Archimedes law of buoyancy is an example of what research


Archimedes Law

buoyant force

experiment for the Archimedes' law

law of floatation

relation between Archimedes principle and the law of floatation

According to Archimedes' principle, the upward force experienced by an object immersed in a fluid is proportional to the displaced fluid’s weight.


Fluids that surround an object exert forces on it that is known as the Archimedes' principle. In the case of an object immersed in a fluid, its net weight is reduced in proportion to the applied force.

Greek Mathematician and Inventor Archimedes described it as an effect of immersion in a fluid (gas or liquid) at rest. He argued that any object immersed partially or entirely in a fluid would experience a buoyant force whose magnitude is equal to the amount of fluid displaced by it at rest.


  • The force exerted on an object equals the fluid’s weight misplaced by the object itself in its simplest form, according to Archimedes' law.

Fb = ρ x g x V = ρgV


  • Fb is the buoyant force,
  • ρ is the fluid density,
  • V is the submerged volume, and
  • g is gravity's acceleration


Archimedes law of buoyancy is an example of what research

Look at the figure. This is an experiment for the Archimedes' law

  • Gently submerge the solid in water. 
  • In the measurement cylinder, the water displaced by the substance is collected. 
  • When the water stops trickling from the spout, weigh the solid and measure the volume of water gathered in the measuring cylinder.

This proves Archimedes' theory.


  • A body floats on water when the displaced weight of its immersed part is equal to its total weight, and this is the floatation law.
  • The floatation law states that the weight of the floating body equals the weight of the liquid displaced by its immersed section while floating.


  • Floating objects themselves, as well as the assumption that they displace an equal volume of fluid, are not Archimedes' principles.
  • According to Archimedes' principle, buoyant forces are equal to fluid weights when they are displaced.


An ice cube in a glass of water is an example of the Archimedes' Principle; because ice is less dense than water, the cube floats. As a result, the ice beneath the surface displaces that volume of water.


  • Greek Mathematician and Inventor Archimedes described it as an effect of immersion in a fluid (gas or liquid) at rest.
  • He argued that any object immersed partially or entirely in a fluid would experience a buoyant force whose magnitude is equal to the amount of fluid displaced by it at rest. 
  • Fluids that surround an object exert forces on it that is known as the Archimedes principle. In the case of an object immersed in a fluid, its net weight is reduced in proportion to the applied force.


Q. What does Archimedes Principle state?

According to Archimede's Principle, a body immersed in a fluid receives an upthrust equal to the weight of the fluid displaced, and this is essential for a body floating in still water to maintain equilibrium.

Q. Who discovered the Archimedes Principle?

It is a physical law of buoyancy formulated by Greek Mathematician and inventor Archimedes.

Q. How is Archimedes Principle used?

When estimating the volume of an item that does not have a regular shape, Archimedes' method comes in handy. The unusually shaped object can be immersed, and the volume of the fluid displaced equals the object's volume. It can also be used to calculate an object's density or specific gravity.

Q. How can the Archimedes Principle be used to determine the density?

The buoyant force on a submerged object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. The average density of an object can be calculated by dividing its mass by its volume.

Q. Where is the Archimedes principle used?

Ships and submarines are designed with the Archimedes principle in mind. Archimedes' principle is used in hydrometers.

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  1. Archimedes’ Principle: Accessed 18th April 2022. 
  2. Archimedes’ Principle: Accessed 18th April 2022.

What kind of research is Archimedes law of buoyancy?

Archimedes' principle (or, more properly, Archimedes's principle) states that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces. Archimedes' principle is a law of physics fundamental to fluid mechanics.

What is the principle of buoyancy?

In simple terms, the principle states that the buoyancy force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object, or the density of the fluid multiplied by the submerged volume times the gravitational acceleration, g.

What is Archimedes principle of flotation?

Archimedes, the Ancient Greek scientist first stated the principle of floatation. According to him, all the objects placed in a liquid experience an upward force which allows the body to float if it displaces water with the weight equal to the weight of the body.