Loreal expert absolut repair lipidium đánh giá


Serum L’Oréal Absolut Repair Lipidium phục hồi tóc hư tổn giúp khôi phục chuỗi Keratin bị đứt gãy xóa tan hư tổn, bổ sung và tăng cường các liên kết bên trong sợi tóc.

Tạo lớp màn Lipids bao bọc sợi tóc giúp tóc bóng mượt, bảo vệ tóc khỏi tác động của môi trường.

Hệ thống chuỗi phân tử Lipidium chủ động điều trị chuyên biệt cho những vùng hư tổn khác nhau trên tóc, cho tóc chắc khỏe bồng bềnh mà không lo bị bết dính.

Với công nghệ Lipidium bổ sung dưỡng chất phục hồi và nuôi dưỡng tóc, giúp tóc chắc khỏe và bóng mượt.



Thành phần của Serum L'Oréal Absolut Repair Lipidium chứa nhiều chất làm mềm như Distearyl Ether, Oleamido 1,3 Octadecanediol giúp làm mềm của mái tóc sau lần đầu tiên sử dụng.

Amodimethicone là một hoạt chất silicone chuyên dùng trong mỹ phẩm giúp mái tóc bóng, mượt và hết rối.

Polyquaternium 6 để giữ ẩm, phục hồi hư tổn từ bên trong, chất chống nắng Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate trong thành phần kem xả còn giúp bảo vệ tóc khỏi những hư hại bởi các tia UV.


Sau khi làm sạch mái tóc với dầu gội và xả L’Oréal Absolut Repair Lipidium, cho 1 lượng vừa đủ serum phục hồi tóc hư tổn L’Oréal Absolut Repair Lipidium Serum vào lòng bàn tay xoa đều sau đó vuốt nhẹ từng lọn tóc.

Today’s post is all about L’Oreal Paris Professional Expert Serie Absolut Repair Lipidium Instant Resurfacing Shampoo for Very Damaged Hair. As young girls, most of us always wanted to have hair like Rapunzel. Isn’t it? She made us all love the idea of having long and beautiful hair. However, in today’s fast-moving polluted world, we would be happy if we have good enough hair left on our scalp. Yes, I know it’s sad but these are the times we are in. If you are someone who also has a problem with hair fall and have been trying too hard to get the right product to reduce hair fall, then, LOreal Expert Absolut Repair Lipidium Shampoo Review is for you.

The loreal serie expert absolute repair shampoo claims that it is a professional formula for reconstructing hair and repair damaged hair. The packaging states that it transforms hair to be more resistant and instantly repairs it to leave us with soft and shiny hair. Let me share my experience with you below and confirm if “love is in the hair!”. Get it?


Shelf Life : 3 years

Color: Milky white

Fragrance : Strong lemon and vanilla

My Experience

My work involves a lot of travel and staying in different places and being outdoors has taken a toll on my hair. I was losing a lot of hair due to change in weather and change in the water used on my hair. This led me seeking for a solution to fix my hair problem. That’s when I came across this professional collection from L’Oreal and the only words I could instantly focus was “instant repair for damaged hair”. I didn’t bother about the price because I was ready to spend any amount to get back & keep my hair as soon as possible and there was no second thoughts.

I used this product for about 3 days for 3 weeks and the results just made me cry. This product is a saviour. I got my hair and life back together. The hair regrowth was clearly visible. My hair fall also had gradually reduced and my hair was stronger now. I love the way it suits my hair and makes it look smooth and long. I gained my confidence back, and I recommend this product to all who have a problem with hair fall and damaged hair. If you still have doubts, just try it anyways, as it is suitable to all hair textures. The investment in the product is worth it because we are worth it!.

I can say that everyday is a good hair day. All thanks to this shampoo. It’s claim that it is a professional formula for reconstructing hair and repair damaged hair, stands to be 100% true.

Spread evenly through wet hair. Lather and rinse thoroughly. Use a conditioner for best results.

When is the best time to use LOreal Expert Absolut Repair Lipidium Shampoo?

Whenever you want to pamper your hair


A plastic bottle with a flip over lid in golden colour with a label wrap .

Pros & Cons of LOreal Expert Absolut Repair Lipidium Shampoo


  • Super strong hair
  • Reduces hair fall
  • Doesn’t leave your hair frizzy and instead makes it super smooth
  • Suits all hair texture
  • Improves hair texture
  • Doesn’t irritate the scalp


  • Need to buy a conditioner separately

Final Verdict

Hair fall is out. Long, strong and smooth hair is in. The best product of LOreal for those facing a problem with hair fall and damaged hair. I can finally confirm that “Love is in the hair” after using this shampoo.

Our Ratings: 9/10

Where to Buy

Hope you enjoyed reading LOreal Expert Absolut Repair Lipidium Shampoo Review. Read more posts on Body Care here, Facial Care here & Hair Care here.

She is an artist by passion and a tax practitioner by profession. She believes that less is always more. Dancing is one of her many talents and she is also a yoga enthusiast who follows simplicity as the way of life.

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