Owasp top 10 project security vulnerabilities for asp.net năm 2024

Microsoft Developer Security MVP Troy Hunt is an excellent resource for all your ASP.NET security needs

If you're not familiar with the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and you design, develop, or use web applications, then you need to learn about it. Today. The organization works across all web technologies "to make software security visible, so that individuals and organizations worldwide can make informed decisions about true software security risks."

Related: "Top .NET Web App Security Threats: A Conversation with Troy Hunt"

OWASP has a ton of security information available, which are available for free on its website. Although the website's wiki isn't the easiest to navigate (Bing and Google are your friends), there's a lot there to explore. They normally have a lot of projects going on and are pretty much the definitive source of web security information.

I've been aware of OWASP for a few years and have also been an individual member for most of the last two or three years. One of the best projects that they have is the OWASP Top Ten Project, which lists the top ten vulnerabilities for contemporary web applications. If you're at all aware about the latest trends in web security, then nothing on the list will be surprising. The following list is from 2010 as the organization is currently working on and accepting comments for the 2013 update:

  • A1: Injection
  • A2: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • A3: Broken Authentication and Session Management
  • A4: Insecure Direct Object References
  • A5: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • A6: Security Misconfiguration
  • A7: Insecure Cryptographic Storage
  • A8: Failure to Restrict URL Access
  • A9: Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
  • A10: Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

This list alone is worth studying, if only to make sure that you're aware of the worst vulnerabilities, so you can make sure that your site doesn't expose them. But OWASP includes plenty of information about each vulnerability, its background, how it affects the security of sites, attack scenarios, and lots of references for addressing the problem.

Related: "ASP.NET Web Security: Protect User Passwords with Hashing and Salt"

One nice thing about the list is that it cuts across all web technologies with technology-neutral resources. So it's great for learning about the vulnerabilities that can affect all websites, no matter how they are written. But that's also a problem. Coming to the list as an ASP.NET developer, it can be hard to figure out exactly how the vulnerability applies to the technologies I'm using. The list is an important first step to learn about the vulnerabilities and understand how attacks that take advantage of them work, but it doesn't really give me all the information I need to write secure ASP.NET applications. How is ASP.NET vulnerable to this or that attack? Does ASP.NET have any built-in protections? If so, are they on by default or do I have to activate them, or write code to make them work? What do I need to know to avoid circumventing any protections, either intentionally or accidentally?

Sure, I can Bing or Google all day on ASP.NET and a particular vulnerability or attack, but that's a bit too random.

That's where my fellow Microsoft Developer Security MVP, Troy Hunt, comes into the picture. Troy decided about three years ago to write a series of blog posts called OWASP Top 10 for .NET Developers, and produced posts on each of the items in 2010's Top 10 list. It was an ambitious undertaking that he finished toward the end of 2011.

Troy has turned the series into a free eBook since completing the series of blog posts, and you don't even have to register to receive it. It also looks there's an excellent Pluralsight course on the subject, which isn't free but that's understandable; he deserves to make a few bucks from all his hard work. He's a very active blogger with frequent new posts about new takes on security issues, often building on and updating the Top 10 information. One example is a really nice post, "Lessons in website security anti-patterns by Tesco," that dug into the topic in great depth from the middle of 2012. Bruce Schneier even mentioned Troy's post saying, "Good post, not because it picks on Tesco but because it's filled with good advice on how not to do it wrong."

The OWASP Top 10 and Troy's application of it to ASP.NET is well worth the time to read and study. And if you want to help further OWASP's mission, then please consider becoming either an individual or corporate member.

Bill Dinger goes over the 2017 OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities and how they apply to ASP.NET, including a demo of each vulnerability, the risk it poses, how to detect the attack, and how to mitigate it.


Bill Dinger is a Solutions Architect with VML working on delivering digital solutions to our clients. Over the last 15 years Bill has worked in enterprise IT starting in the trenches on the help desk. After that, Bill spent almost a decade working in infrastructure support focusing in the Microsoft stack. Over the last 5 years Bill has been developing, architecting and leading teams with VML.

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What are the security vulnerabilities in asp net?

Common Vulnerabilities in softwareCross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. SQL injection attacks. Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF/CSRF) attacks. Open redirect attacks.

What are the top 10 OWASP web vulnerabilities?

What is the OWASP Top 10?.

Injection. ... .

Broken Authentication. ... .

Sensitive Data Exposure. ... .

XML External Entities (XEE) ... .

Broken Access Control. ... .

Security Misconfiguration. ... .

Cross-Site Scripting. ... .

Insecure Deserialization..

What is the OWASP Top 10 list best used as?

The OWASP Top 10 is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications. Globally recognized by developers as the first step towards more secure coding.

How to secure an ASP.NET Core application?

To secure ASP.NET MVC application, you can do the following:.

Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms..

Encrypt data with HTTPS..

Validate input data and encode the output data..