Convert json to object in php

I am developing a web application in PHP,

I need to transfer many objects from server as JSON string, is there any library existing for PHP to convert object to JSON and JSON String to Objec, like Gson library for Java.


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asked Mar 25, 2012 at 6:58

This should do the trick!

// convert object => json
$json = json_encode[$myObject];

// convert json => object
$obj = json_decode[$json];

Here's an example

$foo = new StdClass[];
$foo->hello = "world";
$foo->bar = "baz";

$json = json_encode[$foo];
echo $json;
//=> {"hello":"world","bar":"baz"}

// stdClass Object
// [
//   [hello] => world
//   [bar] => baz
// ]

If you want the output as an Array instead of an Object, pass true to json_decode

print_r[json_decode[$json, true]];
// Array
// [
//   [hello] => world
//   [bar] => baz
// ]    

More about json_encode[]

See also: json_decode[]

answered Mar 25, 2012 at 7:00


74k36 gold badges164 silver badges196 bronze badges


json_decode[$json, true]; 
// the second param being true will return associative array. This one is easy.

answered Mar 25, 2012 at 10:31

Kishor KundanKishor Kundan

3,0751 gold badge22 silver badges30 bronze badges


class foo{
    function __construct[
        public $bar,
        protected $bat,
        private $baz,

    function getBar[]{return $this->bar;}
    function getBat[]{return $this->bat;}
    function getBaz[]{return $this->baz;}

//Create Object
$foo = new foo[bar:"bar", bat:"bat", baz:"baz"];

//Object => JSON
$fooJSON = json_encode[serialize[$foo]];
// "O:3:\"foo\":3:{s:3:\"bar\";s:3:\"bar\";s:6:\"\u0000*\u0000bat\";s:3:\"bat\";s:8:\"\u0000foo\u0000baz\";s:3:\"baz\";}"

// Important. In order to be able to unserialize[] an object, the class of that object needs to be defined.
#   More information here: //
//JSON => Object
$fooObject = unserialize[json_decode[$fooJSON]];
#    [bar] => bar
#    [bat:protected] => bat
#    [baz:foo:private] => baz
# ]

//To use some functions or Properties of $fooObject
echo $fooObject->bar;
// bar

echo $fooObject->getBat[];
// bat

echo $fooObject->getBaz[];
// baz

answered Mar 10, 2021 at 11:02


I made a method to solve this. My approach is:

1 - Create a abstract class that have a method to convert Objects to Array [including private attr] using Regex. 2 - Convert the returned array to json.

I use this Abstract class as parent of all my domain classes

Class code:

namespace Project\core;

abstract class AbstractEntity {
    public function getAvoidedFields[] {
        return array [];
    public function toArray[] {
        $temp = [ array ] $this;

        $array = array [];

        foreach [ $temp as $k => $v ] {
            $k = preg_match [ '/^\x00[?:.*?]\x00[.+]/', $k, $matches ] ? $matches [1] : $k;
            if [in_array [ $k, $this->getAvoidedFields [] ]] {
                $array [$k] = "";
            } else {

                // if it is an object recursive call
                if [is_object [ $v ] && $v instanceof AbstractEntity] {
                    $array [$k] = $v->toArray[];
                // if its an array pass por each item
                if [is_array [ $v ]] {

                    foreach [ $v as $key => $value ] {
                        if [is_object [ $value ] && $value instanceof AbstractEntity] {
                            $arrayReturn [$key] = $value->toArray[];
                        } else {
                            $arrayReturn [$key] = $value;
                    $array [$k] = $arrayReturn;
                // if it is not a array and a object return it
                if [! is_object [ $v ] && !is_array [ $v ]] {
                    $array [$k] = $v;

        return $array;

answered Feb 22, 2016 at 13:36

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged php gson json or ask your own question.

Can you JSON encode an object in PHP?

json_encode[] is a native PHP function that allows you to convert PHP data into the JSON format. The function takes in a PHP object [$value] and returns a JSON string [or False if the operation fails].

What is a function in PHP that transforms JSON into an object?

PHP read JSON string as an Object This function [ json_decode[] ] basically converts a JSON string into an object. It takes JSON string as a parameter and converts it into an object.

Can PHP read JSON?

Parsing JSON with PHP PHP has built-in functions to encode and decode JSON data.

How can I get JSON encoded data in PHP?

To receive JSON string we can use the “php://input” along with the function file_get_contents[] which helps us receive JSON data as a file and read it into a string. Later, we can use the json_decode[] function to decode the JSON string.

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