afterlife là gì - Nghĩa của từ afterlife

afterlife có nghĩa là

The Afterlife is the continued existence of the soul believed to follow death. Most cultures have some belief in an afterlife and perception is usually influenced by the dominant religion of the times. Depending on your religion or lack there of, the afterlife may be viewed as a very pleasent or very unpleasent experience; or completely non-existent.

Some versions of the afterlife inculde: Asgard, Valhalla, Hel, Paradise, Summerland, Nirvana, Elysium, The Spirit World, Elsewhere, Heaven, Hell, Avalon, Astral Plane, Happy Hunting Ground, Limbo, Sheol


There are many versions of the afterlife, which one would you pick?

afterlife có nghĩa là

A song by American hard rock band Avenged Sevenfold. The song is the fourth on their self-titled album and features a string orchestra. It was written by the band's drummer, The Rev. The song is about a man who dies early and finds himself in heaven. Upon entering, he realizes that he has too many things to do on Earth, and to go back and make it right he has to escape from the afterlife.


I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear. Escape from this Afterlife.

afterlife có nghĩa là

How you define afterlife usually depends on your religion; now that's not my area of expertise, but I do believe that there IS an afterlife. Because people can't ultimately die; subconsciously we pass on our traits: our laughter, our thoughts, our values, our beliefs, etc.
These are parts of who we are, parts that we can't take to the grave and won't rot away with our body. Plus, I don't think people can stand the fact of saying the big 'Good-bye'. So afterlife is a way of thinking positive, even if there never is real proof. Belief is a strong emotion; it can do miracles.


Where do you think you'll end up after this sh*tty life?
What kind of afterlife will we be in?

afterlife có nghĩa là

What happens to you after your body dies, where your soul goes after death, another existence. Many cultures and religions have different views on the afterlife. Many believe our actions in this life are judged and will effect the afterlife. Others believe in reincarnation. A consistent, vast majority of human population believes in some form of afterlife. Quantum Physics/Mechanics and other sciences show other existences and certainly possible, not to mention other theories on unknown dimensions, alternate universes, etc. Only atheists deny any sort of afterlife, and think they are superior for it, possibly due to a fear of judgment.


"Valhalla is the afterlife Norse Mythology envisioned for fallen warriors and heroes of their culture."

afterlife có nghĩa là

An alternate existence after the end of this existence. The concept originated due to a lack of understanding of what it is like to not exist that eventually lead to a fear in non existence and thus allowed the concept of the afterlife to flourish. In today's world some use Quantum Mechanics/Quantum Entanglement or the lack of understanding of qualia to support an afterlife on a scientific level. However overall the belief in an afterlife is on a decline according to recent surveys on the Gallop Poll.


What do we experience in the afterlife?

Passive Theist: Our Soul either goes to Heaven or Hell or is Reincarnated

Christian Theist: I am going to heaven, you are going to hell.

Passive Atheist: The same thing that happens before we were born

Militant Atheist: Don't ask me stupid questions

Agnostic: I don't know

afterlife có nghĩa là

The Afterlife is, in a logical point of view, a(n) imaginary place. If The Afterlife is real, it would be a(n) inevitable, commonly active force in our universe or, if true, our MULTI-verse that reacts to the once living but recently dead force resonating in the corpse(s) of one, many, most, or ALL creatures. Once that Commonly Active Force reacts to a corpse: 1. Like how we civilians recycle, WE in general could be recycled or reincarnated, as the same species or a different one. And that reincarnation can take place in our world, or a different one, or from one to the other.
2. That corpses force could be revived in a parallel universe as the same person but in a different timeline, if there is one.


I know my parents will live on, because they'll be going to The Afterlife.

afterlife có nghĩa là

It’s when you take a deceased friend or family’s ashes, mix it with cocaine, and proceed to snort it


Jon-“damn dude, that afterlife line was strong, i can feel my great grandpa inside of me!”

afterlife có nghĩa là

After you die, you will enter the 'afterlife.' This is the realm some believe in where you die and become a ghost. If you're a ghost, you can do whatever you want. No-one will see you as you are invisible to mortals. The grim reaper will be waiting for you. Doomsday might lead you there too.


When I die I hope I enter the afterlife.

afterlife có nghĩa là

Overplaying a song until it is no longer enjoyable to listen to.


Dude they are afterlifeing that song.

afterlife có nghĩa là

A feeling or mood in which someone who has recently gone partying breaks out into spontaneous dancing and hears clubbing music in there head


B: BECAUSE C has the afterlife because of how cool that last party was