ScrollTop React

It's kinda rare to find a smooth scrolling button that takes you to the top of the page on modern blogging websites, especially the ones that are a long 15 minute read!

However, whenever I come across one, I always tend to use it and appreciate the elegance of this simple button that has such a specific job.

After perusing Stack Overflow and GitHub for solution, I came across an elegant React component that uses Hooks and wanted to share it with this community!

Our button should function like this:

ScrollTop React

These are following test-cases for our component:

  • Button should always be at the right bottom of the page
  • Button should be hidden and should only appear when we scroll for a certain height
  • On clicking it, we should be smoothly taken to the top of the page

The Hook component achieves the following functionality.

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; export default function ScrollToTop() { const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false); // Top: 0 takes us all the way back to the top of the page // Behavior: smooth keeps it smooth! const scrollToTop = () => { window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" }); }; useEffect(() => { // Button is displayed after scrolling for 500 pixels const toggleVisibility = () => { if (window.pageYOffset > 500) { setIsVisible(true); } else { setIsVisible(false); } }; window.addEventListener("scroll", toggleVisibility); return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", toggleVisibility); }, []); //scroll-to-top classes: fixed, bottom:0, right:0 return ( <div className="scroll-to-top"> {isVisible && ( <div onClick={scrollToTop}> <h3>Go up!</h3> </div> )} </div> ); }
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

We're almost done! Just import this component in your react file and stick it at the very end.

And voila, it should work!

Here is a basic, quick, and ugly demo of how it should function!