slipknots là gì - Nghĩa của từ slipknots

slipknots có nghĩa là

Slipknot comes from Des Moines, Iowa. It's a metal band with 9 members, known for wearing jump suits and different masks.
They really don't belong in any particular genre, just metal. It's not Black or Death Metal. It CAN be Nu-metal, cuz that simply means new metal and Slipknot is new metal, so...But it's best to just call it metal.
The members:
#0. Sid Wilson - Turntables
#1. Joey Jordison - Drums
#2. Paul Gray - Bass
#3. Chris Fehn - Percussion
#4. James Root - Guitar
#5. Craig Jones - Media/samples
#6. Shawn "Clown" Crahan - Percussion
#7. Mick Thompson - Guitar
#8. Corey Taylor - Song
Their albums:
Mate Feed Kill Repeat - 1996
Selt-titled - 1999
Iowa - 2001
Vol. 3 [The Subliminal Verses] - 2004
Planning another album right now.

If you think they suck, sure, that's your opnion, but they ARE talented.
You can at least be neutral with your definitions, and try to describe the band instead of telling everyone how much they suck, bla bla bla. Let them get their own opinion.

They're NOT mainstream. Every god damn band that's becoming a bit popular is, according to most people, mainstream. Like In Flames, Cradle of filth and so on. But they're not. Something that is mainstream, though, is blaming every band's latest albums for being mainstream. Just like Vol.3 with Slipknot and In Flames - Soundtrack to your escape. Slipknot haven't got much help from TV or other media, so.. that's not mainstream. I can agree that there is some people, not many, who claim to be maggots, Slipknot's fans, but they've only heard Slipnot's more popular songs like Wait and bleed, Duality and Vermilion.

Many say Slipknot's fans need to listen to more metal.
I listen to Metallica, Slayer, Maiden, The Haunted, In Flames, Cradle of Filth and such band. Enough?


I saw Slipknot last night. They're really great. Especially their concerts. Stay [SiC] fuckers

slipknots có nghĩa là

Device used to secure arm, leg or neck when shooting dope. Such as a belt, cloth or cord of some type.


I'm tying on a slipknot, cuz my ropes are brokedown & I need a fix.

slipknots có nghĩa là

The most liked and most hated band in the world. Some people like them, some hate them, but everyone has at least heard of them. I personally like them. [SIC]


Me: Do you like Slipknot?
#1: Hell Yeah!!!
#2: Fuck No!!!

slipknots có nghĩa là

1]Slipknot is a band that originated out of Iowa, and has 9 members. Despite what some people think, Slipknot is VERY far from Death metal, Black metal and is not metal, either. DEFINETLY NÜ-METAL!!! Still good though.
2]A type of knot used to either hang yourself, “strap” your arm while injecting a form of narcotic or to tie something


1] So and so listened to Slipknot last night, and heard the major KoRn influences in certain songs
2]She used a Slipknot

slipknots có nghĩa là

Okay, most of you guys are posting opinions. How about a real definition for once?

Genre: They don't have one. They don't like to be slapped with a label and they definitely don't like to be judged. Most of you guys still do this, though.

Religion: Unknown. Some people may believe Satanists but this is not true. They do that stuff just for shock.

Members: #0. Sid Wilson - DJ
#1. Joey Jordison - Drummer
#2. Paul Gray - Bassist
#3. Chris Fehn - Percussionist
#4. James Root - Guitarist
#5. Craig Jones - Sampler/Media
#6. Shawn "Clown" Crahan - Percussion
#7. Mick Thompson - Guitarist
#8. Corey Taylor - Lead Singer

Random Facts: The song 'Purity' is about a teenager named Purity Knight who was stalked and eventually kidnapped by a man. This man sent clues to the cops daring them to find her. And in the end, he buried her alive and suffocated underground. For more details, go to Crimescene.....Corey used to work in a porn shop in Des Moines. "People would look at me like I was a freak, but they were the ones buying in the porn shop at four in the morning. Straight looking people I'd know would come to the register with 14-inch dildos and then they'd recognise me sitting there, and I'd be like, 'Like any lotions or lubes with that?'. But I didn't want anyone to feel dirty in the shop - because people are made to feel dirty every day of their lives, and that's bullshit"

Singles: Duality, Wait And Bleed, Vermillion, Vermillion Part 2, Spit It Out, The Nameless [live], and Before I Forget. There are more but I am running low on time.


Example must have at least 20 letters and 3 words and the example must use the word slipknot...HA HA HA!!! NOW IT DOES, FUCKERS!!!

slipknots có nghĩa là

I've been reading a lot of entries, and I'm noticing how similar they are. Either "OMFG SLIPKNOT ROOLZ" or "Slipknot fans are all greasy, fat, and have no sense of music and have OBVIOUSLY not listened to oldschool shit." Now, this is not going to be one of those definitions.

I like Slipknot. I like Slipknot, System of a Down, but yet I like Metallica, Children of Bodom, and what many of you "metalheads" would call "Real metal." Isn't metal just all about the same "fuck you" attitude? Who doesn't love a bad boy/girl?

I'm not your typical "Slipknot" fan, even though they are one of my favorites. I'm not greasy, I shower every day or every second day, thank you very much. I never even heard of hot topic until my boyfriend [who loves Slipknot as well] told me what it was. Never been inside a Hot Topic, either.

I like hippy music, death metal, "real" metal, "nu" metal, oldies, etc. I like anything. I was a jazz player for a short amount of time.

A lot of you bash Joey Jordison, as well. Let's see you do better. Let's see you take some drum sticks and pound out one of his riffs. Can you do it? No, thought not. I'm a drummer. I know how hard it is to go THAT fast. And it's REALLY hard. He's pretty good, and he stands for a lot of cool things, if you actually TOOK the time to research your shit before you talk.

I'm not a typical "maggot" I've heard of the old stuff, I know what M.F.K.R means [MATE, FEED, KILL, REPEAT], bitches. My hair is not 2 feet long, I've got a pixie cut. I'm into all the oldies and the new stuff, because I actually HAVE a wide musical taste. I'm an art student who is actually quiet and doesn't yell about Slipknot and Nu Metal every second minute, though I do enjoy my band shirts.

Don't be so quick to label Slipknot fans. Or Nu Metal fans, for that matter. Because odds are some will receed from the majority. Just don't label, period.



"you're just a braindead maggot. Have you heard of Metallica, Children of Bodom, Slayer, etc?"

"Yes. And I enjoy all of them, INCLUDING Slipknot"


"Think before you label, bitches."

slipknots có nghĩa là

An amazing band from Des Moines, Iowa. They successfully combined rap and metal in their first album "Slipknot", made it heavier in "Iowa", and changed it to more alternative metal in "Vol. 3: [The Subliminal Verses]" and "All Hope Is Gone". They each wear masks to express their personality and to show it is about the music, not the looks. And no, they are not Satanic. They only used Satanic imagery in "Iowa" era concerts for marketing and shock value. Their bassist died back in May, so RIP. This is their lineup: #0 Sid Wilson - turntables
#1 Joey Jordison - drums
#2 Paul Gray - bass [RIP]
#3 Chris Fehn - custom percussion, backing vocals
#4 Jim Root - guitar
#5 Craig "133" Jones - samples, media
#6 Shawn "Clown" Crahan - custom percussion, backing vocals
#7 Mick Thomson - guitar
#8 Corey Taylor - vocals


Slipknot are a great metal band!

slipknots có nghĩa là

A band that is apparently "Nu-metal"
I myself do not particularly care for them. I mean, you know, if you do that's totally fine. Everybody has an opinion. I just like having melody in my music, you know? I also like singers who actually sing instead of grunt. And guitar and bass riffs that haven't been unnecessarily distorted. I mean distortion is cool to a point. But when it's all you do with your riffs, it's just like: "why would you need to do that?"
You know? And i understand that they never asked to be very successful. I get that. I just don't see why they are so successful is all. But like I said, if you like them, that's fine. Be yourself. Maybe you can recommend some of their better songs to anybody who says they suck. I'm sure I've overlooked some of their better stuff. I apologize for any anger my possible ignorance has caused.


Guy 1:I love Slipknot!!!

Guy 2: That's fine. I think they could be a lot better, myself. I mean they have talent, sure, I just don't think that it's being put to good use. But then again, I suppose there are lots of different kinds of music out there, each with it's own fanbase.

Guy 1:Yeah, I suppose I see where you're coming from. I just like fast-paced, loud, kind of "darkish" sounding music.

Guy 2: And there's nothing wrong with that. We all have our own tastes.

Guy 1: Well, thank you for being so open minded.

Guy 2: No problem.

Guy 1:...

Guy 2:...

Guy 1:...

Guy 2:...rap sucks.

Guy 1: Oh, god yes, I hate rap.

slipknots có nghĩa là

a band consisting of 9 members, who currently have 4 albums out and one in production, but please my fellow metal heads, you all need to reailse that hating other forms of metal is just stupid, sure some forms of metal may be different from the kind of metal you may prefer but its no reason to hate other metal genres, im not saying you have to like them but the most deasent thing you can do is at least respect the musicians for their talent and work, the music you SHOULD be critizing is every mainstream or rap peice of shit out there, that shit is the bane of society not metal, so please come to your senses and stop fighting amongst yourselves over what is true metal and what is not, metal is metal plain and simple


Slipknot has some awesome concerts

slipknots có nghĩa là

1] A type of knot designed to skip once tied. Common uses for this are;
to increase pressure on the arm revealing veins [often for injections of not-always-legal substances or IVs]
Nooses, for hanging a person by the neck
Provoking suffocation

Negative associations with this type of knot lead to;

2] A metal band with noticeably aggressive, provocative, depressing yet ironically reflective [and practically inaudiable] lyrics. The band, SlipKnot, have caused contraversy because some of there lyrics promote self harm.
The band itself has an overwhelming number of members, and even more fans.
Each use of an intrument played in a track, although talently played, can be described as distorted, aggressive and often chordless...


"Looks like a suicide -- it's a slipknot noose"
"Pass me a slipknot, I need to shoot up"
"Has anyone got the new SlipKnot album?"

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