true friends là gì - Nghĩa của từ true friends

true friends có nghĩa là

A true friend is someone who has touched your heart and will stay there. Someone you care for, who cares for you. Someone you can do the stupidest things around and always be forgiven. Someone you'll instantly remember in ten years because they are in your heart and not just your mind. They have the ability to change you, even if they don't. They will be etched in your memories forever.


I was lost on a business trip, walking around near Chelsea, London when I suddenly saw someone I knew was who, but couldn't remember. I hadn't seen his face in ten years, but our eyes met, and without saying a word, he took me to his car and asked me where I was going.

Yesterday I realized how some people that I hung out with didn't really care for me. We had common interests, had fun together, did stuff together, but I knew something was missing when they looked at me strangely after I started shouting "BOOM HEADSHOT! I could dance all day, I could dance all day, c'mon try and hit me, try and hit me! BOOM HEADSHOT" as we were playing Halo. They aren't my true friends.

true friends có nghĩa là

someone who cares and is there... who just doesn't say they do and not mean it, somone you can call and talk to when your having a really bad time and you can trust with anything .. who won't turn aorund and stab you in the back ...


A good friend will bail you out of jail, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying that was fucking awesome.

true friends có nghĩa là

One soul in two bodies. Two people who are so close that their actions and thoughts sync together, often thinking and saying the same things at the same time. Very few people have the blessing of a true friend. True Friends have an in explainable, unbreakable bond, even if they're not there for you, they're still there. A true friend will look at you at your worst time in life, and still call you beautiful and strong. Someone that no matter what you go through, will always tell you they love you, no matter how many times you fight, no mater what you put each other through, you forgive each other easily. A best friend may be around a few years, but a true friend is forever. Even if you haven't seen each other for 5 years, the friendship remains unbreakable. They come to you when you're at your lowest, even when you push them away, they still stay. They know what mood you're in just by looking at your face expression, and they know just how to cheer you up when you're sad. They know everything about you, even more than you know about yourself. They tell you when you do something stupid, but support you through change. You share countless memories together. You do everything together. They're the person in the passenger seat when you first get your license, also the person you get in countless trouble with. They're the person you take pictures with at your Senior graduation. They're your first roommate, brides maid at your wedding. Basically, True Friendship is Love.


"I'll always be there for you whenever you need me."
"Thanks dude, you're a true friend."

true friends có nghĩa là

Sam. We will never forget you. You greeted everyone like they meant the world to you. Never once did i hear or see you be mean to someone. You are a hero from MMUHS that noone will ever forget.


you were a ttrue friend to everyone

true friends có nghĩa là

a friend that knows all of your faults, mistakes, and problems, and still loves you. a friend that will be next to you when you cry, trying to cheer you up. a friend that will always be there, even when you're not there for them. a friend that will accept your every apology. a friend that can get you out of all difficult situations. a friend that will be texting you when you are on your first date. a friend that is true, will always be the one at your side when you're down.


My best friend is a true friend; she helps me through all of my difficult times.

true friends có nghĩa là

A True Friend not only likes to hang out with you and party and have good times, but thinks about you when you're apart and wishes good things for you. A True Friend may not talk to you every day or even every week, but can catch up in a matter of minutes. A True Friend will come to your aid, even when you haven't talked to them in weeks. Time doesn't lessen a True Friend's affinity for you. True Friends also are most honest with you, rather than shining you on.


Because I can go for weeks without talking to Beth and then catch up in minutes and because I would drop anything to help her or vice-versa, Beth is one of my True Friends. She has no problem giving me her True opinion either, like if my butt really is too big for those jeans. She usually has a better suggestion, rather than leaving me hanging with my big butt...suggesting I wear this mini skirt instead, because it makes me look hot.

true friends có nghĩa là

A true friend is someone who has touched your heart and will stay there. Someone you care for, who cares for you. Someone you can do the stupidest things around and always be forgiven. Someone you'll instantly remember in ten years because they are in your heart and not just your mind. They have the ability to change you, even if they don't. They will be etched in your memories forever.


I was lost on a business trip, walking around near Chelsea, London when I suddenly saw someone I knew was who, but couldn't remember. I hadn't seen his face in ten years, but our eyes met, and without saying a word, he took me to his car and asked me where I was going.

Yesterday I realized how some people that I hung out with didn't really care for me. We had common interests, had fun together, did stuff together, but I knew something was missing when they looked at me strangely after I started shouting "BOOM HEADSHOT! I could dance all day, I could dance all day, c'mon try and hit me, try and hit me! BOOM HEADSHOT" as we were playing Halo. They aren't my true friends.

true friends có nghĩa là

-a friend who is always there
-will wake up in the middle of the night to help you
-does not hold grudges
-cares for you
-is kind
-refuses to let you mess up your life
-is there for you even in the worst times
-a rare occurance
-puts you and other friends of his/her before themself


Without him i would still be depressed and probably drunk, he is a true friend

true friends có nghĩa là

Someone who will have your back when you cry
Someone who will be there for you in hard times
Someone you can laugh with and trust with your heart
Someone that means something to you in every way


She is my true friend, I can't think of live without her
He means so much to me!

true friends có nghĩa là

Someone who is always there for you no matter what. Someone who loves you so much that at the end of the day they agree to disagree. Someone who is your best friends for life NO MATTER WHAT.


Kelly, Katrina and Rosie.. the 3 true friends that anyone could ever have :] A True Friend.

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