How do i run a python button in html?

I've done exactly this on Windows. I have a local .html page that I use as a "dashboard" for all my current work. In addition to the usual links, I've been able to add clickable links that open MS-Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, open my IDE, ssh to servers, etc. It is a little involved but here's how I did it ...

First, update the Windows registry. Your browser handles usual protocols like http, https, ftp. You can define your own protocol and a handler to be invoked when a link of that protocol-type is clicked. Here's the config (run with regedit)

@="URL:MyDB Document"
"URL Protocol"=""



@="wscript C:\_opt\Dashboard\Dashboard.vbs \"%1\""

With this, when I have a link like ProjectX, clicking it will invoke C:\_opt\Dashboard\Dashboard.vbs passing it the command line parameter open:ProjectX.docx. My VBS code looks at this parameter and does the necessary thing (in this case, because it ends in .docx, it invokes MS-Word with ProjectX.docx as the parameter to it.

Now, I've written my handler in VBS only because it is very old code (like 15+ years). I haven't tried it, but you might be able to write a Python handler,, instead. I'll leave it up to you to write your own handler. For your scripts, your link could be href="" (the runpy: prefix tells your handle to run with Python).

Brython can do this. It is a Python interpreter written in Javascript.

Here is html code using Brython that allows you to enter text then when clicking the uppercase button it turns the text to uppercase. Just copy the text below to a .html file and open it in your browser:





Your Text:


How to run a python script by clicking on an html button



step 1: Pip install django

step 2: Open your prompt window and create a directory called "django-webapp"

step 3: In your prompt window, navigate to django-webapp & run django-admin startproject geniusvoice (or your own django project name)

cd django-webapp
django-admin startproject geniusvoice

step 4: Navigate to geniusvoice

Checkpoint: step 1-4

step 5: create a folder called "my_templates"

step 6: create a file called "geniusvoice.html" in "my_templates" folder

cd. > my_templates/geniusvoice.html

step 7: create a file called "" in "geniusvoice" folder

cd. > geniusvoice/geniusvoice.html

Checkpoint: step 5-7

step 8: Copy and paste this code in

NOTE: make sure to replace the existing code in

"""geniusvoice URL Configuration

The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see:
Function views
    1. Add an import:  from my_app import views
    2. Add a URL to urlpatterns:  path('', views.home, name='home')
Class-based views
    1. Add an import:  from other_app.views import Home
    2. Add a URL to urlpatterns:  path('', Home.as_view(), name='home')
Including another URLconf
    1. Import the include() function: from django.urls import include, path
    2. Add a URL to urlpatterns:  path('blog/', include('blog.urls'))

from django.contrib import admin
from django.conf.urls import url
from . import webapp
urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', webapp.button),
    url(r'^output', webapp.output,name="script"),

step 8: Copy and paste this code in

from django.shortcuts import render

def button(request):

    return render(request,'geniusvoice.html')

def output(request):
    output_data = "Genius Voice eliminates friction. For years people have had to learn to interact with computers, we turn this around. We teach computers how to interact with humans through voice. This creates a seamless experience without losing the human touch."
    website_link = "Visit our website: " + ""
    return render(request,"geniusvoice.html",{"output_data":output_data, "website_link":website_link})

step 9: Copy and paste this code in geniusvoice.html.

            Genius Voice script
{{output_data}} {{website_link}}

step 10: Open, scroll down to "TEMPLATES" and paste 'my_templates' in the empty list

step 11: Open your prompt window and run this code:

step 12: Run this code in your prompt window:

python runserver
Copy and paste in your browser

step 13: Click on "Click To Execute Script"

How do I run a Python script Button in HTML?

The Best Answer is. 3.. To run, open command prompt to the New folder directory, type python to run the script, then go to browser type localhost:5000 , then you will see button. You can click and route to destination script file you created.

Can you put Python code in HTML?

It is possible to run embed Python within a HTML document that can be executed at run time.
How to get HTML file form URL in Python.
Call the read function on the webURL variable..
Read variable allows to read the contents of data files..
Read the entire content of the URL into a variable called data..
Run the code- It will print the data into HTML format..

How do you run a Python code on a website?

You can display any content and work with dynamic or static pages using Python..
Launch your Python editor and open the source code file you want to use to print information to a Web page..
Add the "cgitb" library to the top of the file. ... .
Set the "Content Type" headers. ... .
Display a piece of HTML code..