How do you find a repeating substring in a string python?

Start by building a prefix array.

Loop through it in reverse and stop the first time you find something that's repeated in your string (that is, it has a str.count()>1.

Now if the same substring exists right next to itself, you can return it as the word you're looking for, however you must take into consideration the 'appleappl' example, where the proposed algorithm would return appl . For that, when you find a substring that exists more than once in your string, you return as a result that substring plus whatever is between its next occurence, namely for 'appleappl' you return 'appl' +'e' = 'apple' . If no such strings are found, you return the whole word since there are no repetitions.

def repeat(s):
    for i in range(len(s)):
    #see what it holds to give you a better picture
    print prefix_array

    #stop at 1st element to avoid checking for the ' ' char
    for i in prefix_array[:1:-1]:
        if s.count(i) > 1 :
            #find where the next repetition starts
            offset = s[len(i):].find(i)

            return s[:len(i)+offset]

    return s

print repeat(s)

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    While working with strings, many times, we can come across a use case in which we need to find if a string has in it the repeating substring, which repeats all over the string and thus making a multiple of the root substring. Let’s discuss certain ways in which we can get the root substring of string.

    Method #1 : Using List comprehension + Brute Force
    We can perform this task using selective slicing and brute force manner. This is the naive method to find the string in which we try to get the root string by repetitive division of string.

    test_str = "GeeksforGeeksGeeksforGeeksGeeksforGeeks"

    print("The original string is : " + test_str)

    res = None

    for i in range(1, len(test_str)//2 + 1):

        if (not len(test_str) % len(test_str[0:i]) and test_str[0:i] *

               (len(test_str)//len(test_str[0:i])) == test_str):

            res = test_str[0:i]

    print("The root substring of string : " + res)

    Output :

    The original string is : GeeksforGeeksGeeksforGeeksGeeksforGeeks
    The root substring of string : GeeksforGeeks

    Method #2 : Using list slicing + find()

    This problem can also be solved using the fact that we can search for root string after adding a string and checking the root string in this string except last and first character, represents the string is repeating itself.
    Doesn’t work for string length < 2.

    test_str = "GeeksforGeeksGeeksforGeeksGeeksforGeeks"

    print("The original string is : " + test_str)

    res = None

    temp = (test_str + test_str).find(test_str, 1, -1)

    if temp != -1:

        res = test_str[:temp]

    print("The root substring of string : " + res)

    Output :

    The original string is : GeeksforGeeksGeeksforGeeksGeeksforGeeks
    The root substring of string : GeeksforGeeks

    How do you find a repeated substring in a string?

    Under these assumptions, the algorithm is as follows:.
    Let the input string be denoted as inputString ..
    Calculate the KMP failure function array for the input string. ... .
    Let len = inputString. ... .
    If it turns out that every consecutive non-overlapping substring is the same, then the answer would be = inputString..

    How do you find the last occurrence of a substring in a string in Python?

    The rfind() method finds the last occurrence of the specified value. The rfind() method returns -1 if the value is not found. The rfind() method is almost the same as the rindex() method. See example below.

    How do you count repeated words in a string in Python?

    Python Code: def word_count(str): counts = dict() words = str. split() for word in words: if word in counts: counts[word] += 1 else: counts[word] = 1 return counts print( word_count('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. '))

    How do you find the location of a substring in a string in Python?

    5 Ways to Find the Index of a Substring in Strings in Python.