annalisas là gì - Nghĩa của từ annalisas

annalisas có nghĩa là

probably one of the prettiest girls in the world. she's funny, amazing, and can hold a long relationship. she can be mean if you agravate her. they usually have an electric personality and a great zest for life. she usually have more guy friends then girls. she can cheer just about anyone up. she can be a bit emotional. she loves to show her creative side whether she knows she has it or not. she's usually a social butterfly. and you'll fall in love when your eyes meet.


Do you remember annalisa from high schoool? shes beatiful. i loved her.

annalisas có nghĩa là

A name, seemingly reserved for only the most graceful and gorgeous of girls. When imagining an Annalisa, imagine all the beguiling charm and allure granted to the goddess Aphrodite and mix it with the radiance and grandeur of every star that has ever shone and the silky, warm feeling one associates with particularly fine chocolate. Next add an ever-present smile, one that could shine amidst any crowd or be the center of attention on any stage, and a pinch of a certain finesse and poise that could rival the splendor of even the brisk dance of fall's first fallen leaf. That image, that epitome of beauty, would only be fractionally as lovely as any Annalisa out there truly is.


Her name must be Annalisa; no girl that enchantingly adorable would have a name less perfect.

annalisas có nghĩa là

a female that is a very nice,caring person and people adore her and enjoy her company
but too confused of life; which causes
hurt to others and herself;
people are offten become afraid of her


Annalisa: i love u...

Joe: i love u too...

Annalisa: i think...


Annalisa: huh???

annalisas có nghĩa là

Annalisa: ·The definition of insecurity. She's great, but won't realize that on her own... ·Seeks approval when she actually shouldn't. Because she's great, duh. ·Often times a bit of an idealist, but I think it's charming. "Why not sprinkle a little bit of razzle-dazzle to keep things interesting?" Is how she'd put it. ·Goes through so many phases it's really hard to keep up.
·She's drop dead gorgeous and uses it to her advantage. ·Has a comforting scent that can fill a whole room. (Is it citrus?)
·She has the strangest shade of brown hair, it's almost like a bronze, and the way it shines in the sun... Wow. All natural, too. ·Not only does she have beautiful hair, but she has chocolate eyes. Not the flat dull kind, but the rich and magnificent kind that melts your heart every time. It's like they're almost laced with tinged of green in a way. ·When she's angry she won't shout... She'll take on a serious, quiet, ominous tone that will frighten you more than her shouting. Annalisa is a force to be reckoned with. ·If she gave herself the chance she'd find out that she's unique. The most unique woman I've ever met, actually.


Annalisa: *completes an amazing piece of artwork* Justin: *unphased by her natural talent* Annalisa: *assumes its not good enough and discards it*

annalisas có nghĩa là

A nice person if u don't get her mad. Very pretty even tho she dosent think she is. Thick a nice but. A great sense of humor. Makes friends quick. A baddieeeee. She is a very loyal person. Gets a lot of guys but dubs most . And she is super smart.


GUY 1; Yu know that girl Annalisa she bad righttt?
Guy 2; Yea but she a dub she dubbed my shit. GUY 1;SMHHH cuz she don't really like guys like us.

annalisas có nghĩa là

A dog killing woman who with have been married twice before she can legally marry


Dude your girl is so an Annalisa you need to dump her before she ruins you.

annalisas có nghĩa là

- Tall and has a hot bod. She slim thiccc
- She has the sort of tan that most white girls can never quite get. - Shes also got these thick ass eyebrows with some insane arches that she can't fucking appreciate
- She has lots of creepy dolls on her bed and they look like chucky but somehow she sleeps with them
- Annalisa is fucking bitch who is always right. She will never accept that she is wrong, even when she knows she is, she won't say it.
- Has recently developed an obsession with her geography teacher
- But shes a bit of a rat when it comes to Paris
- Ily Johnny
- She has no clothes for some reason, except for this one shirt that she wears. But she's got loads of ugly clothes that still fit her
- Is very in ur face and loud and sometimes funny
- Likes sleeping on shitty beds when at sleepovers
- Wants to be super smart all the time but the one time she drops in her grades, she has a mental breakdown


Person: Annalisa what r u gonna wear
Annalisa: What do you think?
Annalisa: *pulls out the holy grey shirt*

annalisas có nghĩa là

All the highest abilities of all gods of every religion have been put together to create her. In her eyes all the constellations are united in unison.She can make you a prisoner at a glance. The energy that surrounds her fills the space around you and gets inside you. Her lines are the sweetest that a human being can ever see. Every subtle movement of her causes a beautiful earthquake in you. When her hair moves a shiver runs through your back. Her smell is not comparable with anyone else. Her lips are the equation of perfection. The passion she has inside is the essence of passion itself. The most well-known female idol figures are only the attempt, which came wrong, to portray her. Her skin is made of the purest silk. Her voice is the most beautiful melody ever created. Close to her you don't need food or drink. You will feel the need to contemplate. Touching her makes you realize how powerful a man can feel. She is the face of perfection, the movement of golden harmony, the synthesis of love. You want to have your cells interlinked in one stem with hers. You would close the rainbow curve to imagine it as its crown. With the line of the horizon in the sky you would make a queen bracelet. You would run fast against the avalanches and then give her the flame of the volcano. You would breathe where the abyss descends to give her all the rains in one hand. If you could sell the whole world in exchange for her true love, you would do it because there's only 1 Annalisa


I saw a star that could bend the planets. Her name is Annalisa

annalisas có nghĩa là

Graced with Gods bounty.


Annalisa's exact words after finding out what her name means." Holy shit,God is gonna kill me!"

annalisas có nghĩa là

Annalisa is a stubborn, indenial young lady that has a very fixed mindset. In order to get through to Annalisa you have to be certain that your name is Chris Hemsworth, Jason Momoa or Brad Pitt but due to her stubbornness she has yet to realise that it's never going to happen. Recently Annalisa has had an obsession with her Geography teacher and she can't be stopped. Annalisa is also certain that she never admits she is wrong especially when she's is. Careful not to insult her closet because it's a sensitive bitch. Also Annalisa is always adamant on claiming her loyalty however when it comes down to her day one besties or getting into the squad, she is certain to have a selfish moment and slide in wherever she can, even if she is deemed a rat.


*Annalisa blatantly insults someone but refuses to back down cause she can't let them see her break. THIS IS THE MARINES*
Girl: Annalisa that's so mean how could you say that?
Annalisa: Well I don't think it's mean and I'm not fucking apologising. Annalisa: Well I didn't say it like that.