Dice score in python assignment expert

Dice Score:

two friends are playing a dice game, the game is played with five six-sided dice. scores for each type of throws are mentioned below.

three 1's = 1000 points

three 6's = 600

three 5's = 500

three 4's = 400

three 3's = 300

three 2's = 200

one 1 = 100

one 5 = 50

I/p: 2

1 1 1 1 1

6 6 6 1 5

O/p: 1200


I/p: 2

2 1 5 2 2

1 1 1 2 2

O/p: 350


def count_points(score):
    points = 0
    for i in range(1, 7):
        cnt = 0
        for j in range(5):
            if str(i) == score[j]:
                cnt += 1
        if i == 1:
            if cnt > 3:
                points = points + 1000 + ((cnt - 3) * 100)
            elif cnt == 3:
                points = points + 1000
            elif cnt > 0:
                points = points + (cnt * 100)
        elif (i == 2) | (i == 3) | (i == 4) | (i == 6):
            if cnt >= 3:
                points = points + (i*100)
            if cnt > 3:
                points = points + 500 + ((cnt - 3) * 50)
            elif cnt == 3:
                points = points + 500
            elif cnt > 0:
                points = points + (cnt * 50)
    return points

sc1 = input("Input scores player 1: ").split()
sc2 = input("Input scores player 2: ").split()

print("Points player 1: " + str(count_points(sc1)))
print("Points player 2: " + str(count_points(sc2)))

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Answer to Question #327962 in Python for hari

Dice Score:

two friends are playing a dice game, the game is played with five six-sided dice. scores for each type of throws are mentioned below.

three 1's = 1000 points

three 6's = 600

three 5's = 500

three 4's = 400

three 3's = 300

three 2's = 200

one 1 = 100

one 5 = 50

I/p: 2

1 1 1 1 1

6 6 6 1 5

O/p: 1200


I/p: 2

2 1 5 2 2

1 1 1 2 2

O/p: 350


def CountPoints(score):
    points = 0
    for i in range(1, 7):
        cnt = 0
        for j in range(5):
            if str(i) == score[j]:
                cnt += 1
        if i == 1:
            if cnt > 3:
                points =  points + 1000 + ((cnt - 3) * 100)
            elif cnt == 3:
                points =  points + 1000
            elif cnt > 0:
                points = points + (cnt * 100)
        elif (i == 2) | (i == 3) | (i == 4) | (i == 6):
            if cnt >= 3:
                points =  points + (i*100)
            if cnt > 3:
                points =  points + 500 + ((cnt - 3) * 50)
            elif cnt == 3:
                points =  points + 500
            elif cnt > 0:
                points = points + (cnt * 50)    
    return points

sc1 = input("Input scores player 1: ").split()
sc2 = input("Input scores player 2: ").split()

print("Points player 1: "+ str(CountPoints(sc1)))
print("Points player 2: "+ str(CountPoints(sc2)))

Learn more about our help with Assignments: Python

  • Please do this in Python Programming and provide Screenshots
  • The output should be exact same like in the examples.
  • If the output in the example is in 2 decimals, then it should be like that. 

1c - Othello 1

Othello, is a 2-player deterministic (no use of dice), perfect information (no information only known to one of the players) board game, similar to chess or go.

The goal of this assignment is to give some information about the outcome once an Othello game has finished. This information is obtained by two measurements:

  • The percentage of black pieces of all the pieces on the board.
  • The percentage of the board that is covered in black pieces.

The Othello board measures eight squares by eight squares, making the total number of squares sixty-four.

Write a program that takes the number of white pieces followed by the number of black pieces as input. Print the two percentages as output.

Enter the number of white pieces on the board: 34
Enter the number of black pieces on the board: 23
The percentage of black pieces on the board is: 35.94%
The percentage of black pieces of all the pieces on the board is: 40.35%

Put your program in othello_1.py . Make sure you print the last two lines exactly (including the semicolon :) as above, or the auto-test will complain.

1d - Electronics

The electrics company 'The Battered Battery' is nearly bankrupt. To avoid total disaster, the marketing branch has come up with a special sale to attract more customers. Whenever a customer buys three products, he or she receives a 15% discount on the most expensive product. Write a program that takes the prices of three products as input and prints the discount and final price as output.

Remember that the goal of making the assignments in this chapter is to practice the use of if-statements. Therefore, do not use the built-in function max or a sorting function in this assignment.


Enter the price of the first article: 200
Enter the price of the second article: 50
Enter the price of the third article: 25
Discount: 30.00
Total: 245.00

Put your program in electronics.py