Can i use python code in matlab?

Yes, that happens to me too.

If I try to run this, I get a similar message:

[status,result] = system('python');

Almost certainly, if you fired up a command prompt and ran "python", you'd get the same response.... because your path doesn't have your python app in it.


1) Find out where it's installed.

For example, on my system, python.exe is installed here:


2) So just modify your system call and add the full path, like this:

[status,result] = system('c:\apps\anaconda3\python');

This worked for me

In general terms, you can almost always solve this by opening a system command prompt and find out exactly what you have to enter at the command prompt to get everything running. That's effectively what happens when you make a system call.

If you require multiple OS commands to run at the command prompt (changing dirs, etc), then put them all into 1 batch file (.bat) and execute the batch file.

Directly call Python® functionality from MATLAB®

You can access Python libraries directly from MATLAB by adding the py. prefix to the Python name. See Access Python Modules from MATLAB - Getting Started. For example:

py.list({'This','is a','list'})      % Call built-in function list
py.textwrap.wrap('This is a string') % Call wrap function in module textwrap

You can execute Python statements in the Python interpreter directly from MATLAB using the pyrun or pyrunfile functions. For example:

pyrun("l = ['A','new','list']")  % Call list in Python interpreter

For more information, see Directly Call Python Functionality from MATLAB.

If instead you want to call MATLAB functions from Python applications, see Call MATLAB from Python for more information.


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pyenv Change default environment of Python interpreter
PythonEnvironment Python environment information

Run Python Code

pyrun Run Python statements from MATLAB
pyrunfile Run Python script file from MATLAB

Keyword Arguments

pyargs Create keyword arguments for Python function

Exception Handling

matlab.exception.PyException Capture error information for Python exception


Use Python Libraries in MATLAB

  • Access Python Modules from MATLAB - Getting Started
    How to create and use a Python object in MATLAB.
  • Configure Your System to Use Python
    How to verify you have installed a supported version of Python.
  • Call User-Defined Python Module
    Create a Python module used by examples in this documentation.
  • Understand Python Function Arguments
    Python method syntax which might be unfamiliar to MATLAB users.
  • Advanced Topics
    Code pattern differences you should be aware of.
  • Out-of-Process Execution of Python Functionality
    Execute Python scripts in processes that are separate from the MATLAB process.
  • Reload Out-of-Process Python Interpreter
    Reload out-of-process Python interpreter without restarting MATLAB.

Run Python Code from MATLAB

  • Directly Call Python Functionality from MATLAB
    Ways to call Python from MATLAB.

Passing Data

  • MATLAB to Python Data Type Mapping
    How MATLAB converts MATLAB data into compatible Python data types.
  • Access Elements in Python Container Types
    A Python container is typically a sequence type (list or tuple) or a mapping type (dict).
  • Pass Python Function to Python map Function
    This example shows how to display the length of each word in a list.


Determine if Error is Python or MATLAB Error

Tips to determine if an error originates in Python or MATLAB code.

  • Unable to resolve the name py.myfunc

Limitations to Python Support

Python features not supported in MATLAB.

Handle Python Exceptions

MATLAB catches exceptions thrown by Python and converts them into a matlab.exception.PyException object.

Troubleshooting Matrix and Numeric Argument Errors

Error might be caused by input array with more than one non-singleton dimension.

Error Converting Elements of list or tuple

How to use string and numeric converters for list and tuple types.

Call Python Function in MATLAB to Wrap Paragraph Text

Use Python language functions and modules within MATLAB. The example calls a text-formatting module from the Python standard library.

Open Live Script

Can i use python code in matlab?

Use Python Numeric Variables in MATLAB

Use Python numeric variables with MATLAB.

Open Live Script

Use Python str Variables in MATLAB

Use Python str variables with MATLAB.

Open Live Script

Use Python list Variables in MATLAB

Use Python list variables with MATLAB.

Open Live Script

Use Python tuple Variables in MATLAB

Use Python tuple variables with MATLAB.

Open Live Script

Use Python dict Variables in MATLAB

Use Python dict variables with MATLAB.

Open Live Script

How do I load Python into MATLAB?

Verify Your Configuration To check that Python is installed on your system, run Python at the operating system prompt. Add the folder that contains the Python interpreter to your path, if it is not already there. Find the path to the MATLAB folder. Start MATLAB and type matlabroot in the command window.

How does MATLAB integrate with Python?

Integrate a Python Package.
Install the compiled Python Package. ... .
In consultation with the MATLAB programmer, collect the MATLAB function signatures that comprise the services in the application..
Import the compiled Python package. ... .
Write the Python code to initialize the MATLAB Runtime, and load the MATLAB code..

Can you use Python libraries in MATLAB?

You can access all standard Python® library content from MATLAB®. Likewise, you can use functionality in third-party or user-created modules. To call Python functionality directly from MATLAB, add the py.