cheerleading là gì - Nghĩa của từ cheerleading

cheerleading có nghĩa là

Legal soft-core porn performance for horny teenagers and perv dudes at public events.


In American Beauty when Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) attend one of his daughter's cheerleading performances, he watch something that makes him come alive...

cheerleading có nghĩa là

commonly mistaken for a sport, all you need is half a brain and the ability to spread your legs on and off the field.


an airhead

cheerleading có nghĩa là

if you think this is a sport, you're an idiot. it is not a sport. cheerleading is when a group of screaming whores do cheers, moves, and lift each other up. cheerleading is so unathletic that they do a cheer for about 3 minutes and then they're done. a fat kid can run 5 minutes on a treadmill and it'd still be more athletic then cheerleading. thats how stupid and pointless it is. it is not a sport. if you're a girl, and you want to get into sports, then you should try basketball, that's a REAL SPORT. cheerleading is gay period.


"cheerleading is not a sport."

cheerleading có nghĩa là

While some bitches try to say cheerleading is a sport like Sarah and Kelly they often forget there is no point. The point of cheerleading is to cheer for another team, but now they go and do routines that have no purpose. Therefore they must rename the rutines to a new name because they are not cheering for something else. SO cheerleading also should have good looking girls which is not the case anymore. They have the fat ones lift the skinny ugly ones with fake smiles. So to all the cheerleaders out there please stop it is really gay. and to all the male cheerleaders just die


Cheerleading is really not a sport.

cheerleading có nghĩa là

Not a sport, a hobbie like Paintball racing and swimming.


cheerleading có nghĩa là

A "sport" where a bunch of sissy, slutty girls prance around trying to make the male population fall in love with them. Unfortunately, honeys, waving pom poms, doing flips, and dancing like a fool on the sidelines of football games aint a sport. Its just cheering for a team mixed with acting like a ho. Oh, and its what girls view as a ticket to popularity. But it isn't that either cuz ive seen plenty of ugly cheerleaders.

one could argue that competetive cheerleading is a sport, and that maybe I would take. But then, you have to count chess, dance, art, and a lot of other things as a sport. The truth is none of them really are sports. Cheerleaders are a bunch of wanna-be athletes.


Cheerleading is foolish crap that wastes the half time show and distracts everybody at games from what they came there for: FOOOTBALLLL!!!!!!!!!!!

cheerleading có nghĩa là

When you insist something excessively, it becomes known as cheerleading. This is because cheerleaders constantly remind us that yes, cheerleading is in fact, a sport. No matter what the occasion is, if you glance at a cheerleader she will most likely yell, "ITS A SPORT". Hence, "cheerleading" happens when something gets told over and over again, but really has no effect on anything at all.


Dave: You still dating that one chick?
Dave: Ok, ok, stop cheerleading.

cheerleading có nghĩa là

people think cheerleaders are slutty girls who like to show guys themselves. people think cheerleading is for people who cant do any sports. umm, wrong? i do gymnastics, and cheerleading. cheerleading is very hard and takes a lot of practice. girls i do cheerleading with, you'd be suprised to hear what they do. some play soccer, volleyball, even hockey... ALL SPORTS. guess what? cheerleading is too; so shut the fuck up.


girl: wow, do you see those cheerleaders? just a bunch of sluts.. guy: umm actually i used to do cheerleading. make fun of me, whatever. but its really hard. i give credit to those girls. girl: but.. guy: just stop.

cheerleading có nghĩa là

A SPORT so everyone that disagrees can shut up. Can YOU lift a 110 pound girl in the air above your head, then switch feet IN THE AIR and catch the other foot? Can you throw a girl about 20 feet in the air and then catch her? NO I didn't think so. Cheerleading takes practice and hard work and dedication. Yes it may only be 3 minutes but in that 3 minutes we do more than most of the other sports do in the whole game. We run, jump, stunt, tumble, and have to remember motions and counts. And if we get injured or anything, we ignore it and go on with what we're doing. If ANYONE in any other sport got hurt, they would stop in the middle of whatever they're doing and have the person sit out but in cheer we work through the pain because it is that important. Cheerleading is year round. We don't get an off season or whatever so we are practicing all the time. What other sport does that? NONE, except for gymnastics. We wear skirts or shorts, but it's just like basketball players wearing shorts. We wear what we wear because it makes sense with what we're doing. No sport wears jeans, long pants or anything because it would make it hard to do what you need to do. Volleyball players wear spandex and . It's not our fault we make it look easy, that's what our practices are for and thats why it's year round because we have to be PERFECT. We are catching people and so if we mess up we don't just drop some little ball, we drop a person.


boy #1: Those girls work really hard! What are they doing
boy #2: They're cheerleading! It's a really hard sport!

cheerleading có nghĩa là

A SPORT. cheerleading consists mainly of 5 elements: tumbling, stunting, jumps, dance, and how loud/affective you are to a crowd. I understand how people think that cheerleading at basketball and football games is not a sport but competitive cheerleading is a sport. my highschool cheer team is number one in state and i'm on the team with some of the most skilled gymnasts, dancers, and ATHLETES that i know. those who think that cheerleading is not a sport should try it, and then make an argument to support how it's not athletic. but to stupid guys and jealous girls, cheerleading is NOT just a bunch of slutty girls shaking their butts for attention.


sport cheerleading