Lỗi curl write_error failed writing body 7387 16384 năm 2024

I guess this has something to do with the failure to download. Am I right? What can I do against it? I am just a 'normal' ubuntu user, this kind of stuff exceeds my ubuntu-knowledge.

UPDATE: Even if I run the whole thing as root the result remains the same:

asked Jan 14, 2022 at 17:29


1,2711 gold badge5 silver badges11 bronze badges


After a very long research I found a useful hint.

Can't write to a hidden path using Curl

Basically snap curl is useless. Uninstall it properly. Get the proper apt curl, and everything works like a charm.

$ sudo snap remove curl
$ sudo apt install curl


1,8142 gold badges12 silver badges19 bronze badges

answered Jan 15, 2022 at 16:40


1,2711 gold badge5 silver badges11 bronze badges


In my case

$ sudo snap remove curl

didn't worked. So I had to remove it via apt-get like these:

$ sudo apt-get remove curl

Than installed it again.

$ sudo apt install curl

My problems solved.

answered Apr 5, 2023 at 8:17


1213 bronze badges


I faced the same error and below I shared how to fix.

First notice either you're logged-in as root@your-server-ip user or some other user@ip like debian@your-server-ip account.

In my case, I was logged-in as


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