Is MW2 getting a full remaster?

An industry insider is claiming that Activision has scrapped all plans for a remaster of Modern Warfare 2's Multiplayer mode

Is MW2 getting a full remaster?

We live in an age full of remakes, remasters, and sequels, but it looks like Activision is putting their foot down and saying "no more!", as an industry insider has claimed that Modern Warfare 2: Multiplayer Remastered has been cancelled.

The project was never officially announced by Activision, but back in 2020 we received Modern Warfare 2: Campaign Remastered which launched rather unexpectedly for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. The remastered campaign included exclusive content for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) and Warzone, whilst also allowing players to jump back into the classic story with updated visuals.

But one question that was always on everyone's minds, why not include the multiplayer too? Was the intention for it to arrive at a later date? Or did Activision simply not want to separate the player base from the latest title. Well, if leaks are to be believed, we'll never know.

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Leaker Claims Modern Warfare 2: Multiplayer Remastered Has Been Cancelled

According to RalphsValve, a new but trusted leaker in the Call of Duty community, Modern Warfare 2's remastered multiplayer mode has been cancelled by Activision.

There have been talks for some time surrounding the possible multiplayer remaster, with fellow industry insider Tom Henderson stating back in April that the game won't be arriving in 2021, but not actually claiming it to be completely cancelled.

RalphsValve didn't go into details about why the project was cancelled, but it could be related to the rumoured Modern Warfare 2 that is set to arrive in 2022. Things could get really confusing if we see a remastered Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer alongside a brand new Modern Warfare 2 game.

Activision has also found great success in Call of Duty: Warzone, with 2022's Modern Warfare 2 rumoured to be arriving with a brand new Warzone map featuring classic MW2 maps as points of interest.

It's also possible that a remastered multiplayer was just simply never in the works, and Activision only ever intended to remaster the campaign. One thing's for sure, we'll probably never know.

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RalphsValve also recently revealed details surrounding a possible GTA IV remaster, set to arrive in 2023. Full details of which can be found right here.

Is MW2 getting a full remaster?


22nd May 2021 18:30

Throughout 2021, there have been many rumours suggesting that a full-blown multiplayer remaster for Modern Warfare 2 will be releasing, as opposed to the 2021 instalment believed to be called “WWII: Vanguard”. Despite a number of fans calling for the multiplayer portion of the 2009 release to receive a remaster, publisher Activision has remained tight-lipped on the subject, having released a remastered version of the game’s single-player campaign back in 2020.

While the thought of running around Favela with a suppressed UMP45 submachine gun sounds very appealing for those wanting to take a trip down memory lane, Modern Warfare 2’s remastered multiplayer would be a far cry from the original title that led to so many players falling in love with the Call of Duty franchise. 

With some players still holding out for just a crumb of hope regarding its potential release, there are several reasons as to why releasing the remaster would do more harm than good.

The Glitches

Is MW2 getting a full remaster?

Is MW2 getting a full remaster?
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Modern Warfare 2 and its multiplayer map pool was arguably one of the most diverse that has ever been seen in the franchise's history. With battlefields set in the densely populated favelas along with a snowy submarine base and the rooftop of a skyscraper, almost every single map featured a number of glitches and exploits that enabled players to access areas of the map that were meant to be inaccessible.

Back in 2009, players discovering new areas to access was sometimes an elaborate process that involved strafe-jumping onto the thinnest of ledges in order to mantle on top of a roof, often taking a solid understanding of the mechanics in order to access such areas. While players were often left bamboozled by the new positions that gave huge advantages, the issue of bugs and exploits weren’t much of a big deal as they are in newer iterations of Call of Duty titles. 

Nowadays, players that encounter an opponent that has managed to exploit the map to their advantage are often left frustrated rather than being left curious as to how the player managed to end up there in the first place. If Modern Warfare 2’s remastered multiplayer released with all of the glitch spots and exploits still in place, it wouldn’t be too long before players would request the developer to fix the problems in order to create a more level playing field.

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The Demands Of The Player Have Changed

Is MW2 getting a full remaster?

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One of my fondest memories of Modern Warfare 2 is using the One Man Army Perk to fire a stupidly high number of propelled grenades over the top of the Wasteland map that frequently resulted in scoring a multitude of kills without even having to go anywhere near an enemy player. When the game first released, these sorts of techniques were considered normal, but if the same crafty tactics were able to be utilised in the remastered version, players would once again be left frustrated at being blown up by grenade launchers as soon as they spawn into the game.

The current generation of CoD player prefers to go on a huge killstreak, scoring an unimaginably high number of kills alongside a dominating scoreline against the opposing team rather than going for the insane 360 no-scopes and cross-map throwing knife kills that so many players attempted on the original multiplayer. Unorthodox techniques and the concept of going for those outrageous clips seems to be a thing of the past, and a Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer with every single player running around with a silenced ACR assault rifle all gunning for the coveted Tactical Nuke Killstreak doesn’t sound like a lot of fun.

Speaking of the ACR, the weapon balance in the early stages of Modern Warfare 2 was atrocious. Nearly every single weapon was capable of scoring kills in mid-range engagements, especially the Akimbo Model 1887 shotguns that dominated the game until Infinity Ward eventually implemented a nerf. Does the current crop of players really want a remaster where a shotgun dominates the meta just for a hit of nostalgia?

Nostalgia Only Carries So Far

Is MW2 getting a full remaster?

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The Call of Duty franchise has often relied on hits of nostalgia in recent releases, whether it's classic weapons returning or fan-favourite maps arriving to multiplayer. Although a short stroll down memory lane is often enough to satisfy players looking for their fix of old-school action, players will eventually get bored of a Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer remaster in the same way players quickly grew tired of the first Modern Warfare remaster that released alongside Infinite Warfare in 2016.

The remaster of the first Modern Warfare title provided that hit of nostalgia players were looking for, but after they realised a number of elements that had made the original game so good were no longer there, they quickly switched to another game.

In reality, the release of a remastered Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer sounds incredibly good on paper and in the heads of those that want to relive the memories, but it would have no chance living up to a triple-A blockbuster release that the Call of Duty franchise has become synonymous with.

Images via Activision


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If you prefer it on PC, this edition is replaced by a standard version with the same price of $69.99. If you want to receive bonus items, you can get the Vault Edition, which is sold exclusively in digital format for $99.99 on both consoles and PC.