What happens when server 2022 evaluation expires?

What happens when server 2022 evaluation expires?

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  • Hello,

    I can't find any confirmed nor official document about what happens when the grace period for activation of Windows Server (2016, 2019) has expired? What are the limitations (besides nagging messages here and there)? I'm asking purely technically - I'm aware of licensing limitations and so on. Does anybody knows or can point me an official documentation?


    Marcin Winiarczyk

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  • Hello,

    I can't find any confirmed nor official document about what happens when the grace period for activation of Windows Server (2016, 2019) has expired? What are the limitations (besides nagging messages here and there)? I'm asking purely technically - I'm aware of licensing limitations and so on. Does anybody knows or can point me an official documentation?


    Marcin Winiarczyk

    it depends if evaluation or retail or volume licensed, the behaviour varies, the reference may help for VL


    Don [doesn't work for MSFT, and they're probably glad about that ;]

    • Proposed as answer by Wednesday, July 22, 2020 12:44 PM

  • Hi,

    When installed Windows 2019 gives you 180 days to use. After that time in the right bottom corner, you will be greeted with message Windows License is expired and your Windows Server machine will start shutting down.  You can start it up again, but after a while, another shutdown will occur. Your only options are to activate now or enter reduced functionality mode.  


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    • Edited by sylvia_chenMicrosoft contingent staff Thursday, July 23, 2020 7:50 AM

  • Hi,

    Just checking in to see if the information provided was helpful.

    if yes, you may mark useful reply as answer, if not, welcome to feedback.

    Best regards,


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    • Edited by sylvia_chenMicrosoft contingent staff Monday, July 27, 2020 8:14 AM

  • Hello,

    The behavior you mention only applies to Evaluation media when it expires, this is not the same behavior when a machine is simply not activated.  Even what you state has errors in the behavior.

    non-Eval media does not restart every hour when the license is expired...

    Eval media once it's expired, has to go through the transmog process before it can be activated.

    Reduced functionality mode has long been removed from Windows so you should not be using that term.

    Thanks, Darrell Gorter This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    • Proposed as answer by Dave PatrickMVP Monday, July 27, 2020 3:10 PM

  • Thanks for your correction.

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    • Edited by sylvia_chenMicrosoft contingent staff Tuesday, July 28, 2020 1:39 AM

What happens when Windows Server evaluation license expires?

You can start it up again, but after a while, another shutdown will occur. Normally before the trial license expires you should activate it with a proper license. But there are many reasons why you may want to run Trial version for a little longer.

How do I extend the evaluation period of a Windows Server 2022?

How to extend Windows Server 2022/2019/2016 trial period.
View Detailed License Info: slmgr /dlv..
Reset Activation Timer: slmgr /rearm..
Restart the computer..
View Current License Info: slmgr /dli..

What happens when server 2012 evaluation expires?

After Window Server evaluation period has expired , you will found out unexpected behavior for your machine like unexpected Shutdown / Restart every one hour approximately ! In this case, you only have two options: Purchasing a new Windows Key, activate windows through “Go to PC Settings“.

How do I renew my windows evaluation license?

If your trial has run out before you've decided whether or not you want a full upgrade, you can actually extend the trial up to three times and it's not even illegal. Open a command prompt in your trial version of windows and enter the following command, “slmgr /rearm”. Once done, hit “Enter” and restart your computer.