How do you find the product of n numbers in python?

I have just started with Python programming language. I tried to write a function which takes input either a list or multiple integers to find their product. I am trying to find the product of first million natural numbers but its displaying an MemoryError.

def product(*arg):
    if type(arg) == tuple:
        for i in arg:
        return answer
        for i in arg:
        return answer



  • I convert the range object into list object if i am to pass a list as argument
  • Now, within the function, i try to split the tuple by converting it string.
  • I convert the resultant string into a list and then loop over the elements to find the product

Q1: How to avoid the memory error as i try to find the product of first Million natural numbers?

Q2 How to improve this code?

asked May 11, 2020 at 5:54


You can use a Generator in Python.

def generate_product():
    r = 1
    for i in range(1,1000000):
        r *= i + 1
        yield r


It is more memory efficient and better in terms of performance.

Florian H

2,9152 gold badges12 silver badges25 bronze badges

answered May 11, 2020 at 6:30

How do you find the product of n numbers in python?


1,41716 silver badges40 bronze badges

To calculate the product of all numbers from 1 to 1 million use a simple loop:

r = 1
for l in range(1,1000000):

But keep in mind that the result will be a pretty big number. That means that your calculation might take long and the resulting number will need a lot memory.

EDIT Then i missread your question a little. This is a function that multiplies the elements in a list:

def multiply_list_elements(_list):
    result = 1
    for element in _list:
    return result


>>> 24

The memory error probably came from the huge number as @ZabirAlNazi calculated so nicely.

answered May 11, 2020 at 6:18

Florian HFlorian H

2,9152 gold badges12 silver badges25 bronze badges


All of the solution is fine, but one point to make - your question is equivalent to find the factorial of 1 million.

The number of digits of n! = log10(1) + log10(2) + ... log10(n)

import math
num_dig = 1
for i in range(1,1000000):
  num_dig += math.log10(i)

So, the number of digits in your answer is 5565703 (approx.).

That's only the final n, if you also want the intermediate results it will require squared memory O(m^2).

import math
ans = 1
for i in range(2,1000001):
  ans *= i

N.B: You can approximate with logarithms and Stirling numbers with faster run-time.

answered May 11, 2020 at 6:38

How do you find the product of n numbers in python?

Zabir Al NaziZabir Al Nazi

9,4273 gold badges24 silver badges49 bronze badges

A very simple solution would be:

    def prod_of():
        for i in range(1,1000000):
            p* = i

answered May 11, 2020 at 8:48

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