Why does python use dynamically typed?

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    Python variable assignment is different from some of the popular languages like c, c++ and java. There is no declaration of a variable, just an assignment statement.

    Let us see why?
    When we declare a variable in C or alike languages, this sets aside an area of memory for holding values allowed by the data type of the variable. The memory allocated will be interpreted as the data type suggests. If it’s an integer variable the memory allocated will be read as an integer and so on. When we assign or initialize it with some value, that value will get stored at that memory location. At compile time, initial value or assigned value will be checked. So we cannot mix types. Example: initializing a string value to an int variable is not allowed and the program will not compile.

    But Python is a dynamically typed language. It doesn’t know about the type of the variable until the code is run. So declaration is of no use. What it does is, It stores that value at some memory location and then binds that variable name to that memory container. And makes the contents of the container accessible through that variable name. So the data type does not matter. As it will get to know the type of the value at run-time.

    x = 6   


    x = 'hello' 




    In this article we describe how giving away dynamic typing of variables can increase the performance of the program.

    © CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 by CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.

    Python is both a strongly typed and a dynamically typed language.

    Strong typing means that variables do have a type and that the type matters when performing operations on a variable. Dynamic typing means that the type of the variable is determined only during runtime.

    Due to strong typing, types need to be compatible with respect to the operand when performing operations. For example Python allows one to add an integer and a floating point number, but adding an integer to a string produces error.

    Due to dynamic typing, in Python the same variable can have a different type at different times during the execution. Dynamic typing allows for flexibility in programming, but with a price in performance.

    Everything is an object

    One of the key features of Python is that everything is an object, and the type is just one attribute of an object. As an illustration, we can assign a single integer to a variable, and use the Python built-in function dir for
    finding out the attributes of the object. If you execute the following two
    lines in an interactive interpreter, it should become clear that a Python
    integer is much more complex than just a number. Please feel free to
    experiment also with other types!

    The fact that everything is an object means that there is a lot of “unboxing”
    and “boxing” involved when Python performs operations with variables. For
    example, when just adding two integers

    there are several steps Python needs to do:

    1. Check the types of both operands
    2. Check whether they both support the + operation
    3. Extract the function that performs the + operation (due to operator
      overloading objects can have a custom definition for addition)
    4. Extract the actual values of the objects
    5. Perform the + operation
    6. Construct a new integer object for the result

    Why does python use dynamically typed?

    Due to the fact that Python is dynamically typed, the interpreter cannot know
    beforehand what type of objects one is dealing with, and everytime two
    variables are added one needs to perform all the above steps.

    Adding static type information

    What if one knows that e.g. in a certain function the variables have always
    the same type? That’s where Cython steps in: Cython allows one to add static
    typing information so that boxing and unboxing are not needed, and one can
    operate directly with the actual values.

    When Cythonizing a Python code, static type information can be added either:

    • In function signatures by prefixing the formal arguments by their type
    • By declaring variables with the cdef Cython keyword, followed by the
      the type

    For example, a simple Python function adding two objects could be Cythonized
    as follows:

    def add (int x, int y):
    cdef int result
    result = x + y
    return result

    The function works now only with integers but with less boxing/unboxing

    The types provided in Cython code are C types, and the variables with type
    information are pure C variables and not Python objects. When calling a
    Cythonized function from Python, there is an automatic conversion from the
    Python object of actual arguments to the C value of formal argument, and when
    returning a C variable it is converted to corresponding Python object.
    Automatic conversions are carried out also in most cases within the Cython
    code where both Python objects and C variables are involved.

    The table below lists the most common C types and their corresponding Python
    types. More information can be found in the
    Cython documentation.

    From Python typesTo C types
    int int, long
    int, float float, double
    str/bytes char *
    From C typesTo Python types
    int, long int
    float, double float
    char * str/bytes

    Static typing in Mandelbrot kernel

    In week 1 we did a performance analysis of Mandelbrot fractal in Step 1.11. The analysis revealed
    that the kernel function in module mandelbrot.py was the most time critical one. Thus, let’s make mandelbrot.py into Cython module mandelbrot.pyx and introducing static typing to the
    function kernel.

    Pure Python version was:

    def kernel(zr, zi, cr, ci, lim, cutoff):
    ''' Computes the number of iterations `n` such that
    |z_n| > `lim`, where `z_n = z_{n-1}**2 + c`.

    count = 0
    while ((zr*zr + zi*zi) < (lim*lim)) and count < cutoff:
    zr, zi = zr * zr - zi * zi + cr, 2 * zr * zi + ci
    count += 1
    return count

    We can add type information both to the function signature and to the function

    def kernel(double zr, double zi, double cr, double ci, double lim, int cutoff):
    ''' Computes the number of iterations `n` such that
    |z_n| > `lim`, where `z_n = z_{n-1}**2 + c`.

    cdef int count = 0
    while ((zr*zr + zi*zi) < (lim*lim)) and count < cutoff:
    zr, zi = zr * zr - zi * zi + cr, 2 * zr * zi + ci
    count += 1
    return count

    When comparing the performance of pure Python and Cythonized versions, we obtain the following results:

    • Pure Python: 0.57 s
    • Static type declarations in the kernel: 14 ms

    Thus, we obtained a speed up of ~40 !

    © CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 by CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.

    What is the point of dynamically typed languages?

    Dynamically-typed languages are those (like JavaScript) where the interpreter assigns variables a type at runtime based on the variable's value at the time.

    Why Python is strongly typed?

    Python is strongly, dynamically typed. Strong typing means that the type of a value doesn't change in unexpected ways. A string containing only digits doesn't magically become a number, as may happen in Perl. Every change of type requires an explicit conversion.

    Why Python is loosely typed language?

    If a language is Strongly typed than it should follow some important rule that While the language is compiled or interpreted it must keep track of all the variables and constants that they are assigned to some data-type. In python programing language variables are not declared with the type of variable.

    How does Python dynamic typing work?

    The Dynamic Typing model int a = 1; int b; b = 0; On the other hand, types in Python are determined during run-time as opposed to compile-time and thus programmers are not required to declare variables before using them in the code.