Hướng dẫn python decode escaped string

I have some escaped strings that need to be unescaped. I'd like to do this in Python.

For example, in Python 2.7 I can do this:

>>> "\\123omething special".decode['string-escape']
'Something special'

How do I do it in Python 3? This doesn't work:

>>> b"\\123omething special".decode['string-escape']
Traceback [most recent call last]:
  File "", line 1, in 
LookupError: unknown encoding: string-escape

My goal is to be able to take a string like this:


And turn it into:


After I do the conversion, I'll probe to see if the string I have is encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-16.


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asked Feb 11, 2013 at 20:37


You'll have to use unicode_escape instead:

>>> b"\\123omething special".decode['unicode_escape']

If you start with a str object instead [equivalent to the python 2.7 unicode] you'll need to encode to bytes first, then decode with unicode_escape.

If you need bytes as end result, you'll have to encode again to a suitable encoding [.encode['latin1'] for example, if you need to preserve literal byte values; the first 256 Unicode code points map 1-on-1].

Your example is actually UTF-16 data with escapes. Decode from unicode_escape, back to latin1 to preserve the bytes, then from utf-16-le [UTF 16 little endian without BOM]:

>>> value = b's\\000u\\000p\\000p\\000o\\000r\\000t\\000@\\000p\\000s\\000i\\000l\\000o\\000c\\000.\\000c\\000o\\000m\\000'
>>> value.decode['unicode_escape'].encode['latin1']  # convert to bytes
>>> _.decode['utf-16-le'] # decode from UTF-16-LE

answered Feb 11, 2013 at 20:40

Martijn PietersMartijn Pieters

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The old "string-escape" codec maps bytestrings to bytestrings, and there's been a lot of debate about what to do with such codecs, so it isn't currently available through the standard encode/decode interfaces.

BUT, the code is still there in the C-API [as PyBytes_En/DecodeEscape], and this is still exposed to Python via the undocumented codecs.escape_encode and codecs.escape_decode.

>>> import codecs
>>> codecs.escape_decode[b"ab\\xff"]
[b'ab\xff', 6]
>>> codecs.escape_encode[b"ab\xff"]
[b'ab\\xff', 3]

These functions return the transformed bytes object, plus a number indicating how many bytes were processed... you can just ignore the latter.

>>> value = b's\\000u\\000p\\000p\\000o\\000r\\000t\\000@\\000p\\000s\\000i\\000l\\000o\\000c\\000.\\000c\\000o\\000m\\000'
>>> codecs.escape_decode[value][0]

answered Apr 18, 2014 at 9:57


If you want str-to-str decoding of escape sequences, so both input and output are Unicode:

def string_escape[s, encoding='utf-8']:
    return [s.encode['latin1']         # To bytes, required by 'unicode-escape'
             .decode['unicode-escape'] # Perform the actual octal-escaping decode
             .encode['latin1']         # 1:1 mapping back to bytes
             .decode[encoding]]        # Decode original encoding


>>> string_escape['\\123omething special']
'Something special'

>>> string_escape[r's\000u\000p\000p\000o\000r\000t\000@'

answered Nov 13, 2019 at 2:33


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You can't use unicode_escape on byte strings [or rather, you can, but it doesn't always return the same thing as string_escape does on Python 2] – beware!

This function implements string_escape using a regular expression and custom replacement logic.

def unescape[text]:
    regex = re.compile[b'\\\\[\\\\|[0-7]{1,3}|x.[0-9a-f]?|[\'"abfnrt]|.|$]']
    def replace[m]:
        b = m.group[1]
        if len[b] == 0:
            raise ValueError["Invalid character escape: '\\'."]
        i = b[0]
        if i == 120:
            v = int[b[1:], 16]
        elif 48 

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