How to create boder top in item click navigationbottom android năm 2024

In this example we set the title and navigationIcon [back button] and also we set the color and elevation. In content area, we set the Column with one Text[].


Title customization:

You can customize the title area like this,

title = {

Row[] {
        text = "Title 1",
        fontSize = 30.sp,
        color = Color.Red
        text = "Title 2",
        fontSize = 30.sp,
        color = Color.White

title - It accept any composable. Here we use the Row[] with two different Text[]



We can show bottom menu items with help of BottomNavigation. It make it easy for users to explore and switch between top-level views in a single tap.

If you are an Android developer, It's BottomNavigationView

Structure of BottomNavigation:


            modifier = //your modifier ,
            backgroundColor = //color code,
            contentColor = //color code,
            elevation = //your elevation value in Dp
] {

Structure of BottomNavigationItem:

BottomNavigationItem[icon = {

       //composable function for menu icon
        label = { //composable function for menu title}, 
        selected = //mutableState boolean for highlight, 
        onClick = {
            //menu item click event

BottomNavigation sample code

Step 1 : Create a composable function for BottomNavigation

@Composable fun BottomBar[] {

val selectedIndex = remember { mutableStateOf[0] }
BottomNavigation[elevation = 10.dp] {
    BottomNavigationItem[icon = {
        Icon[imageVector = Icons.Default.Home,""]
        label = { Text[text = "Home"] }, 
        selected = [selectedIndex.value == 0], 
        onClick = {
            selectedIndex.value = 0
    BottomNavigationItem[icon = {
        Icon[imageVector = Icons.Default.Favorite,""]
        label = { Text[text = "Favorite"] }, 
        selected = [selectedIndex.value == 1], 
        onClick = {
            selectedIndex.value = 1
    BottomNavigationItem[icon = {
        Icon[imageVector = Icons.Default.Person,""]
        label = { Text[text = "Profile"] }, 
        selected = [selectedIndex.value == 2], 
        onClick = {
            selectedIndex.value = 2

Step 2: Add into Scaffold

@Composable fun ScaffoldWithBottomMenu[] {

Scaffold[bottomBar = {BottomBar[]}
] {
  //content area
  Box[modifier = Modifier


Source code:


How do bottom navigation bars work in Android?

The material design team at Google defines the functionality of bottom navigation bars in Android as follows: Bottom navigation bars make it easy to explore and switch between top-level views in a single tap. Tapping on a bottom navigation icon takes you directly to the associated view or refreshes the currently active view.

How do I customize the bottom navigation view?

The bottom navigation view also can be customized with several different options, including: app:itemBackground, app:itemIcontint, and app:ItemTextColor: app:itemIconTint - The tinting for the bottom navigation's items' icons app:itemTextColor - The text color for the bottom navigation's items' text

How do I bootstrap a project with a bottom navigation bar?

As a bonus, you'll also learn how to use Android Studio templates to bootstrap your project with a bottom navigation bar quickly. Open Android Studio, create a new project, and select a Blank Activity template, as shown below. Select the Kotlin language from the drop-down menu and click Finish.

How do I notified when a bottom navigation item is selected?

Set a listener that will be notified when a bottom navigation item is selected. This listener will also be notified when the currently selected item is reselected, unless an BottomNavigationView.OnNavigationItemReselectedListener has also been set.

How to set border bottom in android studio?

Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project..

Step 2 − Add the following code to res/drawable/border_top_bottom.xml

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