How to print double quotes in python

Printing double quotes is tricky, as it itself is required as part of syntax to print the strings by surrounding them. In this article we will see how these double quotes can be printed using print statement.

The below scenarios will not print the double quote. The first two lines of code will give no output while the last one will through error.


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print(" ")
print(" " " ")


Running the above code gives us the following result −;

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

But if we surround the strings with proper quotes as shown below, then the quotes can themselves get printed. Enclosing double quotes within single quotes does the trick.


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print('Hello Tutorialspoint')
print('"Hello Tutorialspoint"')


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Hello Tutorialspoint
"Hello Tutorialspoint"

Using string variables

We can also use string formatting to print the double quotes as well as any other character which is part of the print syntax.


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StringVar = 'Hello Tutorialspoint'
print("\"%s\""% StringVar )
print("\%s\"% StringVar )
print('"%s"' % StringVar )


Running the above code gives us the following result −

"Hello Tutorialspoint"
\Hello Tutorialspoint\
"Hello Tutorialspoint"
"Hello Tutorialspoint"

How to print double quotes in python

Updated on 26-Feb-2020 07:54:40

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    Many times, while working with Python strings, we have a problem in which we need to use double quotes in a string and then wish to print it. This kind of problem occurs in many domains like day-day programming and web-development domain. Lets discuss certain ways in which this task can be performed.

     Method #1 : Using backslash (“\”) This is one way to solve this problem. In this, we just employ a backslash before a double quote and it is escaped. 


    test_str = "geeks\"for\"geeks"

    print("The string escaped with backslash : " + test_str)

    Output : 

    The string escaped with backslash : geeks"for"geeks

      Method #2 : Using triple quotes This is one more way in python to print and initialize a string. Apart from multiline comment, triple quotes are also good way of escaping. 


    test_str =

    print("The string escaped with triple quotes : " + test_str)

    Output : 

    The string escaped with triple quotes : geeks"for"geeks

    The Time and Space Complexity for all the methods are the same:

    Time Complexity: O(1)

    Auxiliary Space: O(1)

    Update :

    From Python 3.6, you can use f-strings

    >>> print(f'"{word}"')
    "Some Random Word"

    Original Answer :

    You can try %-formatting

    >>> print('"%s"' % word)
    "Some Random Word"

    OR str.format

    >>> print('"{}"'.format(word))
    "Some Random Word"

    OR escape the quote character with \

    >>> print("\"%s\"" % word)
    "Some Random Word"

    And, if the double-quotes is not a restriction (i.e. single-quotes would do)

    >>> from pprint import pprint, pformat
    >>> print(pformat(word))
    'Some Random Word'
    >>> pprint(word)
    'Some Random Word'

    OR like others have already said (include it in your declaration)

    >>> word = '"Some Random Word"'
    >>> print(word)
    "Some Random Word"

    Use whichever you feel to be better or less confusing.

    And, if you need to do it for multiple words, you might as well create a function

    def double_quote(word):
        return '"%s"' % word
    print(double_quote(word), double_quote(word2))

    And (if you know what you're doing &) if you're concerned about performance of these, see this comparison.

    How do you show double quotes in Python?

    Python does have two simple ways to put quote symbols in strings..
    You are allowed to start and end a string literal with single quotes (also known as apostrophes), like 'blah blah' . Then, double quotes can go in between, such as 'I said "Wow!" to him. ... .
    You can put a backslash character followed by a quote ( \" or \' )..

    How do you print a sentence with a double quote in Python?

    Use the escape character to print single and double quotes Use the escape character \ before double or single quotes to include them in the string.

    How do you print double quotes?

    \" - escape sequence Since printf uses ""(double quotes) to identify starting and ending point of a message, we need to use \" escape sequence to print the double quotes.

    How do you print double and single quotes in Python?

    If you want to use both single- and double-quotes without worrying about escape characters, you can open and close the string with three double-quotes or three single-quotes: print """In this string, 'I' can "use" either. """ print '''Same 'with' "this" string!