body

Jot down important and relevant points. Filter or merge points if you happen to have too many. Then elaborate the points in brief. Use more of examples or stories to make your speech interesting. A visual aid or fact also would be helpful.

e] To develop the conclusion

The conclusion is your last opportunity to convey the message to the audience. You can summarized or review you speech if you were informing your audience. You can also conclude with a rhetoric question or a challenging statement. In case of persuasion, suggest actions to be taken.

What will you benefit?

a]Selection of Interesting topics

From this project, you will learn the art of selecting appropriate topics. You will get a better understand of the topics. You will clearly be able to recognize the topics that will attract and retain audiences attention.

b]Organization of your speech

You will learn the skill of organizing your speech. You will also realize the importance of a well-organized speech. You will learn how to smoothly flow from one subject to another. You will get a clearer understanding of the use of transitions.

c] Dependency on notes

This project expects you to reduce the use of note. This will reduce your note dependency. You will learn to memorize your speech.

d] Practice to control nervousness

You will have to put in quite a lot of effort to reduce the frequency of using notes. This effort will give you confidence. Absence of nervousness is a natural human response and will not cease to exist. However, practicing to be calmer and to talking with conviction will eventually masks the nervousness you feel.

Sample Speech

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