Good eye touch là gì

English Idioms & Sayings

22 Thành Ngữ Tiếng Anh Có Liên Quan Đến Từ EYE [Mắt]

Apple of Someones Eye = Cục cưng của ai đó [người thân hoặc món đồ cưng]
  • Linda is the apple of her fathers eye.
  • My iPhone 7 is the apple of my eye.
Birds-eye View = tầm nhìn bao quát
  • His birds-eye view of the market will help us beat our competitors.
  • The hotel provides a lovely birds-eye view over th
Bloodshot eyes = mắt đỏ ngầu vì bị bụi hoặc vì say rượu hoặc vì thiếu ngủ
  • His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep.
Catch Someones Eye = bắt gặp ánh mắt ai đó, làm ai đó phải chú ý
  • I caught the waitpersons eye. Hell be with us shortly.
  • That house on Elm street certainly caught my eye. Should we talk a look inside.
Cry Ones Eyes Out = khóc sưng cả mắt
  • I think you just need to cry your eyes out to get it all out of your system.
  • Marias crying her eyes out. I wonder what happened?
Eagle Eye: con mắt tinh tường [quan sát tốt và giỏi phát hiện chi tiết hoặc sai sót]
  • Show it to the editor. She has an eagle eye and will catch any mistake.
  • Luckily Toms eagle eye saw the discounted sweater I was looking for.
Eye-candy = một người hoặc một vật trông rất bắt mắt
  • That car is an eye-candy.
  • That girl is an eye-candy.
Feast Ones Eyes on Something = nhìn cho đã mắt [món đồ quý]
  • Feast your eyes on my new watch. Isnt it beautiful?!
  • I cant stop feasting my eyes on my new car.
Get a Black Eye = [nghĩa đen] bị bầm mắt [nghĩa bóng: bị thua tơi tả]
  • I got a black eye when I bumped into the door.
  • I guess we got a black eye trying to compete with that big corporation.
Get some shut-eye = đi ngủ
  • Its time for me to get some shut-eye.
Get Stars in Ones Eyes = trầm trồ ngưỡng mộ, thần tượng ai đó hoặc bị ám ảnh muốn trở thành ngôi sao
  • Ever since Janet got the lead role in the high school play, shes got stars in her eyes.
  • Just because you are handsome doesnt mean you need to get stars in your eyes.
Give Someone the Eye = Nhìn ai bằng ánh mắt chê trách
  • The teacher was giving me the eye during the test. I guess he thought I might cheat.
  • Dont give me the eye! Youre the one who caused this mess.
Have Eyes Bigger than Your Stomach = Mắt to hơn bụng
  • Little children tend to have eyes bigger than their stomachs.
  • I remember one crazy night when my best friend had eyes bigger than his stomach. He ordered more than six different meals!
Have Eyes in the Back of Ones Head = có gắn thêm con mắt sau lưng [cái gì cũng thấy]
  • My mom had eyes in the back of her head. I never got away with anything.
  • Do you have eyes in the back of your head? How did you notice that?
[Have/Keep Someones] Eyes Wide Open = Mắt mở to [vì ngạc nhiên hoặc sợ hãi hoặc giận dữ]
  • He had his eyes wide open.
Hit the Bulls-eye = bắn trúng hồng tâm [chạm mục tiêu]
  • I think we hit the bulls-eye with our new product line.
  • Youve hit the bulls-eye by getting that job.
In the Public Eye = luôn bị dư luận soi xét
  • Youll be in the public eye if you take that job.
  • Hollywood actors are all in the pubic eye.
Keep Ones Eye on the Ball = tập trung vào công việc
  • You need to keep your eye on the ball no matter how long it takes to succeed.
  • His ability to keep his eye on the ball assured his eventual success.
See eye to eye = có cùng quan điểm
  • He and I dont always see eye to eye.
To eyeball someone = trợn mắt đe dọa ai
  • That bully eyeballs everyone like he wants to pick a fight. [Thằng đó ỷ to con ăn hiếp người khác gặp ai cũng trợn mắt với người ta như thể muốn đánh nhau.]
Turn a Blind Eye to Someone or Something = mắt nhắm mắt mở cho qua, bỏ qua
  • Just turn a blind eye to Ted. Hell never change.
  • Im going to turn a blind eye to that problem for the moment.
Without Batting an Eye = một cách tỉnh bơ, không hề chớp mắt [xem là chuyện nhỏ]
  • He purchased the $2 million home without batting an eye.
  • John made the decision without batting an eye.

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