Ll/a & zp/a là gì

Số máy iPhone thường có đuôi "/A", và những ký tự chữ cái ngay trước đó sẽ là mã quốc gia. Vậy mã LL là của nước nào?

Việc người dùng iPhone tra cứu mã xuất xứ của máy là rất thông dụng và cần thiết. Trong đó người dùng thường quan tâm đến iPhone mã LL/A.

Số máy iPhone thường có đuôi "/A", và những ký tự chữ cái ngay trước đó sẽ là mã quốc gia. Ví dụ, số máy iPhone thị trường Việt Nam sẽ có đuôi "VN/A". Vậy mã LL là của nước nào.

Ll/a & zp/a là gì

iPhone mã LL/A của nước nào?

Mã iPhone LL/A là loại mã được áp dụng cho các sản phẩm "Táo" tại thị trường Mỹ. Nếu cần người dùng có thể xem bảng tổng hợp mã quốc gia ở đây.

Những chiếc iPhone được sản xuất theo một quy trình, chất lượng theo quy chuẩn chung của Apple, vì thế dù mang mã khác nhau nhưng không có nhiều sự khác biệt.

Anh Hào

Ll/a & zp/a là gì

iPhone gồm những mã quốc gia nào?

Số máy iPhone thường có đuôi "/A", và những ký tự chữ cái ngay trước đó sẽ là mã quốc gia. Hãy tham khảo bảng danh sách mã quốc gia của iPhone đầy đủ và cập nhật nhất.

For each iPhone manufactured in different countries there is a code to check. So what is Iphone ll/a? In which country are they produced? Is the device as good as other iPhone models? Let's find out right in this article to get the most accurate answer.


  • 1 What to know about ll/a code before buying iphone?
    • 1.1 How to identify iphone machine code
    • 1.2 Which country's iPhone ll/a
  • 2 Why is iphone ll/a sold in Vietnam? Is this machine any good?
    • 2.1 Why is iphone ll/a sold in Vietnam?
    • 2.2 Is the iphone ll/a any good?
  • 3 Should I buy an iphone ll/a or not?
    • 3.1 Reasons why you should buy an iphone ll/a
    • 3.2 Reasons not to buy an iphone ll/a

What to know about ll/a code before buying iphone?

Ll/a & zp/a là gì
iPhone ll/a

Iphone phones are manufactured by many different countries around the world. The components of the machine are assembled in factories and the largest factory is in China. To know which market iPhone is for you can identify by code.

How to identify iphone machine code

First, we need to consider the naming of each type of Apple iPhone code. If you find out, you will see that Apple names it as follows: MxxxYY/A, for example MG492VN/A. Based on this code, please pay attention to the 2 factors that are the first character in the machine code and the last 2 characters.

To identify the iPhone machine code, you should rely on the way that Apple names the first characters as follows:

MxxxYY/A: M is the sign that indicates the new commercial store.

NxxxYY/A: N is the sign that tells you the store returns or offers a warranty.

FxxxYY/A: F stands for Refurbished firm or CPO.

3xxxYY/A: If the machine has the first letter 3, it shows that the company is manufactured for display purposes.

The following characters of iPhone will be specified for each product code in each market. Each code will be for a different market. Therefore, before buying, you should carefully study the following symbols to make the best choice.

Currently, Apple that distributes genuine iPhones will have the following characters at the end of the product:

  • YY: Vietnam
  • ZP: Hong Kong
  • HK: Korean
  • TH: Thái Lan
  • LL: Mỹ
  • F: French
  • EU: Châu Âu
  • FAR: Uc 
  • AT: Taiwan 
  • YOU: Turkey
  • C: Canada
  • T: Ý
  • B: English
  • J: Japan
  • FOR: Singapore

Which country's iPhone ll/a

Ll/a & zp/a là gì
iPhone ll/a is distributed in the US market

iPhone divides into different codes to help users identify which market the iPhone will be for. However, not everyone knows what LL/a iPhone is?

The LL/a iPhone code will tell you that the iPhone is made in the US and is officially distributed in the US market.

Why is iphone ll/a sold in Vietnam? Is this machine any good?

Many people who want to own an iPhone ll / a often worry about why this model is sold in Vietnam and are they good or not? 

In addition to distributing VN/A codes in Vietnam, all other codes are genuine Apple products. Apple produces to distribute and divide for each region.

Why is iphone ll/a sold in Vietnam?

iPhone is sold at many stores, phone repair centers in Vietnam. This line of phones appeared to meet the needs of users and here are some reasons why iPhones are sold in Vietnam.

Through retail and medium-sized phone stores

The iphone ll/a line is sold through small and medium-sized phone stores. These are the main product suppliers for customers who want to own this machine.

Customers want to own the machine cheaper than the genuine product

Ll/a & zp/a là gì
ll/a has a lower cost

Another reason why ll / a iPhone is sold in Vietnam is that many customers want to own a cheaper device than the genuine one. It can be seen that the price of iPhone ll / a is much better than the genuine one. 

The price of portable iPhone ll/a is usually 1-3 million dong cheaper depending on the model. As a result, users will also save a lot of money.

Apple fans want to own the device soon, so ask foreign buyers

Normally, genuine goods in Vietnam will be sold 1-2 months later than in the US. Therefore, Apple fans who want to own the device soon will order abroad.

Is the iphone ll/a any good?

iPhone LL/a appears in Vietnam in many different forms such as: hand-carried relatives, purchased through import agents... In addition to iPhone ll/a, there are other international iPhones brought to Vietnam such as Zp /A Hongkong, AZ of Singapore.

If you are wondering if the iPhone ll / a is good or not, you need to understand that: For each region or country, there will be different standards and conditions for the hardware of the device. These will be separate regulations for each region.

You can understand simply through a specific example as follows: The Japanese market will set strict requirements for Apple's hardware. Therefore, Apple will have to meet these conditions to be able to enter the market in Japan.

When you look at the whole thing, you will see that no matter what code the iPhone gives, it is still a genuine product made by Apple. Each code has only the difference in components, however, this is only a small factor. So the iPhone code ll/a will also have the same quality as the others. Many users say they have experienced and found that using the same does not make too much of a difference.

Should I buy an iphone ll/a or not?

At the present time, portable and genuine goods will be two choices for users when they want to own an iPhone. Therefore, many people are wondering whether to buy iPhone ll/a or not?

Reasons why you should buy an iphone ll/a

Here are some reasons you should buy an iphone ll/a:

Cheaper than the original

First, if you compare the price of iPhone ll/a with the original, ll/a will have a much better price. If your finances are not too good and you want to save some money, then it is best to choose iPhone ll / a.

iPhone ll / a will have a better price because there are no fees such as taxes or land prices compared to genuine iPhones. It's not because the machine is of poor quality, so the price is cheaper. So you can rest assured with this decision.

Available soon with key iphone countries

If you want to quickly own an iPhone, you should choose ll/a Iphone. Because when ordering, there will be earlier with the iPhone key countries.

Reasons not to buy an iphone ll/a

Besides the reasons to buy iPhone all / a, you also need to consider many other factors to avoid risks or encounter unexpected cases when buying the device. There are also many people who decide not to buy ll/a Iphone because:

It's easy to get scammed and lose money if you don't buy it at a reputable place or ask someone you know

Ll/a & zp/a là gì
Should choose a reputable buying address if you don't want to lose money

The iPhone ll/a market is in a hot phase. Therefore, many people and many units take advantage of opening order programs to attract customers.

However, many stores do not have the goods as expected or the quality of the machine is not guaranteed. There are even many places that require customers to deposit 5 or 10 million in advance or half the value of the machine if they want to buy.

Therefore, many people fear losing money if they do not choose the right acquaintances or reputable suppliers. There have also been many buyers who encountered this case because they did not learn carefully and lost a large amount of money.

If you want to buy a machine, it is best to find familiar people or reputable addresses. Choose stores that sell iphones with clear addresses, accompanied by after-sales mode, with invoices and full sales documents.

Warranty is more difficult, especially for machines purchased in the form of portable thanks to acquaintances

One thing that makes many people consider whether to buy a portable ll/a iphone is the warranty. When buying genuine products often receive many incentives along with a better warranty.

When buying a portable iPhone, the warranty is often more difficult. Buyer must have all of the following documents: Clear receipt, product price, receipt or invoice number, device serial number, seller's contact information.

In case the hand-carried goods cannot be provided with the correct receipt required by the center, Apple cannot check on the system. As such, the machine will be voided warranty.

Whether the product is purchased from the Apple Store of other countries. But if the user cannot present the purchase invoice, he will not be entitled to the warranty policy in Vietnam.

Therefore, iPhone buyers with code ll/a will have to struggle more in warranty. This is also one of the reasons why many people consider buying a portable iPhone or not.

Hopefully, with the above information helped you get the answer what is iPhone ll/a? If you need support or want to buy a machine, please contact us immediately.

Which country iPhone is LL A?

All Apple iOS devices have a model number which looks something like this: MC605LL/A. The MC605 is an iPhone 4, black, 32GB. ... .

What is LL A in iPhone?

Answer: A: The suffix LL/A indicates a product for the North American market.

What is difference between iPhone LLA model?

The LL/A suffix simply indicates the region where the phone is designed to be used, in this case USA. It does not, in any way indicate quality of the phone. The LL/A suffix simply indicates the region where the phone is designed to be used, in this case USA. It does not, in any way indicate quality of the phone.

What is iPhone model number?

Look on your device The model number is on the upper side—the side with the display. On an iPhone 7 or earlier, an iPad, or an iPod touch, find the model number on the back of your device.