How do you find the gcd in python?

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    The Highest Common Factor [HCF], also called gcd, can be computed in python using a single function offered by math module and hence can make tasks easier in many situations.

    Naive Methods to compute gcd

    Way 1: Using Recursion


    def hcfnaive[a, b]:

        if[b == 0]:

            return abs[a]


            return hcfnaive[b, a % b]

    a = 60

    b = 48

    print["The gcd of 60 and 48 is : ", end=""]

    print[hcfnaive[60, 48]]


    The gcd of 60 and 48 is : 12

    Way 2: Using Loops 


    def computeGCD[x, y]:

        if x > y:

            small = y


            small = x

        for i in range[1, small + 1]:

            if[[x % i == 0] and [y % i == 0]]:

                gcd = i

        return gcd

    a = 60

    b = 48

    print ["The gcd of 60 and 48 is : ", end=""]

    print [computeGCD[60,48]]


    The gcd of 60 and 48 is : 12

    Way 3: Using Euclidean Algorithm 


    def computeGCD[x, y]:


           x, y = y, x % y

        return abs[x]

    a = 60

    b = 48

    print ["The gcd of 60 and 48 is : ",end=""]

    print [computeGCD[60, 48]]


    The gcd of 60 and 48 is : 12
    • Both numbers are 0, gcd is 0
    • If only either number is Not a number, Type Error is raised.

    ❮ Math Methods


    Find the greatest common divisor of the two integers:

    #Import math Library
    import math

    #find the  the greatest common divisor of the two integers
    print [math.gcd[3, 6]]
    print [math.gcd[6, 12]]
    print [math.gcd[12, 36]]
    print [math.gcd[-12, -36]]
    print [math.gcd[5, 12]]
    print [math.gcd[10, 0]]
    print [math.gcd[0, 34]]
    print [math.gcd[0, 0]]

    Try it Yourself »

    Definition and Usage

    The math.gcd[] method returns the greatest common divisor of the two integers int1 and int2.

    GCD is the largest common divisor that divides the numbers without a remainder.

    GCD is also known as the highest common factor [HCF].

    Tip: gcd[0,0] returns 0.


    Parameter Values

    int1 Required. The first integer to find the GCD for
    int2 Required. The second integer to find the GCD for

    Technical Details

    Return Value:Python Version:
    An int value, representing the greatest common divisor [GCD] for two integers

    ❮ Math Methods

    How do you find the GCD of 3 numbers in Python?

    Python code:.
    import math..
    n1=int[input[“ENTER THE FIRST NUMBER “]].
    n2=int[input[“ENTER SECOND NUMBER “]].
    n3=int[input[“ENTER THIRD NUMBER “]].
    print[“THE GCD OF GIVEN NUMBERS:”,math.gcd[math.gcd[n1,n2],n3]].

    How GCD is calculated?

    Greatest common divisors can be computed by determining the prime factorizations of the two numbers and comparing factors. For example, to compute gcd[48, 180], we find the prime factorizations 48 = 24 · 31 and 180 = 22 · 32 · 51; the GCD is then 2 · 3 · 5 = 22 · 31 · 50 = 12, as shown in the Venn diagram.

    How do you find the GCD of two numbers in a loop in Python?

    Let's create program to find the GCD of two number in python using the loops..
    def GCD_Loop[ a, b]:.
    if a > b: # define the if condition..
    temp = b..
    temp = a..
    for i in range[1, temp + 1]:.
    if [[ a % i == 0] and [b % i == 0 ]]:.
    gcd = i..

    How do you find LCM and GCD in Python?

    Program to Compute LCM Using GCD We require G.C.D. of the numbers to calculate its L.C.M. So, compute_lcm[] calls the function compute_gcd[] to accomplish this. G.C.D. of two numbers can be calculated efficiently using the Euclidean algorithm. Click here to learn more about methods to calculate G.C.D in Python.

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