How to use unzipper php

Web designers and developers know how it’s necessary to compress files into one zip archive when it comes to uploading a huge number of files to the server. This also means that you need to unzip the file after downloading it.
As for web developers, they attempt to access all the kinds of PHP libraries. The sizes of some are comparable to the size of the zip archive itself.
So, from this tutorial, you’ll learn how to unzip files on your server using unzipper.php script. Still, before we start, let’s mention basic facts about PHP Unzipper:
• It’s really an indispensable tool at every time you need to upload a lot of files and folders to the site.
• In order to save your time and traffic, it’s enough to upload only one zip archive to the server, and quickly unzip it using unzipper.php script.
• In addition to the unpacking function, it’s possible to view the directory structure on the site. As well, there’s also the option to view the contents of zip archives on the server without unpacking it.
• The script goes with administrator authorization by login and password. It’s fully easy to install.

Unzipping Files on Server with Unzipper.php

  1. First, you need to download unzipper.php script to your hard drive.
    Open your hosting server cPanel and navigate to the File Manager tool. Select Upload option in the top panel.
    How to use unzipper php
    How to use unzipper php
  2. You can also upload it using FTP client (e.g., FileZilla, Total Commander).
  3. Browse unzipper.php file and upload it to your server. You need to place it in the same directory where you have a ZIP archive.
  4. Open your browser window and access your website. Add unzipper.php at the end of the link (e.g.,
  5. Select the file to unzip in your browser window and use additional options to define, whether you want to delete the ZIP archive after extraction, or you want to keep it.
  6. Click Unzip button in order to extract the archived file.
    How to use unzipper php

Wrapping It Up

If you have to copy scripts containing a large number of files (for example, content management systems, blogs) to the FTP server quite often, then you can use a more convenient way to upload them. First of all, pack them in a ZIP archive and later unpack them directly on the server. Today, we’ve shown how to do this using unzipper.php script.
What do you think of this option to unzip files on the server? Agree that the download process is really faster if you upload only one file than all the files individually. When a cloud of files is downloaded, the FTP client accesses the server multiple times after each file, which takes a certain amount of time. Wait for more useful tips!

How to use unzipper php

Post navigation

The Unzipper is a PHP script that extracts .zip, .rar or .gz archives on webservers.
It detects .zip/.rar/.gz archives and let you choose which one to extract (if there are multiple archives available). It also supports creating Zip archives.
- It is useful if you not have access to a File-Manager, and you want to upload a lot of files (php framework or image collection) as archive.

• To download the script, click on this link: Download PHP Unzipper (79 KB).


- PHP 5.3 and newer.
- PHP Rar extension (needed only if you want to extract Rar archive).


1. Copy the script code from this page, or Download it from the link above, and save it into a .php file on your server (unzipper.php).
2. Access the "unzipper.php" in your browser.
- To extract a Zip/Rar archive, it must be in the same folder where you have the "unzipper.php" file.
3. Choose .zip, .rar archive or .gz file you want to extract, and click on the "Unzip Archive" button.

PHP Unzipper script code

Click on the code to select it.

prepareExtraction($archive, $destination);

//Create zip archive
 $zippath = !empty($_POST['zippath']) ? strip_tags($_POST['zippath']) :'.';
 // Resulting zipfile e.g.
 $zipfile = 'zipper-'. date('Y-m-d--H-i') .'.zip';
 Zipper::zipDir($zippath, $zipfile);

$timeend = microtime(TRUE);
$time = $timeend - $timestart;

 * Class Unzipper
class Unzipper {
 public $localdir ='.';
 public $zipfiles = array();
 public function __construct(){
 //read directory and pick .zip and .gz files
 if($dh = opendir($this->localdir)){
 while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== FALSE){
 if(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)==='zip' || pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)==='gz' || pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)==='rar') $this->zipfiles[] = $file;
 if(!empty($this->zipfiles)) $GLOBALS['status'] = array('info'=>'.zip or .gz or .rar files found, ready for extraction');
 else $GLOBALS['status'] = array('info'=>'No .zip or .gz or rar files found. So only zipping functionality available.');

 // Prepare and check zipfile for extraction
 public function prepareExtraction($archive, $destination){
 // Determine paths.
 if(empty($destination)) $extpath = $this->localdir;
 else {
 $extpath = $this->localdir .'/'. $destination;
 // todo move this to extraction function
 if(!is_dir($extpath)) mkdir($extpath);
 //allow only local existing archives to extract
 if(in_array($archive, $this->zipfiles)) self::extract($archive, $extpath);

 //Checks file extension and calls suitable extractor functions
 public static function extract($archive, $destination){
 $ext = pathinfo($archive, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
 case 'zip':
 self::extractZipArchive($archive, $destination);
 case 'gz':
 self::extractGzipFile($archive, $destination);
 case 'rar':
 self::extractRarArchive($archive, $destination);

 //Decompress/extract a zip archive using ZipArchive
 public static function extractZipArchive($archive, $destination){
 // Check if webserver supports unzipping.
 $GLOBALS['status'] = array('error'=>'Error: Your PHP version does not support unzip functionality.');
 $zip = new ZipArchive;
 // Check if archive is readable.
 // Check if destination is writable
 if(is_writeable($destination .'/')){
 $GLOBALS['status'] = array('success'=>'Files unzipped successfully');
 else $GLOBALS['status'] = array('error'=>'Error: Directory not writeable by webserver.');
 else $GLOBALS['status'] = array('error'=>'Error: Cannot read .zip archive.');

 // Decompress a .gz File
 public static function extractGzipFile($archive, $destination){
 // Check if zlib is enabled
 $GLOBALS['status'] = array('error'=>'Error: Your PHP has no zlib support enabled.');
 $filename = pathinfo($archive, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
 $gzipped = gzopen($archive, 'rb');
 $file = fopen($filename, 'w');
 while($string = gzread($gzipped, 4096)) fwrite($file, $string, strlen($string));
 // Check if file was extracted.
 if(file_exists($destination .'/'. $filename)) $GLOBALS['status'] = array('success'=>'File unzipped successfully.');
 else $GLOBALS['status'] = array('error'=>'Error unzipping file.');

 //Decompress/extract a Rar archive using RarArchive
 public static function extractRarArchive($archive, $destination){
 // Check if webserver supports unzipping.
 $GLOBALS['status'] = array('error'=>'Error: Your PHP version does not support .rar archive functionality. How to install RarArchive');
 // Check if archive is readable.
 if($rar = RarArchive::open($archive)){
 // Check if destination is writable
 if(is_writeable($destination .'/')){
 $entries = $rar->getEntries();
 foreach ($entries as $entry){
 $GLOBALS['status'] = array('success'=>'Files extracted successfully.');
 else $GLOBALS['status'] = array('error'=>'Error: Directory not writeable by webserver.');
 else $GLOBALS['status'] = array('error'=>'Error: Cannot read .rar archive.');

 * Class Zipper
 * Copied and slightly modified from
 * @author umbalaconmeogia
class Zipper {
 * Add files and sub-directories in a folder to zip file.
 * @param string $folder
 * Path to folder that should be zipped.
 * @param ZipArchive $zipFile
 * Zipfile where files end up.
 * @param int $exclusiveLength
 * Number of text to be exclusived from the file path.
 private static function folderToZip($folder, &$zipFile, $exclusiveLength){
 $handle = opendir($folder);
 while(FALSE !== $f = readdir($handle)){
 // Check for local/parent path or zipping file itself and skip.
 if($f !='.' && $f != '..' && $f != basename(__FILE__)){
 $filePath = $folder .'/'. $f;
 // Remove prefix from file path before add to zip.
 $localPath = substr($filePath, $exclusiveLength);
 if(is_file($filePath)) $zipFile->addFile($filePath, $localPath);
 else if(is_dir($filePath)){
 // Add sub-directory.
 self::folderToZip($filePath, $zipFile, $exclusiveLength);
 * Zip a folder (including itself).
 * Usage:
 * Zipper::zipDir('path/to/sourceDir', 'path/to/');
 * @param string $sourcePath
 * Relative path of directory to be zipped.
 * @param string $outZipPath
 * Relative path of the resulting output zip file.
 public static function zipDir($sourcePath, $outZipPath){
 $pathInfo = pathinfo($sourcePath);
 $parentPath = $pathInfo['dirname'];
 $dirName = $pathInfo['basename'];
 $z = new ZipArchive();
 $z->open($outZipPath, ZipArchive::CREATE);
 if($sourcePath == $dirName) self::folderToZip($sourcePath, $z, 0);
 else self::folderToZip($sourcePath, $z, strlen($parentPath.'/'));

 $GLOBALS['status'] = array('success'=>'Successfully created archive '. $outZipPath);

File Unzipper, Unrar + Zipper

Processing Time: seconds

Archive Unzipper

Enter extraction path without leading or trailing slashes (e.g. "mypath"). If left empty current directory will be used.

Archive Zipper

Enter path to be zipped without leading or trailing slashes (e.g. "zippath"). If left empty current directory will be used.

Unzipper version:


How to use unzipper php
• Scipt Page:

How do I unzip a file with Unzipper?

Right-click the file you want to zip, and then select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder. Open File Explorer and find the zipped folder. To unzip the entire folder, right-click to select Extract All, and then follow the instructions. To unzip a single file or folder, double-click the zipped folder to open it.

How do I unzip a PHP file?

Description: Create an object of the ZipArchive class and open a given zip file using $zip->open() method. If it returns TRUE then extract the file to the specified path with extractTo() method by passing path address as an argument in it. Example 2: This example unzip the specific file from the folder.

How do I unzip a file on a server?

Step 1 – Log In to Your Server with SSH.
SSH terminal command in MyKinsta. ... .
SSH terminal window. ... .
Navigate to the directory containing your ZIP file. ... .
List files in Terminal. ... .
Unzip files in Terminal. ... .
Verify unzipped files..