Tormented là gì

Nghĩa là gì: tormented torment /'tɔ:mənt/

  • danh từ
    • sự đau khổ, sự giày vò, sự day dứt, sự giằn vặt; nỗi thống khổ, nỗi đau đớn [thể xác, tinh thần]
      • to be in torment: đau khổ
      • to suffer torment: chịu đau khổ
    • nguồn đau khổ
    • ngoại động từ
      • làm đau khổ, giày vò, day dứt
        • to be tormented with remorse: đau khổ day dứt, vì hối hận

    English Vocalbulary

    tormentor tormentors tormentress tormentresses torments tormina torn tornadic tornado tornadoes tornados toroidal torpedo torpedo-boat torpedo-bomber torpedo-net torpedo-netting torpedo-plane

    - Từ đồng nghĩa, cách dùng từ tương tự Thành ngữ, tục ngữ tormented

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    Cùng tìm hiểu định nghĩa và ý nghĩa và cách dùng của từ: torment

    Phát âm : /'tɔ:mənt/

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    + danh từ

    • sự đau khổ, sự giày vò, sự day dứt, sự giằn vặt; nỗi thống khổ, nỗi đau đớn [thể xác, tinh thần]
      • to be in torment
        đau khổ
      • to suffer torment
        chịu đau khổ
    • nguồn đau khổ

    + ngoại động từ

    • làm đau khổ, giày vò, day dứt
      • to be tormented with remorse
        đau khổ day dứt, vì hối hận

    Từ liên quan

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      badgering worrying bedevilment curse harassment agony torture anguish excruciate rag bedevil crucify dun frustrate rack

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      torment torrent tournament trend truant tyrant
    • Những từ có chứa "torment": 
      torment tormentor untormented
    • Những từ có chứa "torment" in its definition in Vietnamese - English dictionary: 
      giằn vặt giày vò xâu xé vần

    Lượt xem: 607

    Từ vừa tra

    + torment : sự đau khổ, sự giày vò, sự day dứt, sự giằn vặt; nỗi thống khổ, nỗi đau đớn [thể xác, tinh thần]to be in torment đau khổto suffer torment chịu đau khổ

    Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "tormented", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ tormented, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ tormented trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

    1. She was tormented with fear.

    2. He was constantly tormented with headache.

    3. com/squareness.html] tormented man he replaced.

    4. Jealousy, fear, and suspicion tormented Harriet.

    5. Seth was tormented by feelings of guilt.

    6. We were tormented by thirst and fever.

    7. He was tormented by feelings of insecurity.

    8. The knowledge of his guilt tormented him.

    9. Sometimes, too, he was tormented by jealousy.

    10. She tormented me with some silly questions.

    11. This question tormented Michael,* from South Africa.

    12. Juno followed and tormented Latona in many ways.

    13. Douglas was often cruelly tormented by jealous siblings.

    14. Probably tormented his parents, not the other way around.

    15. Sniegs, that talented but tormented musician, had been deported.

    16. The animals are tormented mercilessly by flies and mosquitoes.

    17. 6] Douglas was often cruelly tormented by jealous siblings.

    18. Yes, maybe they were called up by her tormented soul.

    19. The first soldier is clearly tormented by what he did.

    20. I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.

    21. So why be tormented by something that may never occur?

    22. Tormented by her ignorance, Jenny delves into her mother's past.

    23. In order to be tormented, a person has to be conscious.

    24. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

    25. In what sense are those in “the lake of fire” tormented eternally?

    26. You must keep me tormented with that cruelty you think so pious.

    27. In his tormented mind, his stay at Stonehearst is merely a chess match.

    28. The words shrieked like tormented ghosts in the dark recesses of Mowbray's soul.

    29. The tormented Onna, stark naked, pushed the blade in and pulled it sideways.

    30. The woman was tormented by the uncertainty of the condition of the dead.

    31. Others submit to an abortion and pay the price of a tormented conscience.

    32. And saying , Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy , grievously tormented.

    33. This could explain the gastrointestinal problems, migraines and nervous crises that tormented the princess.

    34. The churches have long taught that the wicked are tormented in a hot hell.

    35. Some are so tormented by the disorder they have demanded that limbs are amputated.

    36. Very soon a cold stone wall of silence had tormented them to wounded exasperation.

    37. She knew that life for her child would be tormented in the nobleman's house.

    38. We are tormented by the fact that our little Madeleine... is so full of hate.

    39. He could not work during the day, and his abdominal pains tormented him at night.

    40. They tormented him with a plan to bypass theaters and just show it on television.

    41. The lamp beside his bed threw a faint glow over his swollen, passionate, tormented face.

    42. You're showing a lot of sentiment for a man who tormented you as a child.

    43. Victor was tormented by things that try us all-council bureaucrats, sloppy workmen, shoddy service.

    44. He is constantly tormented by the feeling that he has a low status in the firm.

    45. 9S is tormented by the loss of YoRHa and 2B, and becomes emotionally and mentally unstable.

    46. 14 His straightness and squareness made him the antithesis of the wriggling, tormented man he replaced.

    47. Graham Stuart tormented and teased Gary Ablett mercilessly throughout, beating the ex-Liverpool defender at will.

    48. Her preoccupation with Proteus allowed Kevin's tormented gaze to creep up as far as her knees.

    49. My conscience tormented me relentlessly, and I experienced the excruciating pain of being alienated from Jehovah God.

    50. Krista tries to fix things, but Nadine is tormented about her best friend being with her brother.

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