filipinoness là gì - Nghĩa của từ filipinoness

filipinoness có nghĩa là

The Mexicans of Asia. end.


Guy1: Hey, are you Mexican?
Guy2: No, I'm Filipino.

filipinoness có nghĩa là

This is another response to qiuwtp...

Filipinos are amazing people. My girlfriend is Filipino. They have ridiculously delicious food, even though alot of it is really unhealthy. Their language [Tagalog] is one of the more interesting Asian languages, and I am currently trying to learn it. They are good people with good morals. If Filipinos like you, they like you like family. Unconditional love and very caring. English with a Filipino accent is so cool to listen to. Filipinos are beautiful people, generally having dark hair, large foreheads that symbolize great intelligence and personality, very angular and refined features with high cheek bones. I have a Filipina aunt who is smart, funny, and very nice [traits shared by most Filipinos]


Lumpia and Pancit bihon are amazing Filipino foods.

Filipinos are kind and accepting.

Tagalog is a language that rivals my own native language of Greek.

Greeks love Filipinos, because both races are hella awesome

filipinoness có nghĩa là

Ok. This is my reply to quiwtp's post for Filipinos. Too clarify, seriously Filipinos are NOTHING like that one kids definition.

Living with a house full of them, here's my opinion.

1.]Filipinos are NOT lazy. They work harder being in a 3 world country, than any of us fat ass Americans. : And they only reason that kid thinks it takes too long to get anything done is simply they probably just don't want to work with them.

2.]Filipinos don't think ALL foreigners are rich, just Americans. But then again in a 3rd world country, who doesn't think that?!

3.]Their language isn't annoying. English is annoying. Come on people it's everywhere! Tagalog is just a harsher language but hey, there's nothing like it.

4.]Filipino women are not desperate to marry foreigners. Those my friends are a little something we call "gold diggers." Every country has 'em.

5.]Okay, I have to admit, they're pretty prideful. They kind of do think they're better than a lot of other countries.

6.]They're not kids. They just want to have fun. Here in America we work till we die, there motto is somewhat like the "Live free die young" saying. Sorry he has to be too stuck-up to appreciate some real fun.

7.]Their UP is just one if the things they seem to show off more, it's not a big deal, get that stick out of your ass.

8.]How are you going to put THEY ARE SHORT.

Of course they are, they're Asian you ignorant pig.

9.]They are noisy? No. Like I said earlier, their language is just harsher.

10.]Filipinos, like you just put a few points ago, are too proud. So how can you put that they're wanna-be Americans? They're too proud. And the only reason they want their kids in the States, is because America is a land of opportunity,

11.]Once again, you ignorant pig, English is widely spoken and has been for awhile. If you took your head out of your ass you would know that almost every language uses a few English words now and then.

12.]I don't really care what you say about their diet.

13.]The rest is basically gibberish. You are a racist bastard whose words only mean as much on the internet.


Filipinos are from the Phillipines. The End.

filipinoness có nghĩa là

The Filipinos or the Filipino people are the native inhabitants and citizens of the Republic of the Philippines located in Southeast Asia. The term Filipino [feminine: Filipina] may also refer to people of Philippine descent. Filipinos are culturally diverse Asians. Once enslaved by the Spaniards ... they finally were out of the Spaniard grasp on June 12,1898. Sold to the US for $20 mil. they were then released and a war was born against America and their Filipinos.. after which they fought side by side they began to come to a compromise.
-They were the first Asian ethnicity to reach North America. Due to the Spanish Galleon TRADE.
-Second Largest Asian ethnicity in the US.
-CREATED the YoYo which was originally a weapon.
-CREATED the landrover of which we used to travel the moon.
-CREATED the fluorescent lights above your heads.
-CREATED the HackySack.


Filipinos are ASIAN, dumbass. Philippines is part of southeast asia homie. XD if we were pacific islanders we`d be like hawaiian or some part of america. if we arent considered southeast asian.. then why bother that japanese be asian too? cmon filipinos carry blood of hawaiians, spanish, chinese, japanese, and whatever else there is out there. "Philippines is a member of ASEAN, the Association of SOUTHEAST ASIAN Nations. The cultural links with Malaysia, Indonesia and neighboring SE Asian nations is undisputed." "Tagalog is very closely related to languages of countries which are in Southeast Asia, namely Malaysian and Indonesian, and there are many cultural similarities between the three nations despite the Catholic/Spanish overlay influence in the Philippines and the Muslim influence in M'sia and Indonesia. Not to mention that the Philippines is a member of ASEAN, the "Association of SOUTHEAST ASIAN Nations."

filipinoness có nghĩa là

A unisex term referring to a person or persons of ethnic descent originating from the Republic of the Philippines.

Pilipino refers to a person born in the Philippines. Filipino refers to a person not born in the Philippines, but of Philippine ethnicity.

This delineation is due to the fact that there is no phonetic equivalent of the letter 'F' in any of the Philippine Islands’ indigenous languages. Spaniards who named the Philippine Islands after King Phillip II [Las Islas Filipinas] had such a sound in their language. The closest phonetic sound inhabitants in the Philippines could use was ‘P.’

Hence, people Philippine-born refer to themselves as Pilipino [they even write it as ‘Pilipino’], while those born outside the Philippines [e.g. the United States] refer to themselves as Filipino [or Filipino-American in the above case].



Example 1:
My dad was born in the Philippines; he’s Pilipino. I was born in Rampart, California; I’m Filipino-American.

Example 2:

Person 1: What’s your nationality?
Person 2: Full-Blooded American.
Person 1: No, where’re you from?
Person 2: West Covina, California.
Person 1: No, I mean, where’re your parents from?
Person 2: Oh – the Philippines.
Person 1: Oh so they’re Filipino.
Person 2: No, They’re Pilipino.
Person 1: That’s what I said: Filipino.
Person 2: No, my parents are Pilipino. And I’m Filipino-American.
Person 1: …?

filipinoness có nghĩa là

The Filipinos or the Filipino people are the native inhabitants and citizens of the Republic of the Philippines located in Southeast Asia. The term Filipino [feminine: Filipina] may also refer to people of Philippine descent. Filipinos are culturally diverse Asians. Once enslaved by the Spaniards ... they finally were out of the Spaniard grasp on June 12,1898. Sold to the US for $20 mil. they were then released and a war was born against America and their Filipinos.. after which they fought side by side they began to come to a compromise.
-They were the first Asian ethnicity to reach North America. Due to the Spanish Galleon TRADE.
-Second Largest Asian ethnicity in the US.
-CREATED the YoYo which was originally a weapon.
-CREATED the landrover of which we used to travel the moon.
-CREATED the fluorescent lights above your heads.
-CREATED the HackySack.


Filipinos are ASIAN, dumbass. Philippines is part of southeast asia homie. XD if we were pacific islanders we`d be like hawaiian or some part of america. if we arent considered southeast asian.. then why bother that japanese be asian too? cmon filipinos carry blood of hawaiians, spanish, chinese, japanese, and whatever else there is out there. "Philippines is a member of ASEAN, the Association of SOUTHEAST ASIAN Nations. The cultural links with Malaysia, Indonesia and neighboring SE Asian nations is undisputed." "Tagalog is very closely related to languages of countries which are in Southeast Asia, namely Malaysian and Indonesian, and there are many cultural similarities between the three nations despite the Catholic/Spanish overlay influence in the Philippines and the Muslim influence in M'sia and Indonesia. Not to mention that the Philippines is a member of ASEAN, the "Association of SOUTHEAST ASIAN Nations."

filipinoness có nghĩa là

They actually like Americans...sometimes a bit too much [slightly sycophantic]. Filipinos are gentle often passive. They MUST eat rice with everything; it's like oxygen to them. They're full of D-R-A-M-A. They love singing, many are talented. Although development is lacking they are culturally more in tune with westerners than most other Asian nations. Filipinas are the most beautiful and loving females in the long as you treat them right. Filipinos love facebook, forums, chatrooms and taking photos.They complain about their corrupt government but don't do anything about it. They cling to any famous Filipino or half Filipino that has ever lived or achieved something in which they can claim pride on behalf of the Filipino nation. Manny Pacquiao is current flavor of the month. They have a lot of potential but unfortunately due to their passive nature they have been exploited by other nations and sucked dry by corrupt politicians. Many uneducated Filipino women with no dignity are exploited in the sex industry by perveted foreigners who exchange wealth for favors. Filipinos are greatly misunderstood but they are a great people and should not be mistreated. They are usually either hard-working or lazy, they support each other. Filipinos are generous others are greedy. They like salty food and sweet food. Many are non-practicing Catholics. Many filipinos love computer games, TV, music and basketball. Filipinos strive for something better. They make great friends.


Filipinos are interesting and exciting people with many qualities good and bad.

filipinoness có nghĩa là

Filipinos are a generally very friendly and hospitable people who are also sometimes misunderstood. Sure, they have hardships, and they may be a third world country, but why hate on them for that? It is not like they wanted their nation to be this way........ If only you get to know them and maybe even sympathize with what they go through, you may realize that they are a very nice people who are always willing to support and care for you. [I live close to many Filipinos, all of whom are very close friend to me, I see so many hate posts about them these days though...its just sad]


Man, I am so glad for those Filipino doctors. They are always willing to stay and care to the patients while everyone else is already going home. I dont know why some people show racism to the Filipinos. Most of them are really fun-loving and so very hospitable. The Filipinos held this big cultural celebration the other day, and they just invited us, even if we were'nt Filipino. We were able to get a lot of good food and they really treated us like family. I saw that picture of a Filipino family, the one where they were standing in front of a crowded house in the sweltering heat. I just felt such sympathy. I don't know why people could be so heartless to still hate on them when the evidence of their hardships are everywhere. Just please stop the hatred.

filipinoness có nghĩa là

1. A person whose ancestry/ethnic origin is from the Philippine Islands.


I am a Filipina who was born in America and is fluent in English and Tagalog.

filipinoness có nghĩa là

1. [Noun] The answer to everything.
2. [adjective/noun] a word used to describe the awesomeness of a Filipino person
3. [Verb] an action performed by a Filipino descendant or an admirer of Filipinos that usually describes spicing up the truth


1. 2 plus 2 equals filipinoness./
2. You are the fiipinoness./You are filipinoness.
3. Jordan filipinoness her story of her moving to the U.S.

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