Does not contain in python

The problem isn't your use of not, it's that or doesn't mean what you think it does (and if you think it through, it couldn't):

if not ("StatusRequest" or "StatusResponse") in line:

You're asking whether the expression ("StatusRequest" or "StatusResponse") appears in line. But that expression is just the same thing as "StatusRequest".

Put it in English: you're not trying to say "if neither of these is in line". Python doesn't have a neither/none function, but it does have an any function, so you can do this:

if not any(value in line for value in ("StatusRequest", "StatusResponse")):

This isn't quite as nice as English; in English, you can just say "if none of the values 'StatusRequest' and 'StatusResponse' are in line", but in Python, you have to say "if none of the values coming up are in line, for values 'StatusRequest' and 'StatusResponse'".

Or, maybe more simply in this case:

if "StatusRequest" not in line and "StatusResponse" not in line:

(Also, notice that you can use not in, instead of using in and then negating the whole thing.)

You are here: Home / Python / Check if String Does Not Contain Substring in Python

In Python, we can easily check if a string does not contains a substring using the in operator and not operator.

string = "Hello"

if "z" not in string:
    print("z not in string")
    print("z in string")

z not in string

When working with strings, it can be useful to know if a substring is contained in a string variable.

You can check if a string does not contain easily in Python.

To check if a string does not contain a particular substring, you can use the in operator and not operator.

Below is a simple example showing you how to check if a string does not contain another string in Python.

string = "Hello"

if "z" not in string:
    print("z not in string")
    print("z in string")

z not in string

Checking to See if a String Doesn’t Have Vowels in Python

You can check if a string doesn’t contain any vowels easily in Python.

To do so, you can use a loop and check if any vowel is contained in the string.

If none of the vowels are in the string, then you can conclude there are no vowels in the string.

Below is a simple example of how to check if a string has no vowels in Python.

string = "ccctttrrry"

def doesNotContainsVowels(s):
    string = string.lower()
    contains = False
    for char in string:
        if char in "aeiou":
           contains = True
    return contains



Hopefully this article has been useful for you to check if a string does not contain another string using Python.

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Does not contain in python

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String manipulation is a common task in any programming language. Python provides two common ways to check if a string contains another string.

Python check if string contains another string

Python string supports in operator. So we can use it to check if a string is part of another string or not. The in operator syntax is:

sub in str

It returns True if “sub” string is part of “str”, otherwise it returns False. Let’s look at some examples of using in operator in Python.

str1 = 'I love Python Programming'

str2 = 'Python'

str3 = 'Java'

print(f'"{str1}" contains "{str2}" = {str2 in str1}')
print(f'"{str1}" contains "{str2.lower()}" = {str2.lower() in str1}')
print(f'"{str1}" contains "{str3}" = {str3 in str1}')

if str2 in str1:
    print(f'"{str1}" contains "{str2}"')
    print(f'"{str1}" does not contain "{str2}"')


"I love Python Programming" contains "Python" = True
"I love Python Programming" contains "python" = False
"I love Python Programming" contains "Java" = False
"I love Python Programming" contains "Python"

Does not contain in python

If you are not familiar with f-prefixed strings in Python, it’s a new way for string formatting introduced in Python 3.6. You can read more about it at f-strings in Python.

When we use in operator, internally it calls __contains__() function. We can use this function directly too, however it’s recommended to use in operator for readability purposes.

s = 'abc'

print('s contains a =', s.__contains__('a'))
print('s contains A =', s.__contains__('A'))
print('s contains X =', s.__contains__('X'))


s contains a = True
s contains A = False
s contains X = False

Using find() to check if a string contains another substring

We can also use string find() function to check if string contains a substring or not. This function returns the first index position where substring is found, else returns -1.

str1 = 'I love Python Programming'

str2 = 'Python'

str3 = 'Java'

index = str1.find(str2)
if index != -1:
    print(f'"{str1}" contains "{str2}"')
    print(f'"{str1}" does not contain "{str2}"')

index = str1.find(str3)
if index != -1:
    print(f'"{str1}" contains "{str3}"')
    print(f'"{str1}" does not contain "{str3}"')


"I love Python Programming" contains "Python"
"I love Python Programming" does not contain "Java"

Does not contain in python

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What is __ contains __ in Python?

Python string __contains__() is an instance method and returns boolean value True or False depending on whether the string object contains the specified string object or not. Note that the Python string contains() method is case sensitive.

How do you check if a string does not contain a character Python?

Using Python's "in" operator The simplest and fastest way to check whether a string contains a substring or not in Python is the "in" operator . This operator returns true if the string contains the characters, otherwise, it returns false .

Is there a Contains function in Python?

contains() function is used to test if pattern or regex is contained within a string of a Series or Index. The function returns boolean Series or Index based on whether a given pattern or regex is contained within a string of a Series or Index.

What is the opposite of Contains in Python?

If you are testing just for membership, i.e. does a list of values exist anywhere in the array then use isin this will also return a boolean series where matches are found, to invert the array use ~ .