Convert x y w h to top left right ottom

The mlcalibrate class provides methods to manipulate the coordinate systems and convert xy coordinates from one system to another. There are 4 mlcalibrate objects that users can access in the timing script: EyeCal, Eye2Cal, JoyCal and Joy2Cal.

xy_deg = EyeCal.sig2deg(xy_sig, offset); % The offset should be [0 0]. EyeCal.translate(xy_offset); % Translate the system so that xy_offset becomes a new (0,0). EyeCal.rotate(theta); % Rotate the coordinates system by theta (in degrees). EyeCal.custom_calfunc(@function_handle); % For user manipulation of calibration.

The sig2deg method is device-dependent. It works only when the calibration process is complete. There are three methods that can affect how sig2deg works. The translate method updates the calibration matrix so that the given coordinates become a new origin of the system. The rotate method turns the axes on the origin by the given angle. With the custom_calfunc method, you can plug in a custom function to manipulate the calibration. For example, if you want to move the origin to [3 3], you can write a timing script as below.

new_origin = [3 3]; % in degrees JoyCal.custom_calfunc(@custom_joy); ... ... ... function xy_deg = custom_joy(xy_deg) % note that input and output are both in degrees n = size(xy_deg,1); xy_deg = xy_deg + repmat(new_origin, n, 1); end

The difference between JoyCal.translate([3 3]) and the above code is that the former brings [3 3] to [0 0] and the latter moves [0 0] to [3 3].

Additionally the following methods are available. Except sig2pix, all methods are device-independent. In other words, the results will be the same, no matter which object you use among EyeCal, Eye2Cal, JoyCal and Joy2Cal to call them.

xy_pix = EyeCal.sig2pix(xy_sig, offset); % this is a conjugation of sig2deg and deg2pix xy_deg = EyeCal.pix2deg(xy_pix); xy_pix = EyeCal.deg2pix(xy_deg); xy_deg = EyeCal.subject2deg(xy); % get the degree coordinates of a point on the subject screen xy_pix = EyeCal.subject2pix(xy); xy_deg = EyeCal.control2deg(xy); % get the degree coordinates of a point on the control screen xy_pix = EyeCal.control2pix(xy); xy_deg = EyeCal.norm2deg(xy); xy_pix = EyeCal.norm2pix(xy); wh_deg = EyeCal.norm2size(wh); % convert the normalized size (width & height) to visual degrees

In the scene framework, you can access Tracker's mlcalibrate object inside the adapter like the following.

def non_max_suppression(

    nc=0,  # number of classes (optional)
Perform non-maximum suppression (NMS) on a set of boxes, with support for masks and multiple labels per box.
    prediction (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape (batch_size, num_classes + 4 + num_masks, num_boxes)
        containing the predicted boxes, classes, and masks. The tensor should be in the format
        output by a model, such as YOLO.
    conf_thres (float): The confidence threshold below which boxes will be filtered out.
        Valid values are between 0.0 and 1.0.
    iou_thres (float): The IoU threshold below which boxes will be filtered out during NMS.
        Valid values are between 0.0 and 1.0.
    classes (List[int]): A list of class indices to consider. If None, all classes will be considered.
    agnostic (bool): If True, the model is agnostic to the number of classes, and all
        classes will be considered as one.
    multi_label (bool): If True, each box may have multiple labels.
    labels (List[List[Union[int, float, torch.Tensor]]]): A list of lists, where each inner
        list contains the apriori labels for a given image. The list should be in the format
        output by a dataloader, with each label being a tuple of (class_index, x1, y1, x2, y2).
    max_det (int): The maximum number of boxes to keep after NMS.
    nc (int, optional): The number of classes output by the model. Any indices after this will be considered masks.
    max_time_img (float): The maximum time (seconds) for processing one image.
    max_nms (int): The maximum number of boxes into torchvision.ops.nms().
    max_wh (int): The maximum box width and height in pixels
    (List[torch.Tensor]): A list of length batch_size, where each element is a tensor of
        shape (num_boxes, 6 + num_masks) containing the kept boxes, with columns
        (x1, y1, x2, y2, confidence, class, mask1, mask2, ...).
# Checks
assert 0 <= conf_thres <= 1, f'Invalid Confidence threshold {conf_thres}, valid values are between 0.0 and 1.0'
assert 0 <= iou_thres <= 1, f'Invalid IoU {iou_thres}, valid values are between 0.0 and 1.0'
if isinstance(prediction, (list, tuple)):  # YOLOv8 model in validation model, output = (inference_out, loss_out)
    prediction = prediction[0]  # select only inference output
bs = prediction.shape[0]  # batch size
nc = nc or (prediction.shape[1] - 4)  # number of classes
nm = prediction.shape[1] - nc - 4
mi = 4 + nc  # mask start index
xc = prediction[:, 4:mi].amax(1) > conf_thres  # candidates
# Settings
# min_wh = 2  # (pixels) minimum box width and height
time_limit = 0.5 + max_time_img * bs  # seconds to quit after
multi_label &= nc > 1  # multiple labels per box (adds 0.5ms/img)
prediction = prediction.transpose(-1, -2)  # shape(1,84,6300) to shape(1,6300,84)
prediction[..., :4] = xywh2xyxy(prediction[..., :4])  # xywh to xyxy
t = time.time()
output = [torch.zeros((0, 6 + nm), device=prediction.device)] * bs
for xi, x in enumerate(prediction):  # image index, image inference
    # Apply constraints
    # x[((x[:, 2:4] < min_wh) | (x[:, 2:4] > max_wh)).any(1), 4] = 0  # width-height
    x = x[xc[xi]]  # confidence
    # Cat apriori labels if autolabelling
    if labels and len(labels[xi]):
        lb = labels[xi]
        v = torch.zeros((len(lb), nc + nm + 4), device=x.device)
        v[:, :4] = xywh2xyxy(lb[:, 1:5])  # box
        v[range(len(lb)), lb[:, 0].long() + 4] = 1.0  # cls
        x =, v), 0)
    # If none remain process next image
    if not x.shape[0]:
    # Detections matrix nx6 (xyxy, conf, cls)
    box, cls, mask = x.split((4, nc, nm), 1)
    if multi_label:
        i, j = torch.where(cls > conf_thres)
        x =[i], x[i, 4 + j, None], j[:, None].float(), mask[i]), 1)
    else:  # best class only
        conf, j = cls.max(1, keepdim=True)
        x =, conf, j.float(), mask), 1)[conf.view(-1) > conf_thres]
    # Filter by class
    if classes is not None:
        x = x[(x[:, 5:6] == torch.tensor(classes, device=x.device)).any(1)]
    # Check shape
    n = x.shape[0]  # number of boxes
    if not n:  # no boxes
    if n > max_nms:  # excess boxes
        x = x[x[:, 4].argsort(descending=True)[:max_nms]]  # sort by confidence and remove excess boxes
    # Batched NMS
    c = x[:, 5:6] * (0 if agnostic else max_wh)  # classes
    boxes, scores = x[:, :4] + c, x[:, 4]  # boxes (offset by class), scores
    i = torchvision.ops.nms(boxes, scores, iou_thres)  # NMS
    i = i[:max_det]  # limit detections
    # # Experimental
    # merge = False  # use merge-NMS
    # if merge and (1 < n < 3E3):  # Merge NMS (boxes merged using weighted mean)
    #     # Update boxes as boxes(i,4) = weights(i,n) * boxes(n,4)
    #     from .metrics import box_iou
    #     iou = box_iou(boxes[i], boxes) > iou_thres  # iou matrix
    #     weights = iou * scores[None]  # box weights
    #     x[i, :4] =, x[:, :4]).float() / weights.sum(1, keepdim=True)  # merged boxes
    #     redundant = True  # require redundant detections
    #     if redundant:
    #         i = i[iou.sum(1) > 1]  # require redundancy
    output[xi] = x[i]
    if (time.time() - t) > time_limit:
        LOGGER.warning(f'WARNING ⚠️ NMS time limit {time_limit:.3f}s exceeded')
        break  # time limit exceeded
return output

What is Xywh format?

'xyxy': boxes are represented via corners, x1, y1 being top left and x2, y2 being bottom right. This is the format that torchvision utilities expect. 'xywh' : boxes are represented via corner, width and height, x1, y2 being top left, w, h being width and height.

How to convert bounding box x1 y1 x2 y2 to yolo style?

There are two things you need to do:.

Divide the coordinates by the image size to normalize them to [0..1] range..

Convert (x1, y1, x2, y2) coordinates to (center_x, center_y, width, height)..

How do you normalize a bounding box coordinate?

To normalize, the x coordinate of the center by the width of the image and the y coordinate of the center by the height of the image. The values of width and height are also normalized. In the Pascal format, the bounding box is represented by the top-left and bottom-right coordinates.

What is the coordinate format for a bounding box?

Coordinates of a bounding box are encoded with four values in pixels: [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] . x_min and y_min are coordinates of the top-left corner of the bounding box. x_max and y_max are coordinates of bottom-right corner of the bounding box.